I've been reading through the posts in this thread, and it's really interesting to see the different opinions people have on the topic of males vs females finding company. If I may post my own thoughts, I think finding company as a woman is equally as difficult as it would be for a man, just for different reasons.
You have to be extra careful who you're interacting with as a woman, for you never really know what the other person's intentions are. It could be anything from them just wanting sex, to something a lot more sinister, and so you really can't just take any company you're offered, even if you're desperately lonely. You may think it's not common, but it's something that's actively on many women's minds as they're looking for companionship. Finding someone who will spend time with you, who also has good intentions, is harder than it might seem at first. So you can't always get company just because you want it as a woman, because it may genuinely put you in danger to do so, or at the very least put you into an extremely uncomfortable situation that might feel even worse than the loneliness.
Not that I'm saying women have it harder, I know men also find it difficult for many different reasons to find company. But suggesting women have it easier, and can easily get company if they really wanted it, is a little ignorant imo. I hope nobody takes any offence to this, just wanted to share my opinion. I know loneliness is very painful, and I'm sorry it's something so many of us have to experience. Sending hugs to everyone here!