
Apr 23, 2020
That's horrible. Hemlock is hell. :ohhhh:
Well, I imagine it to be hemlock, due to the story of Socrates, who drank hemlock to CTB as part of his death sentence. They didn't show what was in the cup the Home (assisted suicide clinic) worker handed to the one of the main characters. I highly doubt it was SN mixed with vodka, or something.


Now I will destroy the whole world
Jul 10, 2020
give us space to talk about being suicidal without fear of being institutionalized. I'm afraid to say anything to anyone because "what if they call the cops"
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Nov 20, 2018
Healthcare costs in the U.S. are ridiculous. They definitely should lower them down or at least have UBH like in Canada and other countries. That's also one of the reasons why people are afraid to get help too. Do one bad thing and have an ambulance get called on you....BAM $1000+

Adding more stress to on top of whatever already is.
This. Mediocre treatment would put me thousands in debt. Then I would just feel guilty and it would make things worse. What's the point?
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Mar 31, 2020
I think better and more affordable mental health care services would help a lot of people regain their footing
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I tried
Feb 29, 2020
I don't know. There is no way society can really help me. Whatever I'm dealing with is so deep inside my head it's impossible to get any help. Some people can't be helped. I see people here mentioning better mental health services. Fuck that, that will never work on me. Unless they gave me a drug that makes me happy 24/7.

The only way to help is make euthanasia available for anyone who asks for it. Maybe with a waiting period of 1 year so you have time to think it over.
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New Member
Jul 23, 2020
Healthcare costs in the U.S. are ridiculous. They definitely should lower them down or at least have UBH like in Canada and other countries. That's also one of the reasons why people are afraid to get help too. Do one bad thing and have an ambulance get called on you....BAM $1000+

Adding more stress to on top of whatever already is.

Canada is probably a lot better than the U.S. in that regard, yet it still can happen that you get stiffed with medical bills. Something like if you're high on drugs and the cops get called, because someone you were talking to on the phone mistakes your words for being something else entirely. I had to pay around 1500$ for a 15 minute ride to the hospital, for services I didn't want. I don't think my situation was normal though, as I may have forgotten to show them my provincial health card. I was really high on PCP, so I don't remember.

I just wanted to go riding my new skateboard, and was agoraphobic at the time so I didn't get to leave the flat I was renting for about a month except while on benzos to go get groceries, so I said "I can't do it", and that somehow got misinterpreted as meaning I was about to commit suicide. I was severely anxious and depressed, yet wouldn't of contemplated suicide as I had my cat to care for. Now I don't have that purpose in life anymore, so the authorities did some time travelling that night I guess, he he.
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Jul 22, 2020
Please stay away from these suicide hotlines. I tried them do many times, they read from scripts and think it's the individual is the problem, not the system!!!
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May 13, 2020
People should make the world a better place to live in, that would prevent people from getting tired of life in the first place. Most people that kill themselves do so because of their surroundings, not because they are inherently ill. In a fucked up world you just have no reason to live.
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May 7, 2020
In the US we'd have to start with the healthcare system and how unaffordable it is in general along with how limited a lot of resources are.
Then there is the school and resources offered to therapists and psychiatrists. Suicide isn't thoroughly gone through in school for them.
Then there's the entire process of being hospitalized that is more likely to cause trauma if not additional stress at the very least. For me it took me away from the little support I had, made me feel further alone while also feeling more like a burden and adding additional weight to depression and anxiety and finally creating trauma.
If you're going to try to put people in a safer environment it should also be one that doesn't create fear. The places should have a program aimed at suicidal people not just separating them by age. The place I went to was heavily geared towards addicts. Those of us there for suicidal reasons felt it was of no use. It should be a place that feels freer, and safe especially for those that have a difficult home situation. It shouldn't make us feel more alone, or ashamed of the state we're in.

Finally, there's destigmatizing mental health and suicide. With suicide, the first step would be to allow old people regardless of stage in illness to have the choice to be euthanized. Also to allow inmates to be euthanized by choice, if someone is in there for life without parole knowing they'll die in prison they should be allowed to choose to die sooner because our prison system is a whole other ordeal and rarely actually makes it so criminals are less likely to do crime or be able to be a contributing member of society.
After this, I think they would finally be able to start creating a process for those of us without physical terminal illnesses to choose to be euthanized by going through thorough treatment and make sure this is the right choice for them.

I think once we get there people will actually feel a lot safer talking about suicide knowing they have a choice and that there are options to choose help without being submerged into medical bills, traumatized by hospitalization, and no other way of escaping an awful situation. It would help determine if the person just needs more options for help and the difference from those that really do attempt as a cry for help or in the midst of a short term problem. But shows that people want to die for different reasons and that those stated by suicide hotlines don't apply to everyone.
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Red Dog

Jul 22, 2020
That's horrible. Hemlock is hell. :ohhhh:
Socrates chose hemlock above other poisons....it starts from the feet and paralyses the body on the way up... but that's only what I've read....I'm working on yew tree leaves at the moment-about to make my second batch. I need 210 Grams min...
so tired or manic

so tired or manic

Jun 12, 2020
Please stay away from these suicide hotlines. I tried them do many times, they read from scripts and think it's the individual is the problem, not the system!!!

yes. this. nothing makes you feel more human than being checked down a list.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
What does "helping" someone who is suicidal mean - helping them heal or helping them die?

If I had a way of having all of my issues dealt with and be able to bear going through it and come out at the end of this miracle therapy able to face the world and carry on, I would. But healthcare isn't set up for this. Life gets in the way and, for me, my trauma gets in the way of life. If full euthanasia were available I probably would take it. Here, Canada has just made it legal but it is still a very rare and controversial occurrence.

So this site is my best "help." :hug:
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
The entire mental health system needs to be revised. The DSM needs to be scrapped - all it does it label people with a disorder because they are unable to conform to what society deems as "normal" and "proper". It shuns people for being different and not functioning in the wreck this society is. Instead of expecting people to change, maybe we should expect society to change.
Excellent response. I do agree that over the last decades or so, the DSM has just gotten out of control, trying to pathologize every single thing that doesn't fit what society thinks is acceptable and appropriate and further alienates said person. I fully agree with your last sentence there, instead of forcing people to conform to what is a broken and screwed up society, society should question itself and perhaps change as to alleviate some of the problems that cause people to become suicidal in the first place.
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Jul 26, 2020
The values of the society would have to change for the better but so far that's not looking very attainable or even possible (how do you enforce "being nice"). The short time I've been on here I see more honest discussion than I, and probably most people, have been able to have with anyone in a position to help. Whether that's training, indifference, drug companies, etc I don't know. Often times just hanging out with a friend can be enough to plow through the day. I started reading a book (got sidetracked by another) that talked about drugs and community which had some points that were "bingo!" moments for me. I doubt many docs have read it though.
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Jul 10, 2019
Theres so many reasons why someone would want to commit suicide: economic instability, inability to escape a bad situation, abuse, health problems, chronic pain, mental illness. Realistically, some of these things cant be fixed even with modern technology and the help of experts, which is why most of us are here. Unless we could design perfect conditions in the world suffering will continue to exist, and in turn, suicide. If there could be anything to "cure" suicidal people, we probably wouldnt see it until probably the next 200+ years, when medical technology can manufacture "happiness" and "purpose" in the human psyche artificially. For now we have therapy and medication, which for some works, but for others is practically like using a bandaid to cover up a gaping wound.
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Nov 2, 2019
I've actually watched a video a long time ago (maybe on Youtube) about this specific topic. They spoke of a man in a village who was a farmer in Africa. One day, he was in an accident and he lost his legs I think. Subsequently, he couldn't farm anymore and he became depressed and suicidal. Normally, in the Western society, they would of "fixed him" by giving him some pills and a psychiatrist. Instead, the whole village came together to help this man. I don't remember exactly how, but they changed the environment around him. He was given a purpose and was able to do something else. Villagers would come in and speak to this man to keep him company. He became happy and wasn't suicidal anymore.

In some ways, my answer is similar to @Zappfe lover. Having all those things is a good foundation so a person has their basic necessities covered. However, even with those things, they don't cover things like having a purpose in life, having company, and being appreciated. I think this is why its so hard to cure suicidal people. Psychiatrist can't prescribe for people to care about you. They can't order people to become your friends and give you support. "Curing" someone involves solving someone's whole external life outside of an office. There is just no way a government can fix that. It involves having a completely different society that we have today. This is why I believe some people who have more than average lifestyles, like a wife, kids, job, money, house, and friends have suicidal thoughts. No one can be "given" a purpose in life.

That's why I think we can't ultimately help suicidal people. We can try, but its ultimately up to the person on how they feel their quality of life is.
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Oct 26, 2019
- Prison abolition
- Youth enfranchisement
- Rifle training for all psychiatric survivors
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Feb 14, 2019
A lot of this applies to USA and I know it's not complete solutions but it could make people's life situations better or tolerable.

- Access to free healthcare (not expensive insurance tied to employment)..it's bs mine and many peooles options in the USA if I need medical care are go in debt, suffer or die
- A livable wage where the person can live independently and afford, housing, car food and all necessary life expenses
- safe affordable housing with caps on maximum amount that can be charged for rent or payments
- a guaranteed job for everyone. Bring back jobs instead of automating them aeay...and none of this "you need 5 years experience plus a master's degree" to do a job a monkey could do. Also having to know people or have "connections" just to get work is absurd
- the ability to be upfront and honest with Drs and therapists about our feelings without fear of psychiatric prision

All these things for me personally would go a long way to help fix life instead of expensive therapy and meds that don't work and I can't afford.
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Jul 22, 2020
Psychiatrist can't prescribe for people to care about you. They can't order people to become your friends and give you support. "Curing" someone involves solving someone's whole external life outside of an office. There is just no way a government can fix that. It involves having a completely different society that we have today. This is why I believe some people who have more than average lifestyles, like a wife, kids, job, money, house, and friends have suicidal thoughts. No one can be "given" a purpose in life.
Very well said!!!


Jul 25, 2020
For starters if the ignorant shits who peddle these evil pills actually admitted they cause brain damage or the side effects cause suicidal thoughts, strange I have read a lot on suicide cases of young, middle aged and the elderly and I came across a site which listed 100's of people taking there own life's and what drugs they were on and a brief description of the case, I tried to find it but it seems to have gone now. The shocking thing I noticed was so many were on antidepressants for depression but what they failed to mention was suicidal thoughts is listed as a side effect, strange that they blamed depression and not a mention the pills have side effects which cause suicidal thoughts.

I have given my psychiatrist and consultant the results of me being on 2mg risperidone for 6 months I got severe side effects and I said I would stop they tried to make me stay on them for good after one year I stopped myself and over one year clean of all drugs I haven't recovered it has destroyed my life I said to them I'm brain damaged and they keep saying we think you have depression, I said I'm not down or unhappy I just have no will power or motivation it's like my brain has switched off I don't have the motivation to wash or brush my teeth i get out of bed and walk into the living room and watch TV and surf the internet

I contacted him about one month ago and a follow up two weeks ago and said OK if I have depression what anti dreppressants would you advise and he bloody blanked me and the information I gave them has gone no further as they have known the side effects for 20 years as there are books written by doctors confirming what I have written.


I absolutely agree with everything you've just said Geo. I've been on various different antipsychotics over the years. Currently I'm on Olanzipine and sodium valporate but ive been on respiridone, aripriprizole and quitiapine. The side effects from those medications have been awful. One of them made me put on 30kg in two mnths. When I've said that I'm not taking them any longer I get threatened with compulsory treatment orders. How is that going to help? So they would rather me get sick from all the terrible physical side effects of these drugs. My memory is so bad now and I find it difficult to express my thoughts as they seem confused sometimes. That never happened until I started on these drugs. Perhaps if people in Mental Health took these matters seriously there might be fewer people looking at suicide as a way out of feeling this way.
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Mar 18, 2020
Kill them with guns. Instant and painless most of the time
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Dead girl walking

Dead girl walking

It was never good.
May 26, 2020
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen

The majority of us are here because we want to leave this horrible place called Earth. The help for suicidal people is subpar. It is basic advice that isn't applicable for everybody's situation eg someone trying to die because they got diagnosed with throat cancer vs someone dying because because their partner broke up with them ( not saying their reason isn't valid, I'm just saying they are quite different) .

I feel like nearly everyone here have received ''help'' but that help wasn't very helpful. It was just expensive medication and therapy. Nothing that could solve their problems. We have been through it all and some of us got abandoned from family and friends when they found out about us. They treated us different.

What can we do to actually help suicidal people because there is so much ignorance, misinformation and stigma around it.

I'll start by saying this, more people would get help if they didn't fear of being locked up in a mental hospital for feeling suicidal.

Please post an idea below that can actually help suicidal people. (If there are ways, I know not everybody can be saved but I'm sure there can be hope for someone) I'm not trying to be a pro-lifer or anything just a discussion.

Thank you
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
just having the 'option' would allow people who otherwise may have decided to give up on life to soldier on and continue,
That is exactly true. It removes the panic at having no control over a terrible death in a hospital, helpless and suffering in agony.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I've actually watched a video a long time ago (maybe on Youtube) about this specific topic. They spoke of a man in a village who was a farmer in Africa. One day, he was in an accident and he lost his legs I think. Subsequently, he couldn't farm anymore and he became depressed and suicidal. Normally, in the Western society, they would of "fixed him" by giving him some pills and a psychiatrist. Instead, the whole village came together to help this man. I don't remember exactly how, but they changed the environment around him. He was given a purpose and was able to do something else. Villagers would come in and speak to this man to keep him company. He became happy and wasn't suicidal anymore.

In some ways, my answer is similar to @Zappfe lover. Having all those things is a good foundation so a person has their basic necessities covered. However, even with those things, they don't cover things like having a purpose in life, having company, and being appreciated. I think this is why its so hard to cure suicidal people. Psychiatrist can't prescribe for people to care about you. They can't order people to become your friends and give you support. "Curing" someone involves solving someone's whole external life outside of an office. There is just no way a government can fix that. It involves having a completely different society that we have today. This is why I believe some people who have more than average lifestyles, like a wife, kids, job, money, house, and friends have suicidal thoughts. No one can be "given" a purpose in life.

That's why I think we can't ultimately help suicidal people. We can try, but its ultimately up to the person on how they feel their quality of life is.
I agree with you that a "purpose in life" is a big driving factor. It was in my earlier days to an extent. It would certainly help many people who decides they have no purpose and want to die. One exception though is that people who wish to die for philosophical reasons (not as common as most suicidal people), myself included, wouldn't benefit from having a "purpose in life" if life itself is suffering. I know some people would say then "make your purpose to better the world around you" and sure, that may be an altruistic endeavor, but people shouldn't be forced to playing the altruistic hero role in this world (unless they so choose to).

- Prison abolition
- Youth enfranchisement
- Rifle training for all psychiatric survivors
I wouldn't fully rid the prison system, it is still a necessary evil for really bad people, actual criminals and people who actually hurt others. But yes, in general, most people in prison are those who commit harmless crimes like drug related offenses, petty crimes, and other things that don't directly harm others. Certainly including the youth to give them purpose and a sense of belonging is a good push in the right direction. As for the last one, I'm a bit lost on what you mean.

A lot of this applies to USA and I know it's not complete solutions but it could make people's life situations better or tolerable.

- Access to free healthcare (not expensive insurance tied to employment)..it's bs mine and many peooles options in the USA if I need medical care are go in debt, suffer or die
- A livable wage where the person can live independently and afford, housing, car food and all necessary life expenses
- safe affordable housing with caps on maximum amount that can be charged for rent or payments
- a guaranteed job for everyone. Bring back jobs instead of automating them aeay...and none of this "you need 5 years experience plus a master's degree" to do a job a monkey could do. Also having to know people or have "connections" just to get work is absurd
- the ability to be upfront and honest with Drs and therapists about our feelings without fear of psychiatric prision

All these things for me personally would go a long way to help fix life instead of expensive therapy and meds that don't work and I can't afford.
Very good points, and the last point is paramount as that would allow more patients to not only seek help, but also be more transparent and honest, without deception and always having to be on guard. I don't know if the psychiatric industry and current mental health system will change to allow that to happen, but it would be a good start in the right direction to do so.

I absolutely agree with everything you've just said Geo. I've been on various different antipsychotics over the years. Currently I'm on Olanzipine and sodium valporate but ive been on respiridone, aripriprizole and quitiapine. The side effects from those medications have been awful. One of them made me put on 30kg in two mnths. When I've said that I'm not taking them any longer I get threatened with compulsory treatment orders. How is that going to help? So they would rather me get sick from all the terrible physical side effects of these drugs. My memory is so bad now and I find it difficult to express my thoughts as they seem confused sometimes. That never happened until I started on these drugs. Perhaps if people in Mental Health took these matters seriously there might be fewer people looking at suicide as a way out of feeling this way.
I'm sorry your experience is bad, and yes, if these 'professionals' took the patient more seriously, loosen up on the threat of treatment and incarceration, and started to take things more at face value and less gaslighting & shaming, then yes, there will be more people who would voluntarily seek help on their own.

That is exactly true. It removes the panic at having no control over a terrible death in a hospital, helpless and suffering in agony.
Thanks and true.
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Oct 26, 2019
Firearms training for survivors of psychiatric assault


Jun 11, 2020
What's your definition of suicidal people? Anyone who makes a post on the internet saying "I want to die"?

Who is "we"? One as individual? The government?

You can sell legal suicide kits like that old lady. Point them to the resources on this forum to help with the ctb method


Im on the edge of reality
May 10, 2020
Thats a really complex question.
One can be depressed due to some situation going on in his life, if he gets proper treatment I guess he can be saved, as long as the things he worries about are shallow. Also having someone to be there for you like family and friends is always helpful, sometimes its the very answer instead of pills and therapy.

But of course there's some things in life that, no matter how much money you have nothing can solve them. You can take as much medicine as you wish but it wont let you fix your pronlems or feelings and especially when you dont have anyone there to be by your side. Some problems are just unfixable, and they will remain like that. Life doesnt give fruits to everyone. Money doesnt buy you happiness. life isnt fair. We are all victims in here.

But I feel like there are so many ways to help someone other than the trditional medical assistance and therapy groups (if they can be helped still)
One needs love, friends, a real way to solve his issues, something that will make him believe in life again, something that you are willing to wake up for everyday. When you dont have that, you basically got nothing. Most people here have nothing to live for due to insufficient sources of happiness like mentioned already. Thus I understand why so many people here feel like cbt is their only way in life. But I guess once the problem can be fixed and one can go back to living life as he should, he is saved. And that is not for everyone unfortunayely. Thats why so many countries have to improve their mental health care services and facilities. Not let go of anyone who is willing to fight for his life at any cost. And who knows then. But again if youre happy with your decision to go..its just unstoppable at times. You need to catch this at time otherwise..this shit is like cancer.
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Im on the edge of reality
May 10, 2020
It takes some real understanding of what lots of people are going through. In the end no one should make the decision of suicide or not except each living person for themselves. Some might be helped in some ways and change their minds, for others who are not so lucky there is nothing that will help.

I dislike that huge message I see sometimes on the internet that says HELP IS AVAILABLE with that 800 number since it's a lie, at least for me. I've called that number and had them hang up on me when I described my problems recently.
Those stupid hot lines services are a real burden. Its purposeless. What can that old lady tell me over the phone thats gonna fix me? Anyways. One way or another we all gonna die. Question is when. If you've made it till the end, good for you. If you didnt get what you wished for, maybe its better to exit soon. That's one definition for 'life'.
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