Prolifers , news organizations,governments and others are making this person go out into the desert and die of thirst and other horrors, tortured to death
It's horrible beyond imagination that pro-lifers, the news organizations, governments etc. are torturing people like you extremely .
Nembutal or assisted suicide should be available to all for a low cost as it was before they made it illegal and a crime.
Since you feel you must go as many of do and many of us don't even have a choice there should be choices for you to go painlessly , quickly , guranteed as in Nembutal or assisted suicide.
Trust me pain is bad. for example extreme thirst can be very very bad constant torture. If you can find an easier way.
If you can find a less painful way than what you are planning to die of thirst in the desert then do it. That's extreme torture.
I mean there are no words to describe how bad that pain and others can be none
I keep posting that people don't know how bad pain is . And they don't because the human brain is so weak you can't recreate that sensation from memory.
The human brain and memory is crap . A guy who wrote the book Sentience also said that the memory of the sensation is gone immediately after feeling it, something like pain.
It's not cause i read that book i think this . I thought this by myself the book just confirmed my belief
Human memory is nothing. a human can't even remember a 10 digit phone number unless a lot lot of work.
It's an illusion . no one remembers the people or what they were wearing any time they went to the store last year or last months.
The story of a quest to uncover the evolutionary history of consciousness from a leading theoretical psychologist.We feel, therefore we are. Conscious sensations ground our sense of self. They are crucial to our idea of ourselves as psychic beings: present, existent, and...