Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 40,972
Human existence is the most terrible, cruel mistake to me.
It truly is, I see human existence as the most terrible, cruel mistake that just causes endless amounts of suffering, personally I'd never wish for the torment of being conscious rather I just wish for nothingness. I just find it deeply undesirable to exist in general, to me existence is such a futile and torturous burden and what I find so horrific is how humans cannot just choose to be euthanised to escape from all this even know this existence was imposed in the first place.
To me existence truly serves no function but to cause and bring suffering all for the sake of it, I just don't see any value in human existence rather I see it as a mistake I'd always prefer to avoid, I'm so tired of being burdened with this existence and I'll always feel so tired no matter what, only non-existence is what I hope for, non-existence is always preferable for me, I personally see death as always preferable than the terrible cruelty and futility of existence. I'd prefer to die than prolong this suffering just to end up way more tormented, death is always preferable for me as after all there are no disadvantages to being permanently unaware for all eternity yet there is no limit as to how torturous this existence can get and I see it as all so futile anyway.
It's just suffering all for the sake of it and I just find it so cruel and horrible how I cannot just have a death like never waking again even know I never would have chose this existence and never would do under any circumstances, existence itself is the true problem to me that only ceasing to exist can take away, to be conscious and aware in this existence is something so dreadful and painful to me, I'll suffer as long as I exist.
It truly is, I see human existence as the most terrible, cruel mistake that just causes endless amounts of suffering, personally I'd never wish for the torment of being conscious rather I just wish for nothingness. I just find it deeply undesirable to exist in general, to me existence is such a futile and torturous burden and what I find so horrific is how humans cannot just choose to be euthanised to escape from all this even know this existence was imposed in the first place.
To me existence truly serves no function but to cause and bring suffering all for the sake of it, I just don't see any value in human existence rather I see it as a mistake I'd always prefer to avoid, I'm so tired of being burdened with this existence and I'll always feel so tired no matter what, only non-existence is what I hope for, non-existence is always preferable for me, I personally see death as always preferable than the terrible cruelty and futility of existence. I'd prefer to die than prolong this suffering just to end up way more tormented, death is always preferable for me as after all there are no disadvantages to being permanently unaware for all eternity yet there is no limit as to how torturous this existence can get and I see it as all so futile anyway.
It's just suffering all for the sake of it and I just find it so cruel and horrible how I cannot just have a death like never waking again even know I never would have chose this existence and never would do under any circumstances, existence itself is the true problem to me that only ceasing to exist can take away, to be conscious and aware in this existence is something so dreadful and painful to me, I'll suffer as long as I exist.