- Apr 2, 2020
- 2,402
Thanks for answering about if you've known anyone like you described. There's nothing to argue anything about it, as you stated you're pro-choice and don't take personal issue with it, so neither will I struggle with anything about it.
I want to pick this apart a little bit, not pick you apart. Some things are troubling me.
Yes, I see that abortion is treated by many as trivial in Western culture. It's no longer something new, it's been available for over 40 years. Kind of like how the Internet and social media have always been around for many adults and are taken for granted as the norm, as opposed to those who are older and remember a world without it.
I was not aware there was a subculture.
What I'm uncomfortable with here is what's hiding behind the demonization of Lena Dunham and the radical feminists. I dislike Lena Dunham. I might dislike the rhetoric of the subculture you're talking about. But I get the uncomfortable feeling of a new iteration of the old blame of an inherently wicked and stupid Eve for all of man's sins and humankind's punishments. I sense lurking in the background a patriarchal establishment that doesn't have a pill for men to screw with their hormones and bodies. They can stick their junk wherever, and both parties can complain about the discomfort and desensitization of condoms, but the men have no burden to carry, that women have always had to carry. They can always stick their junk somewhere and get off scott free if they so choose. They get hated on for that, too, and I admit, sometimes experience consequences for trying to get off without consequence, it's an oversimplification to believe all of them can. But getting someone else pregnant does not permanently change nor potentially destroy their bodies; for those ten months of pregnancy, they experience zero physical effects. Anyhow, I just sense some demonizing here, not by you but, as before, from a discourse, and I don't see that there's ever been real motivation for men to say, "Fuck that, I don't want to trust someone else to take a pill, give me one so I can take responsbility for my own self-determination and freedom to enjoy sex without the risk of unwanted parenthood." Women always end up being painted the whore for being on the pill, the evil murderess for having an abortion, and the devil in the form of a woman for celebrating getting off scott free herself from her body being an incubator. I'm not saying I agree with the latter, I have discomfort, I just sense a strong imbalance and a paternlistic social dominance hovering in the background, and women taking on more of a social and moral burden than is accurate.
I respect you and I like reading your posts on many different subjects, but I do not want to delve further into debate about gender differences. Yes, nature and biology intended that women carry the burden of having to bear the consequences of sexual encounters with men. Men don't have to bear direct consequences of impregnating someone because they do not have to carry the fetus. I do not know where you live, but women being painted "the whore for being on the pill, the evil murderess for having an abortion, and the devil in the form of a woman for celebrating getting off scott free herself from her body being an incubator" is common in Christian conservative circles, the general attitude in the Western media and pop culture is completely opposite of what you are claiming here.
I am not "demonizing" Lena Dunham or radical feminists, but I find something abhorrent in the attitude "I wish I had an abortion, because abortions are empowering".
A blastocyst is growing fast before implantation and often has something like 80 cells. Differentiation has begun. One could argue, using your line, that both men and women shouldn't take using hormonal contraception so lightly or be proud of having sex using it. I don't say I agree or disagree with your position but it's good to examine our judgements carefully
Again, I am not making a moral judgement. Differentiation has gone full swing by the time a woman decides to have an abortion and medical intervention is required to remove the fetus. I am talking about the level of invasiveness of the method and its impact on the woman's body. Choosing a lesser evil.