

Tired and in pain
Aug 19, 2024
I've probably attempted to ctb more than 20 times, of which two were really serious. The first time I put my head into a noose was probably at the age of 13 or 14. A few times I tried to strangle myself with a scarf or a pantyhose, but that was rather just to try out. At 15 I almost died of partial hanging but was found, already unconscious, by my father. Two years ago I tried full suspension when I was drunk, and I managed to abort that attempt due to pain and panic
None, and jealous of people who have the guts
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thinking about it
Feb 6, 2023
Zero serious attempts.

I did partial hanging twice until limbs went cold and numb, stood on a 14-story ledge and bought SN (got caught the same day and committed to a psych ward).

Still have suicidal thoughts every day, it's been almost two years of not feeling anything good. Felt sad and depressed most of my life.


One more opportunity for somebody to love
Aug 19, 2023
Honestly I can't even count anymore, I wouldn't consider alot of my attempts real life threatening attempts persay, but they still count to me personally just because of the fact I was trying to end my life (even if they definitely wouldn't work out)