I've tried resizing the photo so it's not too big. Not a lot of success.
Anyway, here's test 2. Seems to have worked this time. Still giving off heat, is white and glowing, 2 hours later. Smoke stopped within about 35 minutes of me lighting it. Glad it worked this time. I have 9 kgs to light, because I want to be sure, and I have calculated the cubic metres, room size. I have something big enough to house that much charcoal.
I don't recommend synthetic firelighters because they stink... badly. I live off grid and use a woodstove. I don't normally use synthetic firelighters for the reason that they stink and, well, I can light a fire without them.
There are a lot of video's on YouTube on how to light charcoal without a chimney starter (that metal thing with a handle). Some suggest paper coated in cooking oil, which seems to work just fine. Spray cooking oil or liquid in a bottle. In
today's test, however, I used kindling because I live in the bush and have an ample supply.

Remember, light outdoors and bring indoors when the smoke has stopped. Don't place receptacle directly on a wooden, synthetic / vinyl (linoleum) or carpeted floor as it still gives off a lot of heat. You'll likely start a house / building fire, which is not what we're going for.
Thankfully, I have solid concrete floor with no covering. Aside from smallness of room size, I wonder if people often choose a bathroom because of the type of flooring, which is usually non flammable. Easier to seal off too because they generally don't have enormous windows.
I tried to get a kettle BBQ but can't source one at present. The whole supply chain thing and I'm in a rural area.