With my current situation and health/financial problems I have decided that only normal option for me is hanging myself. I have already bough a rope, it is 4m long polypropylen rope with 1,2cm thickness (or diameter or gauge I dont know specific word for this you get the point) There was two options coreless and with core, its basically the same but that one with core maintain its round shape so I did chose this one. I already tried using slip knot on my neck and I was about to pass out so I stoped, but it was just with hand, it was really without pain which really made me feel calm about CTB myself.
I am thinking about two methods.
1. Full Suspension
Currently I can use my bed by lifting it vertically and it will be 2m long so I can probably hang myself with full suspension, bed is made with pure wood so it will probably hold myself I am only around 60kg and 174cm high that wont be a problem, but there is side effect and its a compressing of the trachea (windpipe) and I am thinking if I will be able to withstand this unpleasant feeling/ or maybe pain. You can try yourself when you press it hard enough it will be very unpleasant, thats why I am thinking about second option.
2. Partial Suspension
I can also use my bed to CTB myself with partial, like this dude used it here (warning actuall photo of CTB person) -
or I can use it this way, but I really dont know what types of knot did she used -
here (same warning)
What I wanna help with is which of the methods is best ? I think first option is more reliable but it is not that "comfortable" as second two options could be,
also I am thinking that better one of that second two options is by the way girl did it and thats probably most "comfortable" from all of them, but there is problem with knots and reliability, there is probably risk that I can turn myself on the belly and somehow survive ?
I dont know how much body moves and tries to help itself when I will be unconscious if its only twitching then thats probably good.
I dont have any other options, I can not use door nor wardrobe bar (I dont have it) I have iron weights I used to train with when I was healthy. Can I use them somehow? Thanks for any advice. Would really appreciate types of knots girl used.