

I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Not the burden of your death. but the burden of existing in a world void of your life.
This is narcissism. I know my husband will be sad after I'm gone, but I'm not taking him with me. That would be insane.

Also, this post isn't deep, it's actually very cringe.
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Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
Oof, I'm sorry but I have to disagree. I might catch some flack for this, but I believe that if you're contemplating CTB you already have some sort of mental health issue. It's not fair to drag others who may not have that issue down with you.

A lot of people may experience grief or depression after someone close to them ctbs. That's only natural. But a lot of them are able to overcome or manage whatever mental health issue the trauma triggers in time.

People who are looking to ctb have an unresolved mental health issue. I'm not saying that they haven't tried to treat it or they haven't exhausted their treatment options, it's just that they're obviously not well and suffering from something. It's not fair to drag otherwise 'healthy people' with you because a lot of folks are able to overcome trauma and get better. You need to give them the autonomy and chance to do that.
What you call mental health issues I call opened eyes. I leave space for being incorrect but people who come to the conclusion that CTB is the answer are rarely super dumb individuals. It takes a certain level of reasoning and deduction to come to the conclusion that self minus life equals peace. A lot of people commenting want to CTB because they know the truth. They know life sucks. Yet some how can lie to themselves just enough to hold some sort of reservation about the lives of others. We are doomed. You're not special. Your kids aren't special... at least not to society. I can't wrap my head around the contradicting prospective. I'm start to feel like im sounding like a religious fanatic. I know my way is the right way. I must save who I can. but not really. This was me saying I understand those people. Not that I am one myself. I mean I could be... but I doubt it.
This is narcissism. I know my husband will be sad after I'm gone, but I'm not taking him with me. That would be insane.

Also, this post isn't deep, it's actually very cringe.
Sounds like you wouldn't even ask him if he wanted to join you or even tell him...
yet someone is supposed to take you seriously? Okie dokie.
Please find where anyone said this post was deep. Good luck.
Thanks for contributing and yet not contributing.
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Nov 24, 2023
It's not an illness. It's a condition of thought and/or experience. The term "illness" is given by those that want to believe there is a cure other than the obvious. (Death)
The opposite of this "illness" is living a dellusion that there is a purpose to your life and that you even matter in the grand scheme. We are grains of sand of a beach.
I feel like I see it as I know something that they don't know or have the capacity to understood so will pretend that this is not reality? I'd already be in ctb mode so it's already not likely that my thought will change. If you view ctb as the ultimate freedom and rest from this world and you would deprive them of that and sacrifce them to this illusion then that's your choice. but it is not righteous or moral. Don't get it twisted.
I'm just going to say this... and I'm sorry for how I word it, but only a worthless person would kill their family.
I get your logic, and I'm not shooting down your ideas down because I disagree with it. I am disagreeing with you because IF suicide has ANY value...
Then life itself is a CHOICE. No one is forcing you to decide to live or die. So how dare anyone force that onto anyone else.

As for us all being grains of sands on a beach... so what if we are? Is our value to "god" or other people really so damn important?
You decide who you are. And if you don't have the balls to stick up for yourself and flip off all the people who put you down,
then how is suicide still freedom? Those who would trade any amount of their freedom for security deserve neither.
And if you're here, why are you here? There's more to your story, and you are correct in thinking that ONLY YOU have the right to decide how it ends.
But please don't pervert the ideal of death by forcing it on anyone else.

It's an individual choice.
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Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
If this was how you felt then WHY bring them into this world to begin with? People like you make me sick. I'm sorry but I have to block you for my own sake and sanity. but before I do I want you to do them and yourself a favor. If you're honestly considering going through with this--just leave them. Get a divorce. Trust me, they'll be way better off then having a father who considers taking the lives of his OWN CHILDREN and their mother as doing them a favor.

I'm going to assume you are just triggered because what you're saying doesn't align with what I said this post was about. I never said I would do this. I said I could understand and have a hard time judging someone who did.

Life is unpredictable. The majority of kids born can be catagorized as accidents (happy or otherwise) but even this is a cope out because the real way to not risk having kids is to never ever have sex right? And who is doing that? Counterceptives fail and condoms break. So that's not even a right frame to view that situation. The point is you had them and they now exist.

I will forgive your defensive attacks and thank you for participating.
I'm just going to say this... and I'm sorry for how I word it, but only a worthless person would kill their family.
I get your logic, and I'm not shooting down your ideas down because I disagree with it. I am disagreeing with you because IF suicide has ANY value...
Then life itself is a CHOICE. No one is forcing you to decide to live or die. So how dare anyone force that onto anyone else.

As for us all being grains of sands on a beach... so what if we are? Is our value to "god" or other people really so damn important?
You decide who you are. And if you don't have the balls to stick up for yourself and flip off all the people who put you down,
then how is suicide still freedom? Those who would trade any amount of their freedom for security deserve neither.
And if you're here, why are you here? There's more to your story, and you are correct in thinking that ONLY YOU have the right to decide how it ends.
But please don't pervert the ideal of death by forcing it on anyone else.

It's an individual choice.
Disagree. There is a level of mercy that you're completely disregarding.
Your opinion of their worth would have little to do with this choice.
Your whole premise is incorrect. Life is absolutely not a choice LOL
Proof? I was never consulted about being born. Where you? Let me know.
Life is forced upon you. Death is either a choice you make or something completely out of your hands. This is not about the opinions of others. It's about the reality of life and the knowledge that existence as it stands is this pointless struggle from A to B with more hardships than good points. If you hold the good points over the bad times then you've succeeded in remaining in the delusion and death will come when it comes. If you put the bad times over the good times then you will seek death and take it into your own hands.

Sounds like you think death is some deep romantic activity...
It's a fact of life regardless of what meaning you try to give it or how you feel about it.

If it's an individual choice then so is bringing them with you. So that cancels itself out imo.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I'm going to assume you are just triggered because what you're saying doesn't align with what I said this post was about. I never said I would do this. I said I could understand and have a hard time judging someone who did.

Life is unpredictable. The majority of kids born can be catagorized as accidents (happy or otherwise) but even this is a cope out because the real way to not risk having kids is to never ever have sex right? And who is doing that? Counterceptives fail and condoms break. So that's not even a right frame to view that situation. The point is you had them and they now exist.

I will forgive your defensive attacks and thank you for participating.
I am glad you are not going to do this. Trust me I understand some of your points, we are all hypocrites as humans. We could eat meat one day and next day cry about "love" and how unfair life is. But you don't have to take your own kids lives even if they are going to struggle through life, no need to hurt them at least, not directly. Let them live and decide for themselves later.

You already brought them to this life without their consent, no need to decide for them again by taking their lives.

And condoms break is really not an excuse for people bringing others to this world. Sex is not oxygen and unless it is rape I don't see any valid excuse. At least you as someone who thinks killing is an empathy should understand the best option would be not reproducing.
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Oct 30, 2023
What you call mental health issues I call opened eyes. I leave space for being incorrect but people who come to the conclusion that CTB is the answer are rarely super dumb individuals. It takes a certain level of reasoning and deduction to come to the conclusion that self minus life equals peace. A lot of people commenting want to CTB because they know the truth. They know life sucks. Yet some how can lie to themselves just enough to hold some sort of reservation about the lives of others. We are doomed. You're not special. Your kids aren't special... at least not to society. I can't wrap my head around the contradicting prospective. I'm start to feel like im sounding like a religious fanatic. I know my way is the right way. I must save who I can. but not really. This was me saying I understand those people. Not that I am one myself. I mean I could be... but I doubt it.

I disagree that those who come to the conclusion of ctb are somehow more enlightened individuals or that they know something others don't. Let's just put it this way. If I had better coping mechanisms or was better able to adapt to the trauma that life inevitably throws, I wouldn't be contemplating ctb, but because I am convinced that there is some biological malfunction within me and there are too many things about my external circumstances that I can't change (and this is probably a form of mental illness, I won't deny it, and it's okay), I've come to the conclusion that ctb might be the best option for me.

Most of the time someone contemplates ctb it is because there is some mental illness happening, be it depression or whatever else I won't speculate. It colors their perspective on the circumstances of their life. It's not because they're an enlightened nihilist who has realized the absurdity of life. I mean maybe that's the case for some folks, but I really believe majority of folks contemplating ctb aren't doing so because of some grand philosophical reason, it's more likely because there are circumstances in their lives they can no longer accept and deem ctb to be a more valuable choice. It's a choice based on some concrete individualistic reason and not because some grand philosophical idea. And get this: you don't need some grand philosophical idea to justify whatever individual reason you have for ctbing.

Some people are better able to adapt to their circumstances and are more receptive to mental health treatment. I happen to not be one of those individuals. I'm also not gonna pretend to have a very deep or intellectual reason to ctb (and that's ok too). For me, it's just that my life sucks, the conditions are not bearable, so I'm gonna ctb. I'm not gonna pretend like I know the answers to life, and I'm certainly not going to judge whose life is worth living or not.
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Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
I am glad you are not going to do this. Trust me I understand some of your points, we are all hypocrites as humans. We could eat meat one day and next day cry about "love" and how unfair life is. But you don't have to take your own kids lives even if they are going to struggle through life, no need to hurt them at least, not directly. Let them live and decide for themselves later.

You already brought them to this life without their consent, no need to decide for them again by taking their lives.

And condoms break is really not an excuse for people bringing others to this world. Sex is not oxygen and unless it is rape I don't see any valid excuse. At least you as someone who thinks killing is an empathy should understand the best option would be not reproducing.

Personally, I would put everything I had into preserving the lives of my family. I just have a hard time faulting a person who would reach the breaking point and come to the conclusion that they don't want their kids and wife to have to suffer without them. Especially if they're already in the CTB state of mind which is that death is preferable to this. If that's what you truely believe is salvation then how could you deny that to your family? Sit there and lie saying they'll be ok with out me. They'll find happiness. They'll understand. When you know the end of that long hard road leads to the same fate. I struggle with trying to rationalize that part.

As a parent, you have to be the decider. This is an extreme example but on the opposite side of it, parents have to guide their children until they reach a point where they become their own person or no longer need to listen to you.

I never said it was an excuse. But it happens every day and many of us are the biproduct of that occurance. I don't know about you but I wasn't planned. Obviously sex can lead to preganacy but sometimes it's not really in the front of your mind. And that's how unfit parents are created. I know better. I don't want kids. Sex may not be oxygen but it's a part of existence... literally. So maybe it kind of is.

Killing can absolutely be an empathy. I'm sure you can create a thought in your mind that would justify it for you.


Sep 21, 2023
I suppose it comes down to planning and conviction in terms of making sure to avoid that outcome at all costs. I would not allow a high percentage of failure if this was my ultimate goal.

I can't agree with you. Murder is murder and if you justify one then you can justify the other. The moral high ground is thin ice when you discuss abstract thought.
My conviction about existence as I watch it play out through my own very eyes is the only foundation I can stand on and it's principles are simple. Life is more trouble than it's worth. No one can prove me right. No one can prove me wrong. So anyone involved with me is a benificiary/victim of my beliefs I guess.

This would be an acceptable logical if the children were grown up and not under my immediate care and supervision. You're talking about possession while i'm talking about responsibility and duty. My seed. I don't expect this world to love or charish them as I would and that's the cold hard fact. How many children are abandoned in this world? Some make it. Some dont. Some argue take the gamble but i'd argue not with that. I can control the outcome because I am where I am. So I will If I have to.

So what about your wife? She certainly isn't your seed? Do you get to make the choice for her too?
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Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
I disagree that those who come to the conclusion of ctb are somehow more enlightened individuals or that they know something others don't. Let's just put it this way. If I had better coping mechanisms or was better able to adapt to the trauma that life inevitably throws, I wouldn't be contemplating ctb, but because I am convinced that there is some biological malfunction within me and there are too many things about my external circumstances that I can't change (and this is probably a form of mental illness, I won't deny it, and it's okay), I've come to the conclusion that ctb might be the best option for me.

Most of the time someone contemplates ctb it is because there is some mental illness happening, be it depression or whatever else I won't speculate. It colors their perspective on the circumstances of their life. It's not because they're an enlightened nihilist who has realized the absurdity of life. I mean maybe that's the case for some folks, but I really believe majority of folks contemplating ctb aren't doing so because of some grand philosophical reason, it's more likely because there are circumstances in their lives they can no longer accept and deem ctb to be a more valuable choice. It's a choice based on some concrete individualistic reason and not because some grand philosophical idea. And get this: you don't need some grand philosophical idea to justify whatever individual reason you have for ctbing.

Some people are better able to adapt to their circumstances and are more receptive to mental health treatment. I happen to not be one of those individuals. I'm also not gonna pretend to have a very deep or intellectual reason to ctb (and that's ok too). For me, it's just that my life sucks, the conditions are not bearable, so I'm gonna ctb. I'm not gonna pretend like I know the answers to life, and I'm certainly not going to judge whose life is worth living or not.
I never said they were enlightened. I said they have basic understanding.
You're making my point for me, sir. You're talking in hypothetical terms. If this happened. If I had that. If only this that and the third. I'm talking about objective reality. What we know to be the beginning and the end of life. You don't have to be a person who has all the answers to come to that very simple and to be frank DIRECTLY IN YOUR FACE conclusion. Life is struggle. Sometimes it's easier for some than others and I think you might agree that their are more unhappy people in this world then happy. The odds are so against us in many ways. It's a gamble I would never entertain for my family if I came to the conclusion to CTB and I held the belief that life is pain and death is peace.
So what about your wife? She certainly isn't your seed? Do you get to make the choice for her too?
I'm the man of the house and it's my job to be the leader.
I'm kidding but honestly it's partially true.
My wife would be the part I would struggle with.
But the justification I GUESS I would make is that removing her from the responsibility I feel towards my seed would effect her far worse. Losing a parent is one thing. But losing a child is something on another level. I would not want her to go throught that so I would have to make that choice for her unfortunelty.


May 26, 2022
It must be hard abandoning those you love and worrying about how the world will destroy them little by little after one is gone. It must be frustrating not to be able to know whats gonna happen of them. Seeing from that perspective, I can understand some of it. However, life is also a choice and maybe they do want life you know, and doesnt matter how we want to protect them, if they wanna live life you must leave them be. If they wanna join you later they will. But it has to be their own decision, not anybody else
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Did you thought about empathy when you decided to have sex? Obviously pleasure was more important to you than thinking about possible life you might create. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but talking about empathy when making a life then killing it is just nonsense to me. You are just playing god with the lives you created at this point. That is not just cruel but x2 cruel.
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Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
Did you thought about empathy when you decided to have sex? Obviously pleasure was more important to you than thinking about possible life you might create. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but talking about empathy when making a life then killing it is just nonsense to me. You are just playing god with the lives you created at this point. That is not just cruel but x2 cruel.
Again, having kids isn't a really decision in of itself for most people. It's the aftermath of the choice of having sex without considering the possible long term ramifications. I personally know that I dont want kids and yet I still have sex but lets not kid ourselves here we all need to bust a nut in this life one way or another and it's intellectually dishonest in my opinion to suggest it's not nessessary. We're just those kind of creatures. I personally am conscious of this truth and limit it accordingly but I cant not get off. Talk about a more compounding reason to ctb.

I will not reproduce. Rest assured. If I do then i'll ctb and let you take care of my kid.
It must be hard abandoning those you love and worrying about how the world will destroy them little by little after one is gone. It must be frustrating not to be able to know whats gonna happen of them. Seeing from that perspective, I can understand some of it. However, life is also a choice and maybe they do want life you know, and doesnt matter how we want to protect them, if they wanna live life you must leave them be. If they wanna join you later they will. But it has to be their own decision, not anybody else
I can get behind this prospective. I'm not looking for people to agree with me. I just want people to question their pereception of something I myself once saw as blank and white.


Oct 30, 2023
I never said they were enlightened. I said they have basic understanding.
You're making my point for me, sir. You're talking in hypothetical terms. If this happened. If I had that. If only this that and the third. I'm talking about objective reality. What we know to be the beginning and the end of life. You don't have to be a person who has all the answers to come to that very simple and to be frank DIRECTLY IN YOUR FACE conclusion. Life is struggle. Sometimes it's easier for some than others and I think you might agree that their are more unhappy people in this world then happy. The odds are so against us in many ways. It's a gamble I would never entertain for my family if I came to the conclusion to CTB and I held the belief that life is pain and death is peace.

I'm the man of the house and it's my job to be the leader.
I'm kidding but honestly it's partially true.
My wife would be the part I would struggle with.
But the justification I GUESS I would make is that removing her from the responsibility I feel towards my seed would effect her far worse. Losing a parent is one thing. But losing a child is something on another level. I would not want her to go throught that so I would have to make that choice for her unfortunelty.
Perhaps, I misunderstood. But I also don't believe that life is a struggle is an objective conclusion necessarily. I think that the life is a struggle idea is probably partly born from your own external reality. Everyone perceives things differently, so I have a hard time saying that it could be objective. Part of the problem too is that the life is a struggle belief is probably a result of some mental health issue.

You're right that sure it's a gamble and yes the odds are against most folks, but also anything worth having is always going to be somewhat of a gamble. A lot of life too is just what you make of it. For example, my traumatic experiences have broken me down as a person. Another person could go through the same exact things and feel like those experiences have made them stronger. It's perception, environmental upbringing, and some biological factors that influence the way you see things.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but why do you think you have the right to make a hypothetical choice like that for your wife?
Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
Perhaps, I misunderstood. But I also don't believe that life is a struggle is an objective conclusion necessarily. I think that the life is a struggle idea is probably partly born from your own external reality. Everyone perceives things differently, so I have a hard time saying that it could be objective. Part of the problem too is that the life is a struggle belief is probably a result of some mental health issue.

You're right that sure it's a gamble and yes the odds are against most folks, but also anything worth having is always going to be somewhat of a gamble. A lot of life too is just what you make of it. For example, my traumatic experiences have broken me down as a person. Another person could go through the same exact things and feel like those experiences have made them stronger. It's perception, environmental upbringing, and some biological factors that influence the way you see things.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but why do you think you have the right to make a hypothetical choice like that for your wife?

To answer your question, i'd have to first start by assuming that she loves our kids just as much if not more than I do. If she does on either count then it goes to follow that without them she would be in the same mental state that id currently be in if I were going to ctb. My kids are coming with me. That's not debatable I think. Her choices would either be to join us or stay behind. And we have the gift of foresight in that we see what surivors of these kinds of tragetys say. " Sometimes I wish he killed me too." or they spend the rest of their lives in misery unable to die like most of us in here. I would take that choice from her as the leader of my family unit and the concept of being wrong or unfair is something that I would have to bare. But not for long.


Nov 23, 2023
I agree with op but I also agree with those who disagree. Living is just dying slowly and painfully, so what difference does it make if you die now or later? A quick and painless death would, logically, be better for any individual, even if they disagrees, because initially they will suffer no more nor miss anything that gave them meaning in life. But on the other hand, if you died your family and loved ones would be irrelevant as well, so why worry so much about their ultimate fate? you could just make your own decision and die alone. If their life becomes unbearable due to their emotional inability to deal with your death, let them make their own decision to end their own life. That's none of your business, not anymore.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Again, having kids isn't a really decision in of itself for most people. It's the aftermath of the choice of having sex without considering the possible long term ramifications. I personally know that I dont want kids and yet I still have sex but lets not kid ourselves here we all need to bust a nut in this life one way or another and it's intellectually dishonest in my opinion to suggest it's not nessessary. We're just those kind of creatures. I personally am conscious of this truth and limit it accordingly but I cant not get off. Talk about a more compounding reason to ctb.

I will not reproduce. Rest assured. If I do then i'll ctb and let you take care of my kid.

I can get behind this prospective. I'm not looking for people to agree with me. I just want people to question their pereception of something I myself once saw as blank and white.
You are not that open minded yourself to expect others to be. No offence.


Aug 31, 2022
Shit like this is a big reason why SS has a bad rap. Murdering innocent people is depraved and evil, regardless of what circumstances your death might leave them in. To say you understand the mindset is one thing, as people that do this are clearly mentally ill as fuck, but that's not a justification for murder.

Most of us here are struggling to come to terms with death, but if the idea of somebody else existing and suffering beyond your control makes you want to kill them, that's not empathy. That's narcissistic.
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ceasa (she/her)
Dec 16, 2023
I remember growing up I use to hear stories about people not only committing suicide but actually murdering their own loved ones before finally ending themselves. I use to think wow that is so cruel and unessessary. What a bad evil person.

You ask me now how I feel about that now and I would tell you that all I see is the understanding of life, the double edged sword of love, and the self accountability and mercy of the connections you've created. A little bit of selfishness aswell. But not evil. No longer evil.

Imagine living every day in this cycle of depression but trying to power through it for the sake of your family.
Then one day you break completely and decide you have to end your own life to escape the pain.
You analyze your life and see that your passing will mean a traumatic and difficult time for your wife, kids, friends, secondary family, etc.
In that moment, you think to show love and mercy the only way you know how. Taking them with you.
The thought of putting them through the your own death and having to deal with the aftermath becomes too much to bare.
You try to make it quick and painless. You comfort them in their final moments. You might even see no need for that I just take them one by one fast and emotionless so you don't feel the burden of your own actions in that moment. They don't understand and they're scared but you know what existence is and maybe you don't even have the heart to tell them. Regardless, they are gone. They are free.
And now it's time for you to be free too. So you end your own life.

It's so sad. It's so painful. It's selfish. It's selfless. It's irrational. It's love. It's everything and nothing. I can't judge it. Not anymore.

View attachment 124925
i get this but thats sooooooo odd
suicide is one's own choice on THEIR own life , the way others feel is none of ur business if ure dead (  ̄д ̄) jus go bro


Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
What an amusing post. Trying to find any meaning in the absurd theatre of life is hopeless. Breeding is good, killing is evil, more news at 23:00, yawn.
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Dec 4, 2023
Yeah this seems very wrong. Maybe this is a weird prank. I'm very confused as well. But for sure everybody should decide if themselves if they want to live or not once they are here.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I remember growing up I use to hear stories about people not only committing suicide but actually murdering their own loved ones before finally ending themselves. I use to think wow that is so cruel and unessessary. What a bad evil person.

You ask me now how I feel about that now and I would tell you that all I see is the understanding of life, the double edged sword of love, and the self accountability and mercy of the connections you've created. A little bit of selfishness aswell. But not evil. No longer evil.

Imagine living every day in this cycle of depression but trying to power through it for the sake of your family.
Then one day you break completely and decide you have to end your own life to escape the pain.
You analyze your life and see that your passing will mean a traumatic and difficult time for your wife, kids, friends, secondary family, etc.
In that moment, you think to show love and mercy the only way you know how. Taking them with you.
The thought of putting them through the your own death and having to deal with the aftermath becomes too much to bare.
You try to make it quick and painless. You comfort them in their final moments. You might even see no need for that I just take them one by one fast and emotionless so you don't feel the burden of your own actions in that moment. They don't understand and they're scared but you know what existence is and maybe you don't even have the heart to tell them. Regardless, they are gone. They are free.
And now it's time for you to be free too. So you end your own life.

It's so sad. It's so painful. It's selfish. It's selfless. It's irrational. It's love. It's everything and nothing. I can't judge it. Not anymore.

View attachment 124925
Logically I shouldn't care what another human does or doesn't do or thinks. I wouldn't take action against any other human never gave never will. But in the past I have tried to kinda warn some normies about the horrors of what can happen especially in old age as I've worked in a nursing home. I think it takes a human a long time of thinking about something every day for hours per day to have a mindset shift . A few comments aren't going to change anyone's mind.

Imagine a coyote out in the cold . It's always hungry, thirsty other needs . It's ravaged by many parasites microorganisms, cold, ticks . If I'm out there with my high velocity rifle. I might fleetingly think one shot to the head and that creature won't suffer ever again in one microsecond as a high velocity bullet will knockout and kill the brain instantly. But if I do take the shot I'll be considered a monster. If I leave it be the coyote will grow old and eventually be eaten alive by other animals and parasites. This is sentient life. We will all be devoured by microorganisms diseases or old age and sometimes the pain will last a long time. Then we all will die.

But I as a nihilist know nothing matters but avoiding my own torture. So I leave the coyote alone let it go suffer teetering on the edge of consciousness also what horrors happen in it's brain on the edge of not understanding. Trillions of sentient beings have been tortured by DNA based life and will continue to be tortured as long as life exists.

I wish someone would take that shot on me. But they made assisted suicide a crime so I have to shoot myself like Ronnie mcnut did

Now humans are wanting to spread life to other planets to create more suffering there. None of this additional suffering nor additional human births would happen if the antinatalist message wasn't so censored and the "life is good / sacred / important" Message constantly pushed everywhere

I guess I'm effectively pro- choice because logically I don't care what another human does or doesn't do I just have to fight the battle in my brain to get me to take action on my suicide only
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Secretary of something
Mar 11, 2020
Murder suicide, really? Are we speed-running the closure of this forum? I can sweep some mad shit out from under the rug if so. I'm so fucking disappointed in what this forum has become, and the bar was LOW to start with.
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Nov 27, 2023
I can sort of "get it" with pets who might be separated/euthanized/mistreated after you die but other people are different. I have sympathy for people who do things like that because of the large amount of pain and hopelessness they experience to do something like that but i cant really consider it anywhere near "right".


Jun 11, 2023
I understand the thought process but I don't agree with it. Who are you to know if the pain will be so unbearable that they'll prefer death, forever? Human minds can adapt. They could completely forget, or become capable enough to deal with the pain. If it's still too painful, then they can always die on their own.
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Mind shattered beyond repair
Dec 14, 2023
If that is truly your belief and not a troll then believe me, after you die, your wife and kids will be fine after some time. They will eventually move on. They won't mourn you everyday for the rest of their lives. Your wife might remarry. Your kids will probably stop visiting your grave after some time. Stop thinking that you're so important that they will feel constant visceral pain when you will no longer be around. It's delusional.
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May 25, 2023
Imagine being so narcissistic that you feel like you need to kill your own family so they won't have to bare the burden of your death. Usually people do this to save themselves from their loved ones finding out about some sort of failure. Family annihilators are scum.
WhiteRabbit makes a good point, that family annihilators often take their families out before the family finds out something bad that the annihilator was connected to. Look up Alex Murdaugh or Anthony Todt, both of whom had become entangled in serious financial frauds that were going to come to light. They killed their families because they couldn't stand the idea of those families learning about their crimes.

Other family annihilators can't stand the thought of their family members becoming involved with a new spouse, new step- parents to the children, even possible adoption and changing of "your" child's last name. Basically the annihilator thinks that if he leaves, the rest of his family shouldn't have any opportunity to have a good life with anyone else. Talk about selfish narcissism...
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
Murder suicide, really? Are we speed-running the closure of this forum? I can sweep some mad shit out from under the rug if so. I'm so fucking disappointed in what this forum has become, and the bar was LOW to start with.
If it's of any solace, the incel forum talks about violent stuff all day long (in MineKraft), and they're fine. AND they don't kill anyone, just rot (sometimes rope).

Please, stop shooting the messenger, take it as a shower thought. Like the other day I imagined Tolkien and Hitler having sex. Nobody has ever imagined it before.


-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
What an amusing post. Trying to find any meaning in the absurd theatre of life is hopeless. Breeding is good, killing is evil, more news at 23:00, yawn.
Op unironically thinks that "busting a nut" and reproducing can't be helped in majority of cases but considers killing a rational choice. Yeah, no. At first I stepped in mild because I felt that others were being too hard on them but after my exchange, I can't really blame others anymore.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
Op unironically thinks that "busting a nut" and reproducing can't be helped in majority of cases but considers killing a rational choice. Yeah, no. At first I stepped in mild because I felt that others were being too hard on them but after my exchange, I can't really blame others anymore.
Haven't read the thread myself, aside from a few posts. But expanding such a narrow view into a militant pro-mortalism is kind of based. Sure, it infringes on human rights, but if one considers all humans as either victims or perpetrators, killing them all makes some sense, to break the cycle of violence. See the European diseases that stopped Aztec child sacrifices.

The paperclip solution to the human question. Self-replicating nanobots extinguishing all life and preventing any more. @FuneralCry apporves.
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