hmm, are you sure? ive just been searching clinical studies and found im within the threshold for a lethal dose. thats mainly just my hopes though. what's your experience with DPH?
The clinical studies I've read all list DPH toxicity levels at certain dosages and the likelihood of developing certain symptoms based on past cases. I've read research articles looking into previous overdoses that led to death as well, and in all of those cases, the dosages were vastly different.
There are plenty of threads on this forum itself of people who have attempted using this method, and how horrible the experience was. DPH at its core is an antihistamine.
With very high dosages, the toxicity can kill you from cardiac arrest but it's very uncommon. The more common symptoms are usually mild-moderately severe and even with alcohol potentiating it, can take a very long time. The overall experience within that time frame is horrible as many have noted. Psychosis and tachycardia in particular can drive you nuts, not to mention the risk of seizure means that there's a fairly good chance of permanent damage.
I think whichever studies you're looking at are mostly based on retroactive accounts of people who died from an overdose. They list nothing about the experience itself leading up to then and most importantly, they fail to take into account the various nuances between the different accounts such as metabolism rate, previous diet, tolerance etc. They also don't take into account if other medications were used alongside it. Your body weight isn't the sole determinant of whether the overdose would be fatal. I can't in any world see how this method could be even the least bit reliable without the use of benzos and an antiemetic at the least.
Read some of the previous discussions on this matter. The overall idea behind why this method isn't recommended isn't based on whether you could die from it or not. It's because of how unreliable it is.
I’ve been looking into more affordable options for CBT and I found Benadryl can cause death especially if I take it in an insanely high dose like 6000mg or 8000mg. I’m aware most suicide methods rarely cause death and I understand most every method has a risk of brain damage. I don’t want...