Black Rose Bunny

Black Rose Bunny

I’m having simpsons of mental illness
Jan 29, 2020
I wouldn't kill myself solely for revenge, and I don't want anyone to have to live with the full guilt of indirectly killing someone for the rest of their life. But at the same time when I do ctb I hope people will think about the things they've done and said that have helped push me to do this.
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"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
Not in that context but I've thought of how I could use my suicide as a means of leaving a mental mark on those who've been responsible for my suffering. There's a couple of offices that are partly responsible for my suffering but it would mean hanging around ensuring there are no regular people going about their day. I've considered cutting my throat and jumping on some evil bastard covering them in blood, vomit, Urine why they struggle to lift me off and exit. But these people would probably enjoy that so i soon threw that idea away.

I think ctb to get to your be family is an unfortunate juvenile action... If you could see the bigger picture youd see that in the end you have people who will actually care if you die and you subconsciously know this hence the idea. Alot of us don't have that luxury of anyone giving a shit about us.

And I feel sorry for people who ctb to try and get to a partner who's mistreated them in some way... Because it's got to be a very high percentage don't even care your gone or they've played a part...
They only care if you have family or friends that end up blaming them socially as a consequence.
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on the moon
Feb 23, 2020
I wouldn't kill myself solely for revenge, and I don't want anyone to have to live with the full guilt of indirectly killing someone for the rest of their life. But at the same time when I do ctb I hope people will think about the things they've done and said that have helped push me to do this.

this completely. it's not my main reason by any means, but i'd hope that it would make certain people consider how their actions affect others.

wishful thinking though, because those certain people have no empathy or compassion to begin with so it likely wouldn't make a difference.
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Thinking Beyond

Thinking Beyond

Mar 27, 2020
i dont personally, i just remember a friend of mine saying that. where someone pisses you off so much that you want to kill yourself to show them. i sorta get the mindset, sorta dont.
anyone experience the feeling?
Revenge isn't a valid reason to ctb. Why? Because that derision comes from a limited mindset.
Edit: there's plenty of reasons to ctb. Revenge isn't one of them.
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a nightmare dressed like a daydream
May 28, 2019
I want the person who drove me into this know that they alone are the reason why I ended me. They built me up, raised me, gave me hopes and dreams, just to leave me behind shattered and with nothing else to live for.
So yes, I do seek revenge and my death will rightfully haunt them for the rest of their lives.
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Mar 23, 2018
I want the person who drove me into this know that they alone are the reason why I ended me. They built me up, raised me, gave me hopes and dreams, just to leave me behind shattered and with nothing else to live for.
So yes, I do seek revenge and my death will rightfully haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Not knowing the person who did this to you, I don't know how they will react. It might affect them for awhile but if they were able to do what they did to you ... they may not even care. I personally don't think someone should end their life for revenge but I haven't been through what you have. :hug:
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I used to think this until I realized that no one would actually care either way. They might virtue signal for about a week at best.
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a nightmare dressed like a daydream
May 28, 2019
Not knowing the person who did this to you, I don't know how they will react. It might affect them for awhile but if they were able to do what they did to you ... they may not even care. I personally don't think someone should end their life for revenge but I haven't been through what you have. :hug:

Even though that person lied to me and betrayed me I still think they care for me. I plan on going in August on their birthday. If they still care for me, my death will surely haunt them for years.
And if they really don't care for me anymore I guess my death will be the perfect birthday gift for them knowing I will never ever annoy them or anyone else anymore.
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sugar, spice…
Aug 31, 2019
Even though that person lied to me and betrayed me I still think they care for me. I plan on going in August on their birthday. If they still care for me, my death will surely haunt them for years.
And if they really don't care for me anymore I guess my death will be the perfect birthday gift for them knowing I will never ever annoy them or anyone else anymore.
i dont know your story or if im sounding a little preachy

but is that really what your heart wants to do? just a question,,,
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Deleted member 19276

Jun 28, 2020
Perhaps sometimes - Yeah. A big last " proof " from me that sometimes not everyone can be saved and that some people are better off dead. I've had mostly fantasies of doing it with the revenge scenario however, while in reality, I highly doubt anyone would really think much of it.
Maybe it's a feeling of wanting something to change and a way to show the bad people out there - Hey, this is what you did to me, this is the final result. A product of your harassment and abuse. Of course knowing today's world, no one really gets the point, even when someone has CTB already.
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Apr 15, 2021
I have this fantasy about how I would CTB and I would like to make it mean something . . .
. . . and there is more than a hint of revenge to the fantasy as well . . .

Last year I suffered a 75% rupture of my Achilles tendon. That happened toward the end of August. My insurance company said I could not see a physical therapist until mid October, they were just too busy until then. Latest research says that getting into therapy very quickly afterward would be my very best chance of recovery. I was in pain, really needing the help, and was expected to just wait over 6 weeks.
In early September, I appealed their decision to make me wait and they sent me back a letter saying that they would take around 90 days to consider my request.
I am appealing for quick treatment, and they want to think about that for 90 days. Those twisted rat bastards.

Even with the insurance, I couldn't afford MRIs or a specialist, so I'm only asking for some PT here. Their own physical therapist ordered an immediate 12 week therapy plan, but they still said no.
They finally allowed me 3 visits - 30 minutes each - for a total of 90 minutes of rehab. That is all I got for a ruptured tendon.

Now, over 8 months later I still can't walk and it still hurts. I used to ride a motorcycle. I used to walk the dog. I used to grocery shop without having to drive one of those little carts around the store. I roller skated and rode a unicycle. Now I struggle to get up and down the 3 flights of stairs to get in and out of my apartment.
My insurance company purposefully neglected me and took away what little quality of life I had - while causing me months (years?) of unnecessary pain.

Since they saved so much money by neglecting me, I would like to cost them a lot. I fantasize about CTB in the middle of their lobby in the messiest way possible. It would require some sort of magic to do, because I don't want to physically harm people or even damage the building. I would just like to paint the whole place in my blood and mushed up organs. I want it to traumatize every executive in the place. I imagine that they can't even evacuate the building without walking every one of those bastards right through a bloody mess of my mangled entrails. What money they saved on the physical therapy they refused me would look completely insignificant compared to what they would have to spend on the cleaning bill. I imagine those pasty fucks losing their trendy lunches all over their five hundred dollar suits. I imagine they'll need therapy afterward, but they'll have to wait six weeks and only get 3, 30 minute visits. I want a couple of the old farts to have heart attacks from it, and be told to go home and wait 6 weeks for treatment.

My real hope is that I could draw attention to how they do business and save others from being crippled like I was. I want to hurt their bottom line, hurt their business, hurt their reputation, hurt everything about them, and make the building itself into a horrible reminder of what medical abuse does to people. Since it's a fantasy, I can even imagine them changing the way they do business and actually giving a shit in the future.

I wanted to CTB anyway, if I could also harm a corrupt company in the process - bonus points.

If they could scoop up enough of me to bury, I would want my headstone to have their slogan:

Kaiser Permanente WA
The Evergreen State of Health
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
I'm shameful to say this, but yes, before. There's just this irrational part of brain that feels joy while imagining people who have wronged me, finally realize the gravity of their actions. But suicide should be something I do for myself, not because of others.

Now that I think about it, My flair did carry that kind of emotion. I was angry and wanted to inflict a permanent stain. What more heavier act can you do rather than suicide?

At this point I just want to stop the suffering. Thinking about those people is just a waste of time tbh. But i'll never forget that time that I've experienced such raw anger.
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Apr 5, 2020
Yes, but more revenge against the universe than any person specficially. But, there are certain individuals which I hope to impact and make them reflect a little. Still, my main motivation is personal, just to escape hell in my life, and not about others.
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Mare Imbrium

Mare Imbrium

Killing yourself to live.
Dec 10, 2020
No, because the persons which brought me to this point would laugh and be happy about my suicide
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
CTB is revenge against being brought into this life without choice I guess. But no, ctb would always be for my own purposes, to free myself from my suffering. If someone kills themselves as revenge, they won't be here to see how their death would affect other people which is the whole point of revenge in a way, its emotional satisfaction.
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Dec 26, 2020
This is me. I want to get back at so many people. To show them and make them live with the guilt of having abused me. I am doing this as it is not fair I am living a horrible life while the get away Scott free. I want my suicide to hurt them in some way
I want the person who drove me into this know that they alone are the reason why I ended me. They built me up, raised me, gave me hopes and dreams, just to leave me behind shattered and with nothing else to live for.
So yes, I do seek revenge and my death will rightfully haunt them for the rest of their lives.
I wish I did this when I was younger. My mom fucked me up and I wish I killed myself as a way to escape her, make her happy (she wanted me dead) and to get revenge. Sadly she is dead but still died peacefully. Hell if she is looking at me from some universe above I'd still kill myself just to give her satisfaction
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
I used to, but deep down inside I knew that kinda revenge isn't effective; it's more like giving up.


Aug 18, 2020
My parents abused me as a child but I don't see my suicide as a revenge. If they were really bad people they would not care about my suicide. And I know they would be heartbroken. However I cannot really take that into account or rather I don't want to due to the abuse.


Dec 26, 2020
I guess this is where I differ from most. My suicide is pure revenge full force


Aug 18, 2020
I guess this is where I differ from most. My suicide is pure revenge full force
In my opinion the problem with that is my bullies would not give a shit about my suicide. I rather fear they would make jokes...
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Dec 26, 2020
In my opinion the problem with that is my bullies would not give a shit about my suicide. I rather fear they would make jokes...
Thats understandable. When I think about revenge suicide (or revengicide as I call it) it comes from force/desperation. I never felt I had a voice. Even today I still do not. Talking about my pain did nothing and nobody cared about me. So, suicide becomes my "voice"
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Lost all hope
Sep 30, 2020
Most people probably wouldn't give a shit if I was dead anyway, easier for everyone to blame it on drugs and mental health so they feel better about themselves... but my dad has definitely been a major contributor to my poor mental health, and continues to be to this day.

Having said that, I don't think I would kill myself for revenge, but I would want people to know that their actions contributed.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
I would be lying if I were to say that I have not thought of revenge when I take my own life. But I inevitably come around to the point that if I do kill myself out of revenge, who would this hurt the most?


Certainly not those who have harmed me - seems to me that if they cared in the first place they would not have harmed me to begin with and it is doubtful (at least in my life), that my death will be anything other than a hiccup in their self-oriented lives.

So ultimately, while it has occurred to me, it would be futile, for people who have harmed me don't care... and revenge will only work on someone who actually cares (IMO).
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₊✩‧₊ ˃ᴗ˂
May 16, 2021
yes, 10000% yes.
with my current friends, it feels like i'm going through mental illness olympics with them, so i want to ctb just so they realize that they should've supported me instead of trying to 1-up me all the fucking time.
with my family, my parents refused (my dad still does to this day :3) to believe mental illness and neurodiversity were a thing so my teen years were pure hell, and my child years were even worse because my parents thought physical abuse was good discipline (and like 90% of the time it wasn't even for "discipline"). when i ctb it'll make them realize that they must've done something wrong in their parenting.
but that's just a theory-
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