Teleftaía Anapnoí

Teleftaía Anapnoí

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Jul 6, 2023
I personally think this is evil. But I understand the line of thinking, I can't say I've never thought about it. But when I decided that I would kill myself, I realized that I was deciding this freely and I even tried to argue about it being distanced from an illness. I cannot force this end on everyone, nor do I want everyone to consider suicide. I want everyone to make their own decision. I'm taking mine. But when I see my daughter and realize the world we are heading towards, this thought takes over my mind. But I would never do it, if I did I wouldn't be being faithful to myself in my own suicide.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Doesn't sound too much like they want to die... Kind of depends who we're talking about here too... If they are adults- you could potentially tell them your thoughts- even hypothetically and see how they respond. Some partners may want to die alongside their loved ones. Others may not! Deciding you know best for someone else is pretty controlling. Especially when it comes to life and death! Even if it's done with the best of intentions.

Like I say- adults can choose for themselves. Even a hypothetical situation may give you an idea- take the tragic Titanic disaster- some wives survived while their husbands perished. You could ask hypothetically whether your partner would prefer to have died alongside their spouse or- survived alone or as a single parent with children to raise alone. I suspect it does depend on whether you have children. Some wives may well want to die with their husbands but plenty of Mum's will fight tooth and claw to protect their children. I doubt all that many will be thrilled with the idea of their husband murdering them!

If we're talking about children as well though- my opinion is going to be controversial too! As in- ideally- don't have children if there's even a small possibility you might abandon them. Don't abandon them. Don't murder them. Once you've brought life here- sorry but it's a responsibility you've taken on. Until that life is old enough to make decisions for itself- it's not terribly fair to make enormous decisions for it- especially whether it lives or dies.
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Girl, Interrupted
Apr 29, 2022
I mean, by this kind of line of thinking, it flips the narrative of megalomaniac rulers with access to the big red nuke 'em all button from being crazy evil dictators to being some sort of saviour should they choose to press it. Or cult leaders who initiate mass suicide as being enlightened: let's all die and escape this hell, whether to move on to the "promised land" or just get the hell out out of dodge.

Granted I guess you could argue that, depending on their perspective and rationale, they'd be doing it for what they consider "the greater good", but who gets to decide what actually is the greater good?

I can kind of see where you're coming from but there are a lot of people that seem generally happy with their lives. Even though we know circumstances can change on a dime and at any point tragedy can befall any of us, on the flip side, at any point something could theoretically happen that means happiness overrides misery, and this is down to whatever motivates an individual, whatever makes them feel happy or at least fulfilled/content.

Being born may not have been our choice, granted, but many people seem happy enough to be here. I wouldn't want to take their choice to live away from them any more than I think people should take our choice to die from us.

Just because I'm generally miserable with this existence and would love to escape from it, I understand my world view is not that of all others, and in many ways I envy those who do have hope, who do find the happiness outweighs the misery. Whether they're fooling themselves or not isn't really for me to decide.

Not sure if any of that made sense, I have a fuzzy head today! And I haven't read all the comments so apologies if I'm recycling points already debated.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Humans can't choose to be immortal. (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yudkowsky-style).

This is a good point, humans are like pigs, they love wallowing in shit (and so do I).

Probably not but if we indeed are immortal beings- murder may not make much difference then... We'll be living in some capacity afterwards but no one knows where. What makes you think we are immortal though? Still- if we're destined for hell, it means our adoring spouse just fast tracked us there...

I still think most adults would prefer to get the choice on whether or not they are going to be murdered! I'm suicidal but I wouldn't want someone to make the choice for me and murder me! Choice to me is the greatest gift we have. That's why I'm antinatalist, pro-assisted suicide and anti-murder.
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i gave so many signs
Jun 17, 2023
I genuinely cannot believe what I've just read. Murdering someone is not an act of love- no, not even on some deep poetic, artistic, aesthetic way. You don't get to choose if someone else lives or dies. Being pro choice is only applicable to yourself. And it literally means choice. You make that over your own body and no one else's body but your own.

There are many people on this planet that want to live. That don't feel suicidal like we do. It's very bold of you to assume someone would rather be killed with you than go through the grieving process of losing you, or the void that comes with it.

This to me sounds like justification for killing your family. Implying that killing your family with you would be an act of love is indirectly implying that suicide without murdering your family is a selfish act. This line of thinking is disgusting. All the way around.

If you are planning on catching the bus, I am sorry that life has led you here. I hope you choose to fight until your very last breath and you decide against it if you can.

But if you've made up your mind, please go without killing others. Murder is never love. This just flat out sounds psychopathic. I hope you are able to get the mental help that you need because your line of thinking is terrifying and dangerous and I'm unsure if I'd be comfortable being around you in person.
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Jan 16, 2021
I see the point that you are making, but I disagree. No one has the right to take the life of another.
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hi there.
Jul 14, 2023
I know I sound rude, but if you're trying to get this site labeled as some sort of death cult then this post is doing a very good job at it. Isn't this forum about choice? Nobody who wants to live should be forced to die. Vice versa. My mother and siblings are going to be depressed that I'm gone, but killing them to "take them with me" is evil. There's no twist you could put on it to not make it seem that way.

Taking someone else's life is bad. Period. End of story. What else is there to talk about?
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
Nobody who wants to live should be forced to die.
All humans "are forced to die" some day. Not defending the OP, but just pointing this out.

Probably not but if we indeed are immortal beings- murder may not make much difference then... We'll be living in some capacity afterwards but no one knows where.
No, I meant life-extension technologies. Science and medicine (engineering?), not mysticism. This argument works the best if we are the first generation to achieve immortality, so our lives might be uniquely precious. (Even then, it's kind of cringe, but whatever.)

I know I sound rude, but if you're trying to get this site labeled as some sort of death cult
Well, killing people in a swift way is not the worst thing imaginable. The OP didn't mention raping his family in a dungeon for a decade. Or maiming them for the sake of giggling. Even being called a "death cult" would not be the lowest.
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New Member
Dec 14, 2023
I remember growing up I use to hear stories about people not only committing suicide but actually murdering their own loved ones before finally ending themselves. I use to think wow that is so cruel and unessessary. What a bad evil person.

You ask me now how I feel about that now and I would tell you that all I see is the understanding of life, the double edged sword of love, and the self accountability and mercy of the connections you've created. A little bit of selfishness aswell. But not evil. No longer evil.

Imagine living every day in this cycle of depression but trying to power through it for the sake of your family.
Then one day you break completely and decide you have to end your own life to escape the pain.
You analyze your life and see that your passing will mean a traumatic and difficult time for your wife, kids, friends, secondary family, etc.
In that moment, you think to show love and mercy the only way you know how. Taking them with you.
The thought of putting them through the your own death and having to deal with the aftermath becomes too much to bare.
You try to make it quick and painless. You comfort them in their final moments. You might even see no need for that I just take them one by one fast and emotionless so you don't feel the burden of your own actions in that moment. They don't understand and they're scared but you know what existence is and maybe you don't even have the heart to tell them. Regardless, they are gone. They are free.
And now it's time for you to be free too. So you end your own life.

It's so sad. It's so painful. It's selfish. It's selfless. It's irrational. It's love. It's everything and nothing. I can't judge it. Not anymore.

View attachment 124925

someone here said "forcing someone to die is like forcing them to live"...... highly highly disagree man....
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Sep 27, 2023
I remember growing up I use to hear stories about people not only committing suicide but actually murdering their own loved ones before finally ending themselves. I use to think wow that is so cruel and unessessary. What a bad evil person.

You ask me now how I feel about that now and I would tell you that all I see is the understanding of life, the double edged sword of love, and the self accountability and mercy of the connections you've created. A little bit of selfishness aswell. But not evil. No longer evil.

Imagine living every day in this cycle of depression but trying to power through it for the sake of your family.
Then one day you break completely and decide you have to end your own life to escape the pain.
You analyze your life and see that your passing will mean a traumatic and difficult time for your wife, kids, friends, secondary family, etc.
In that moment, you think to show love and mercy the only way you know how. Taking them with you.
The thought of putting them through the your own death and having to deal with the aftermath becomes too much to bare.
You try to make it quick and painless. You comfort them in their final moments. You might even see no need for that I just take them one by one fast and emotionless so you don't feel the burden of your own actions in that moment. They don't understand and they're scared but you know what existence is and maybe you don't even have the heart to tell them. Regardless, they are gone. They are free.
And now it's time for you to be free too. So you end your own life.

It's so sad. It's so painful. It's selfish. It's selfless. It's irrational. It's love. It's everything and nothing. I can't judge it. Not anymore.

View attachment 124925
What a selfish illogical thing to do💀 suicide at the end of the day to the most simplest possible point is a choice and you are free to make it but robbing that choice from others "just because" is the stupidest thing I've seen all day sorry bud
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Oct 10, 2023
you keep saying "murder is murder" but killing yourself isn't the same as killing someone else, dude. one is justifiable as you're choosing to end your own life (something that belongs to you and you alone) and the other is unjustifiable as you're choosing to end someone else's life (something that does not belong to you).
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
All humans "are forced to die" some day. Not defending the OP, but just pointing this out.

No, I meant life-extension technologies. Science and medicine (engineering?), not mysticism. This argument works the best if we are the first generation to achieve immortality, so our lives might be uniquely precious. (Even then, it's kind of cringe, but whatever.)

Well, killing people in a swift way is not the worst thing imaginable. The OP didn't mention raping his family in a dungeon for a decade. Or maiming them for the sake of giggling. Even being called a "death cult" would not be the lowest.

Absolutely- extension of life against someone's will is also wrong in my opinion. I believe in many cases, a person can refuse treatment though. Sign a 'Do Not Resuscitate' agreement. Personally- I'm disappointed that it's still so restricted to people who the medical profession deem to be suitable- true.

Also, I find it unlikely we will reach immortality level- unless we work out how to transfer our consciousness into something that doesn't biologically degrade. In which case- some people may actually want to live forever. Many people want to CTB because of physical/mental illness. If we reach immortality level- I imagine we will have found ways to overcome all that. We may not be as needy as we are now also. We may not need to eat, wash, stay warm. So- who knows? We may not need to rely on money or wave slagery. To my mind- immortality is sci fi level! Who knows if society itself would become more of a utopia at that level. In which case- I imagine choice and freedom would be forefront- so- assisted suicide could be widely accepted.

Even then though- I don't see murder as the solution! I see assisted suicide as the solution. Murder is taking someone's will away from them in another way. It's still the whole: 'I know what's best for you' attitude. We shouldn't be making life ending decisions for other adults and children. Adults can choose for themselves. Children are in their parents care until they are old enough to choose. Not sure anyone can assume that death is their best option. To my mind- the parents have initiated that problem to start with too- so- they ought to support the child until it can choose for itself (if they possibly can.)

Where I would contradict myself is abortion. I am pro-abortion. I think it's kinder to prevent a person experiencing this world if there's every likelihood that child will suffer. It clearly wasn't wanted to begin with- so- that's not a good start...

But yeah- I agree with you in so much as- life extending technologies are wrong if they are simply prolonging a person's suffering. But- I don't think it's right to involve other people in your life and then make life ending decisions on their behalf because you've decided you've had enough and you think you know them well enough to know what they want/need- ask them! Then it will be assisted suicide or a suicide pact. But children? That's still murder.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
Even then though- I don't see murder as the solution! I see assisted suicide as the solution. Murder is taking someone's will away from them in another way.
I sympathise with right-wingers overall, but I support abortion. And to me, murder is just a late-term abortion. It's never too late!

(Holy fuck, I feel edgy now. I wish I had a goth gf to be edgy with.)

To my mind- the parents have initiated that problem to start with too- so- they ought to support the child until it can choose for itself (if they possibly can.)
Yeah, that or... children are slaves, and should know their place.

In a word, life is disgusting, and you cannot reasonably make a good argument about continuing life and it not being ugly. It's like the Westerners trying to keep their civilisation afloat while forbidding their men to rape. Unsustainable because centrist.

To my mind, there can only be two reasonable approaches - yea to death, or yea to life. The latter one is ugly, like the Taliban or the NSDAP. But such is life.

(Yudkowsky in HPMOR is suggesting a third way, Bolshevism ex machina. I'd be open to entertain it, I came so hard reading it, literally weeping for days at how beautiful that vision is. We shall see.)
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I sympathise with right-wingers overall, but I support abortion. And to me, murder is just a late-term abortion. It's never too late!

(Holy fuck, I feel edgy now. I wish I had a goth gf to be edgy with.)

Yeah, that or... children are slaves, and should know their place.

In a word, life is disgusting, and you cannot reasonably make a good argument about continuing life and it not being ugly. It's like the Westerners trying to keep their civilisation afloat while forbidding their men to rape. Unsustainable because centrist.

To my mind, there can only be two reasonable approaches - yea to death, or yea to life. The latter one is ugly, like the Taliban or the NSDAP. But such is life.

(Yudkowsky in HPMOR is suggesting a third way, Bolshevism ex machina. I'd be open to entertain it, I came so hard reading it, literally weeping for days at how beautiful that vision is. We shall see.)

Would you be ok with being raped and murdered then? Would you be ok with that happening to your family members? Sorry but I think we're never going to see eye to eye on that. Rape and murder are wrong for the same reason- they deny that person their human right to choose. Plus- rapes lead to unwanted pregnancies. Doesn't matter whether they valued their life or not- they had the right to choose what to do with it- no one else.

But then- I'm not a promortalist. I'm all for pro-choice. Respecting the individual. Individuals should have the right of not being raped or murdered but I believe we should also have the rights to get assisted suicide.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
Would you be ok with being raped and murdered then?
I already am, and I'm not even getting a cute waifu out of the deal.

(I mean that life is garbage, I'm alive, AND I'm not even benefiting from the good sides of glorious pro-life ideologies such as Nazism or the Taliban or Juche. (I'm averse to naming Juche because while it's my favourite, Juche is also kind of feminist, and I'm an incel. (And while I'm an incel, I don't have rape fantasies, or at least not me raping anyone - I want a zealous fanatical GF to make me want to live by force lmao.)))

But then- I'm not a promortalist. I'm all for pro-choice.
But the choice lies in whether to die sooner or later. Is it enough of a choice? I'm a radical at heart, so for me, it would be immortality or nothingness, and there is no immortality (there might be no nothingness either, as I pondered when I was le 13).

they had the right to choose what to do with it- no one else.
Human rights are a meme. The only laws are the laws of physics. That's what I said at 13 as well. Because in 2012 I was reading Russian Tolkien fans arguing in 2002 about the question of free will for the Elves and Orcs, the nature of evil, responsibility, etc.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I already am, and I'm not even getting a cute waifu out of the deal.

(I mean that life is garbage, I'm alive, AND I'm not even benefiting from the good sides of glorious pro-life ideologies such as Nazism or the Taliban or Juche. (I'm averse to naming Juche because while it's my favourite, Juche is also kind of feminist, and I'm an incel. (And while I'm an incel, I don't have rape fantasies, or at least not me raping anyone - I want a zealous fanatical GF to make me want to live by force lmao.)))

But the choice lies in whether to die sooner or later. Is it enough of a choice? I'm a radical at heart, so for me, it would be immortality or nothingness, and there is no immortality (there might be no nothingness either, as I pondered when I was le 13).

Human rights are a meme. The only laws are the laws of physics. That's what I said at 13 as well. Because in 2012 I was reading Russian Tolkien fans arguing in 2002 about the question of free will for the Elves and Orcs, the nature of evil, responsibility, etc.

Interesting ideas and maybe true. Human rights are a meme! That's a good one. They're certainly an ideal but without them, things get a whole lot more shit- surely? It's right back to 'survival of the fittest.' Maybe it's only a gentrified 'survival of the fittest' now- there's so much corruption around. Still- the masses still outnumber the richer ones in power. Maybe one day, they will rise up and overthrow them. Still- they'll likely replace them with something equally corrupt. I agree that we're fundamentally a very flawed species.

Still- mass genocide via human hands feels unlikely to me. Too many rich arseholes in power have too much to lose. I reckon we're much more likely to wipe ourselves out via making the planet unsustainable for human life. Geniuses that we are...
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i gave so many signs
Jun 17, 2023
I've commented already but I just had to come back and say more. I haven't been able to stop thinking about the absurdity of this post. It genuinely gives me a shiver down my spine when I think about it. And this is coming from someone who's wanted to complete suicide since my earliest memories.

The fact that you are comparing murder to suicide goes against everything SS stands for, and goes against the cold hard truth. What a terrible message to spread to us hurting people.

You have zero right to kill someone. Zero. You have no autonomy over anyone else's body. You have no place to believe someone would rather die than lose you. I'm sure hundreds upon hundreds would be devastated, but I'm also certain those very same people wouldn't want to be taken down with you. If they're that sad, let them catch their own bus.

Your post, the more I read it, sounds concerningly psychopathic. If a non member read your thread, it would give SS an even more tainted reputation. It makes me SICK. I beg of you to get the help you need and deserve before you murder someone. If you want out, you can take the out. But please do not commit murder, and please humble yourself. People would miss you dearly, but your grandiose sense of self is not exactly painting you in the most sane light.

Get help.
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hi there.
Jul 14, 2023
I've commented already but I just had to come back and say more. I haven't been able to stop thinking about the absurdity of this post. It genuinely gives me a shiver down my spine when I think about it. And this is coming from someone who's wanted to complete suicide since my earliest memories.

The fact that you are comparing murder to suicide goes against everything SS stands for, and goes against the cold hard truth. What a terrible message to spread to us hurting people.

You have zero right to kill someone. Zero. You have no autonomy over anyone else's body. You have no place to believe someone would rather die than lose you. I'm sure hundreds upon hundreds would be devastated, but I'm also certain those very same people wouldn't want to be taken down with you. If they're that sad, let them catch their own bus.

Your post, the more I read it, sounds concerningly psychopathic. If a non member read your thread, it would give SS an even more tainted reputation. It makes me SICK. I beg of you to get the help you need and deserve before you murder someone. If you want out, you can take the out. But please do not commit murder, and please humble yourself. People would miss you dearly, but your grandiose sense of self is not exactly painting you in the most sane light.

Get help.
For real. I know the OP probably has no intentions of doing anything like that towards their family but this post and the people defending it scare me. This post goes against the entire existence of this site which is pro choice.. Suicide is not the same as murder, I don't know why we are comparing the two. Your death should never bring harm others. Posts like this is what pro-lifers probably imagine us to be.

Harming family members to avoid them experiencing the pain of your death is the weirdest and most delusional conclusion to jump to. It's evil. It isn't love. Love should never harm others, it's just that simple. I don't know why but whenever I see someone on here title their post with "controversial opinion" it's almost always something straight up awful, such as this. I know I'm getting a little heated but I just can't wrap my head around it.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
You have zero right to kill someone. Zero. You have no autonomy over anyone else's body.
People give birth all the time. Do you hate them equally passionately? Then you would at least not be a hypocrite. (I do.)

Your death should never bring harm others. Posts like this is what pro-lifers probably imagine us to be.
Talking about suicide harms normies' sensibilities by default. It is a lost battle to care about normie opinions. (Take the way incels are hated and strawmanned on this very forum. Embrace being hated.)


Dec 11, 2023
Studying psychology has helped me to understand a lot about the pathologies people face. While I can understand the mechanisms by which someone might be distorted in to believing this action is merciful or loving, it is still a distortion. One cannot murder themselves, for who can claim ownership of our body more than us? Yes we have obligations to others, our body thus is subject to some social contract. Even so, the ultimate contract is the one we have with ourselves.

There is never any reason in my mind to harm another human being except in self defence. If my body is threatened, my ultimate contract kicks in. Everyone here likely believes in choice above all, so long as our choice does not affect someone elses.

Murder is murder. Suicide is suicide. They can not remotely be considered similar.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
One cannot murder themselves, for who can claim ownership of our body more than us?
Are you implying that children's bodies do not belong to their parents? Confucius would disagree, and Confucianism is the immensely powerful ideology of the Sinosphere. Hell, by being born, I receive certain duties - such as obey my dear Mr President in Kiev to get my feet chopped off at Bakhmut. Does that make dear Mr President a murderer? Hell no. (Only a dirty Russian would say so, nonono.)

...My style may come off as trolling, but I'm not. Calling us all slaves to reality is much more honest as trying to make it seem as if we were free. A bullet in your head does not make you alive because the murderer broke laws and violated your g*d-goven right to free will. The only laws are the laws of physics. The only "truth" is population survival (racism). Individuals are born to suffer and die. They're free to cope though!


Dec 11, 2023
Are you implying that children's bodies do not belong to their parents? Confucius would disagree, and Confucianism is the immensely powerful ideology of the Sinosphere. Hell, by being born, I receive certain duties - such as obey my dear Mr President in Kiev to get my feet chopped off at Bakhmut. Does that make dear Mr President a murderer? Hell no. (Only a dirty Russian would say so, nonono.)

...My style may come off as trolling, but I'm not. Calling us all slaves to reality is much more honest as trying to make it seem as if we were free. A bullet in your head does not make you alive because the murderer broke laws and violated your g*d-goven right to free will. The only laws are the laws of physics. The only "truth" is population survival (racism). Individuals are born to suffer and die. They're free to cope though!
In my country the government places many resitrictions on the liberty of people in the name of "seucrity" and "safety". Dont get me wrong, we enjoy many benefits here from the state, but they do overreach way too often. If we owned our children the way we owned ourselves, that would cause many issues. We have an obligation to protect and nurture children, but does that mean we must do so even at the cost of ourselves? We are slaves to many things, even to ourselves. I agree there is little truth beyond the laws of physics, but humans as a consequence of sentience layer many other truths on top of the foundational truths. Everything is relative and there is a lot of black and white in the fabric of existence, but it helps us survive to colour it in ways that make us hopeful. I have lost interest in many things and so life for me is sometimes as simple as am I suffering or not. The not is far between but still enough to make me hope, for now that is haha.
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i gave so many signs
Jun 17, 2023
People give birth all the time. Do you hate them equally passionately? Then you would at least not be a hypocrite. (I do.)
Giving birth to another human being is different than killing them. That person gets to grow up and decide to catch the bus when they want. We are all born against our own will. We should be allowed to die in our own time. This is the silliest argument I've ever heard. I pray you choose to get help and never kill anyone. Your mindset is terrifying and this entire thread is literally potential murderers telling on themselves.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
We are all born against our own will. We should be allowed to die in our own time.
How is this a bad argument? Yeah, it sounds monstrous, but so is life. So is creating life. And taking it. I don't think many things in life can be considered beautiful at all. Maybe unconditional love or something.

I pray you choose to get help and never kill anyone.
If I could kill anyone, I wouldn't be here, because I would probably get bitches and drugs... and friends, and handholding, and actually functioning in society.

Or if I could kill anyone, I could kill myself asap, why risk it in a murder-suicide?


Apr 5, 2023
While I do understand where you're coming from. Suicide is personal. I wouldn't call it a decision cause if u commit suicide , I feel like that person has no other option left than to do it.

However.. taking your loved ones with you in this is definitely a choice. A choice that you shouldn't make for them. If your passing hurts so much that they see no other option than to commit then they will. You don't have the right to take a life just because you are ending your own.

Your passing will hurt. It will be an excruciating pain. But time heals for some people and maybe they will be fine.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Again, having kids isn't a really decision in of itself for most people. It's the aftermath of the choice of having sex without considering the possible long term ramifications. I personally know that I dont want kids and yet I still have sex but lets not kid ourselves here we all need to bust a nut in this life one way or another and it's intellectually dishonest in my opinion to suggest it's not nessessary.

If only thre wre a medcatn or dvice or item whch cld b usd durng or b4 or aftr sx whch prevnts pregnncy

& associ8td educatn & servces t/ provde accss t/ thm

Slf ws considrng deletng ths pst bt wll allw fr nw purely on th/ bsis tht th/ commnty = confrmng tht thy dsgree wth th/ concpt of murdrng n.e1
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Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
If only thre wre a medcatn or dvice or item whch cld b usd durng or b4 or aftr sx whch prevnts pregnncy

& associ8td educatn & servces t/ provde accss t/ thm

Slf ws considrng deletng ths pst bt wll allw fr nw purely on th/ bsis tht th/ commnty = confrmng tht thy dsgree wth th/ concpt of murdrng n.e1
No one was meant to agree. Only understand or reject a different prospective.
Some people are jumping to conclusions without even reading what I said properly.
I said I could understand someone doing it. They would still be a horrible individual.
I liked the mixed responses. No one condones murder. 🙅‍♂️
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