Passive (natural) death could be quite a way away, although I still can't imagine making very old bones. CTB though? Also uncertain- waiting for my Dad to go first. Then- it will have to be up to me as to how much I want it.
I don't really see suicide as waiting to catch a bus though- it's more like ringing for a taxi. Sadly- it takes effort to leave this life. Just as it does to live it. In both circumstances it means taking practical action towards a goal. I don't think passively waiting for things to happen usually works- in either case. Obviously- that's easier for some people rather than others- depending on their financial and living situations. It's by no means 'easy' for anyone I would say though. We all take the risk of police checks/ being conned/ obtaining something that isn't exactly ideal to begin with. It's a risk.
I guess some people are waiting for the time to feel right though. That makes sense- it's a big decision. I think it's important to feel very comfortable with it. I feel like I am comfortable with it but I'm sure that could well change if I actually made an attempt.