
Sep 7, 2018
This is a common misconception. Letting CO build up is like entering a cold pool slowly, step by step. The CO slowly creeps up on you, and takes you by surprise, and as soon as your brain realises what's happening, you are unconscious. Having a massive dose of CO all at once has not allowed any time for you body to slowly get accustomed to a rise in CO. The result is, yes, you'll probably fall unconscious very quick, but before then, your body will panic and feel nausea/headaches/shock.
My experience was that the high co level knocked me out immediately, there was no indication of panic or other symptoms. Perhaps half a dozen valium and some wine helped with the reaction.. I have no doubt at all that if i had managed to close the car door behind me it would have been the bus. But if i were to try this method again, i would give the bucket of coals a maximum of 5 minutes in the vehicle before getting in. ie tape up the doors, down some benzos/alcohol etc, put the coals in the boot, tape up the boot, get into the vehicle.
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May 30, 2018
So.. in the end of the day:

Do you would recommend to enter the room, immediately after you carried the charcoal into the room?

Or to wait 30 minutes or a hour, and then enter the room?

My problem is, when i enter the room after 1 hour or so, that i will be unconscious in 5 seconds, so there is no possibility to seal the room?
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Sep 7, 2018
So.. in the end of the day:

Do you would recommend to enter the room, immediately after you carried the charcoal into the room?

Or to wait 30 minutes or a hour, and then enter the room?

My problem is, when i enter the room after 1 hour or so, that i will be unconscious in 5 seconds, so there is no possibility to seal the room?
I think there is an issue about letting the co build up and losing the mental ability to take decisions rapidly. The objective of taking the drugs and or alcohol before getting the coals in is to diminish the survival instinct. Many reports suggest death is more likely from co when the person is intoxicated, also when they are of smaller build, say 65 kilos. With high co in the chosen space i think there is a real danger of losing the plot before closing doors.

Perhaps 5 minutes is the key period. It allows the benzos and alcohol to take effect and also allows a slight build up of co, but not to the point where you get ko'd. Those last 5 minutes after putting the coals in and taking some valium could be useful for reflection, smoking a cigarette, watching the stars, or rapidly taping up some doors/ the boot.

In reports of other suicides with CO, i have yet to find one where the person taped up the doors of their car, so this might be overkill.
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Nov 4, 2018
My experience was that the high co level knocked me out immediately, there was no indication of panic or other symptoms. Perhaps half a dozen valium and some wine helped with the reaction..

You had taken valium , an anti-anxiety drug, and alcohol , a depressant, which means of course the panic & anxiety would not have shown. So my point still stands.

Regardless, beyond a certain point, there will be instantaneous knock out. In all other cases, having a massive dose of CO will put a sober body into panic/nausea/headaches/shock. Think of it as jumping into a ice cold pool rather than slowly wading in.
Perhaps 5 minutes is the key period. It allows the benzos and alcohol to take effect and also allows a slight build up of co, but not to the point where you get ko'd. Those last 5 minutes after putting the coals in and taking some valium could be useful for reflection, smoking a cigarette, watching the stars, or rapidly taping up some doors/ the boot.

5 minutes is not going to make a lot of difference as to just entering at 0 minutes, in the grand scheme of things. On the contrary, you risk losing CO (as you open the door!). So I'll just enter at 0 minutes.
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Sep 7, 2018
You had taken valium , an anti-anxiety drug, and alcohol , a depressant, which means of course the panic & anxiety would not have shown. So my point still stands.

Regardless, beyond a certain point, there will be instantaneous knock out. In all other cases, having a massive dose of CO will put a sober body into panic/nausea/headaches/shock. Think of it as jumping into a ice cold pool rather than slowly wading in.

5 minutes is not going to make a lot of difference as to just entering at 0 minutes, in the grand scheme of things. On the contrary, you risk losing CO (as you open the door!). So I'll just enter at 0 minutes.
You're probably right, getting in at zero after taking a few anti anxiety pills.
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Sep 7, 2018
You're probably right, getting in at zero after taking a few anti anxiety pills.
Measuring carbon monoxide makes me think of the old days when miners took birds down with them to warn of high levels. My warning signs are off for the time being.
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Mar 5, 2019
My plan is to buy a little generator, start it up in my car and sit there drinking some cough syrup to help me doze off measuring the CO levels until it goes over 1000 (the max on my meter). And I'll call my ex say goodbye. Then I'll drift off to sleep forever.
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Nov 4, 2018
My plan is to buy a little generator, start it up in my car and sit there drinking some cough syrup to help me doze off measuring the CO levels until it goes over 1000 (the max on my meter). And I'll call my ex say goodbye. Then I'll drift off to sleep forever.

1. Cough syrup to "doze off" is totally unnecessary. You won't get the chance to drink it. You'll be unconscious in seconds with a generator.

2. A CO meter is totally unnecessary also. A generator produces an overwhelming amount of CO very quickly. A meter just means you will lose CO when you enter.

3. Don't tell anyone goodbye or even hint anything, unless you wanna be saved.

Also, a generator is extremely loud, especially in a small space, so have fun with that. Especially if people nearby. It'll attract them.
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Nov 4, 2018
Everyone with terminal disease who want to go without pain have to get CO meter and do as advised in euthanasia sites. There is nowhere said that do it without proper testing but just the opposite.

This is nonsense. I tell you, the vast majority of people who have died using CO did not waste time buying and using a CO meter. They just got on with it. e.g. east asians
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Mar 5, 2019
This is nonsense. I tell you, the vast majority of people who have died using CO did not waste time buying and using a CO meter. They just got on with it. e.g. east asians
Yeah I think people make it too complicated


Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
I guess a pair of good wax-based ear muffs would help with the noise.
And a hard particle filter to deal with foul smells.
The rest seems valid.


Dec 5, 2018
@Spiko ,

Reading about that detector that can go up to 10,000 PPM turned my attention to this thread. Being able to get a very high PPM for long enough is critical for a humane, quick and reliable death.

As for the method of obtaining CO and filling a room with a high enough concentration: I recall two methods, one being the sulphuric acid plus formic acid and the other one charcoal brics or a version of that.
I'm in Europe and what's available here may be different compared to the USA.

Is anything in particular recommended to obtain a very high PPM reading safely and effectively ? ... I wasn't planning on buying a small car, or putting up a tent in my house ...

Forget the acid thing. Many have tested and haven't gotten high readings with it and you can't be in burning acid fumes more than max a minute. With lower readings l
1. Cough syrup to "doze off" is totally unnecessary. You won't get the chance to drink it. You'll be unconscious in seconds with a generator.

2. A CO meter is totally unnecessary also. A generator produces an overwhelming amount of CO very quickly. A meter just means you will lose CO when you enter.

3. Don't tell anyone goodbye or even hint anything, unless you wanna be saved.

Also, a generator is extremely loud, especially in a small space, so have fun with that. Especially if people nearby. It'll attract them.

It's not
I think i mentioned in another post, i have tried and failed this method. The most realistic explanation i can come up with is that i allowed the co to build up in the car before getting in, which knocked me out before i could close the door behind me. I had taken some benzos and alcohol but not enough to explain the sudden black out. I remember very clearly the moments leading up to opening the door to get in and then nothing until coming to 6 hours later in the car with a bang on the head.

From this experience i imagine the co level in the car from a bucket of charcoal in there for 30 minutes produced a very high level of CO, which ko'd me as i got in and then diminished as the door was open. I had taped up the boot and doors during this 30 minute period and so the car was very well sealed.

I had taken a few valium 5mg and a bottle of wine in the couple of hours leading up to the attempt and have wondered if it was too much. But i felt pretty lucid up to the point where i opened the car door to get in.

I made tests beforehand to examine the effects of heat, placing the bucket on bricks in a tray of water, partly covering the bucket with foil to reduce upward heat etc, but didn't use a co meter.

I have read another post here about someone passing out immediately after walking into a room where a generator had been operating.

The chimney starter i used had a metal shield to protect the handle, it got pretty hot but i was careful and it didn't pose a problem. The binders used in briquettes vary according to the manufacturer, they ought to be written on the bag as to whether they are 'natural' or not.


Mar 5, 2019
1. Cough syrup to "doze off" is totally unnecessary. You won't get the chance to drink it. You'll be unconscious in seconds with a generator.

2. A CO meter is totally unnecessary also. A generator produces an overwhelming amount of CO very quickly. A meter just means you will lose CO when you enter.

3. Don't tell anyone goodbye or even hint anything, unless you wanna be saved.

Also, a generator is extremely loud, especially in a small space, so have fun with that. Especially if people nearby. It'll attract them.

It's just a 1200w generator so it probably won't produce enough to knock me out immediately.

As for the noise attracting people, I'll be parking in the middle of the country where no one can hear it. Also somewhere where people couldn't reach me in time after I call my ex
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Mar 1, 2019
I think there is an issue about letting the co build up and losing the mental ability to take decisions rapidly. The objective of taking the drugs and or alcohol before getting the coals in is to diminish the survival instinct. Many reports suggest death is more likely from co when the person is intoxicated, also when they are of smaller build, say 65 kilos. With high co in the chosen space i think there is a real danger of losing the plot before closing doors.

Perhaps 5 minutes is the key period. It allows the benzos and alcohol to take effect and also allows a slight build up of co, but not to the point where you get ko'd. Those last 5 minutes after putting the coals in and taking some valium could be useful for reflection, smoking a cigarette, watching the stars, or rapidly taping up some doors/ the boot.

In reports of other suicides with CO, i have yet to find one where the person taped up the doors of their car, so this might be overkill.

I can't believe I haven't thought of this method before. This is genius.

I am also going to do this with a generator and a car. I'm thinking of doing it either late at night or early in the morning in a secluded parking lot or near a park. Have you guys picked your spots yet? I think this is crucial to not being saved. We have to take into consideration the loudness factor if there will be pedestrians passing by which can attract attention.

in terms of whether to build up the CO or just stay in the car, I'm thinking of just staying in the car from the very beginning. I think that taping the doors would seem really suspicious and is an overkill. If many others have already succeeded using car and charcoal, there is no reason why this couldn't work.

Are there really any bad side effects from staying in and just dozing off?

Alternatively, you could let the CO build up in the car, then hold your breath using your right hand against your nose/mouth. Enter the car fast and shut the door, then start breathing. Then I assume you'd be knocked out in several breaths give your account of how things went. I'm not really sure which to choose but I might just stick to staying in from the beginning. Worth discussing either way.

Yeh not immediately, but still soon. You realise CO makes you "doze off" too, right? So I am confused as to why cough syrup is needed.

wish to elaborate ? rather vague

I think he's saying that CO generators are not very loud. I'm guessing if you do it in the right location at the right time no one will find you for a long time. Just have to make sure it's an area with no pedestrians.

Another crucial question is how long does it take for the CO to kill you. According to this chart only 3 minutes at 12800 ppm:


Hard to believe it's that fast but I hope it's right. So the question is how long does the cumulative effect of CO build up take for an average 3000W generator to reach 13000 ppm? for smaller generators just adjust the time accordingly. What do you guys think?

I assume in a secluded area you will have at least several hours before unprecedented events might happen and someone notices what you're doing. Shouldn't be an issue but we should make sure.
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Mar 1, 2019
Measuring carbon monoxide makes me think of the old days when miners took birds down with them to warn of high levels. My warning signs are off for the time being.

I've done a bit of digging and I can't find CO detectors that measure above 1000 ppm. I'm thinking of buying one anyway just to make sure that the CO is actually building up in the car. Probably not necessary but I have some extra money, so who cares.


Mar 1, 2019
To help some people, I did a test with a portable generator, Generac 2000 watt. I have a crew cab pick up, approx 6.2 m cubed in volume on the interior. I did not tape my doors or air vents. Started the generator and put in the truck with a TPI 707 CO meter. Within 15 minutes the CO went up to 3000, at 30 minutes it hit 7500, and made it to 9600 at 40 minutes. The generators started to slow down as the oxygen was being depleted.

Is this the generator model you used? https://www.amazon.com/Generac-6866-Starting-Inverter-Generator/dp/B0128KR4EE

i.e. 1600 Running Watts/2000 Starting Watts

I'm planning to do some simple math using a stop watch to see how fast it goes to 1000 ppm. From there I can extrapolate the time it takes to get to 12000 ppm. Would be nice to know the running and stating wattages of your generator though.
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Custom title
Mar 16, 2019
Why not using acids instead? You will get nearly "pure" CO from the reaction of formic acid and sulphuric acid. And I think this is not that hard to build a diy COgen.

Two chambers, for the acids.
One chamber, for the reaction
One chamber, for the purifying the vapour.
Several acid resistant tubes

One pipe will goes through the purifying chamber which will be fulled with either water or sulphuric acid. If I do that in the future, I will use two different chamber for the purification process.


bus catcher
Mar 13, 2019
i just read this entire thread, and i'm realizing that people say that generators and old cars works, but, what about a old and cheap 4 stroke motorcycle? (i believe that a 2 stroke one would not be good, because of the oil mixed with the gas, not shure). but for me, it is easier to get than a generator, (most i can find is 2 stroke ones). Any one can help me with this? i think a can use a 36m^3 room, near my garage. would the motorcycle works like the generator (the bike is carburated)?
maybe using a mask like this one
to help with the engine fumes? the smell of burned gas is not pleasant.
One pipe will goes through the purifying chamber which will be fulled with either water or sulphuric acid. If I do that in the future, I will use two different chamber for the purification process.
went through this method, it works, but it is recomended a small space, one people mentioned a wash using a diferent chemical in this thread (can't remember which tho), and a water wash that should remove the acid fumes and leave the CO free, using sulfuric acid also as a wash does not makes sense to me, why?!
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Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
How many of you have gas stoves in your kitchen?
Google - "incomplete combustion propane gas" and similar.
To burn without offgassing too much CO and soot, the nozzle is designed in a special way.
It had come to my mind that if you tweak the nozzle - actually, make a brand new one - and make it mix the propane gas with oxygen in different proportions, it could be really deadly.
Can be attached to any propane gas tank, can regulate the flame intensity etc.
All you need is some sort of filter at the end to capture the soot and a proper heat insulation...
If anyone here is into DIY stuff, you have to ponder over the right design. I definitely would.

When its ready, the blueprints should be in public domain.


Sep 7, 2018
Is this the generator model you used? https://www.amazon.com/Generac-6866-Starting-Inverter-Generator/dp/B0128KR4EE

i.e. 1600 Running Watts/2000 Starting Watts

I'm planning to do some simple math using a stop watch to see how fast it goes to 1000 ppm. From there I can extrapolate the time it takes to get to 12000 ppm. Would be nice to know the running and stating wattages of your generator though.
The only way to be sureish with this is to do what the guy above did.. put the co producing thing in the car with a 10000ppm meter and see how long it takes to max out. He said it hit 9600 after 40 minutes in a 6m3 vehicle, at which point the generator began to slow down from lack of oxygen.

You can't easily disbelieve what he says. The increase is exponential more or less. 15 minutes 3000, 30 minutes 7000, 40 minutes 9600. 1000 ought to take 5 minutes. If your meter maxes out at 1000 after 5 minutes, is it fair to assume that after 40 it will be nearly 10000, in a similar sized space with a similar generator, i'd say yes.

I agree, the choice is between being in there at the start or going in later while holding your breath to try to avoid being ko'd. The idea of getting in later when levels are high is appealing because you might avoid the symptoms of early stage poisoning. It's a pity it seems hard to get 10000ppm meters.

The chart in the post before talks of early stage symptoms such as headaches, nausea. But if this always happens why do people die from accidental poisoning, why don't they get out when they begin to feel ill. Maybe they do sometimes and it doesn't get reported.
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Mar 1, 2019
The only way to be sureish with this is to do what the guy above did.. put the co producing thing in the car with a 10000ppm meter and see how long it takes to max out. He said it hit 9600 after 40 minutes in a 6m3 vehicle, at which point the generator began to slow down from lack of oxygen.

You can't easily disbelieve what he says. The increase is exponential more or less. 15 minutes 3000, 30 minutes 7000, 40 minutes 9600. 1000 ought to take 5 minutes. If your meter maxes out at 1000 after 5 minutes, is it fair to assume that after 40 it will be nearly 10000, in a similar sized space with a similar generator, i'd say yes.

I agree, the choice is between being in there at the start or going in later while holding your breath to try to avoid being ko'd. The idea of getting in later when levels are high is appealing because you might avoid the symptoms of early stage poisoning. It's a pity it seems hard to get 10000ppm meters.

The chart in the post before talks of early stage symptoms such as headaches, nausea. But if this always happens why do people die from accidental poisoning, why don't they get out when they begin to feel ill. Maybe they do sometimes and it doesn't get reported.

Exactly. Most reports seem to say that they just passed out, or otherwise their survival instinct would have kicked in. I believe you said you were knocked out immediately with no signs of distress. I think this is what I'll also end up doing, just hold my breath with my hand, jump in as fast as possible, close and lock the doors.

That way you extend your time of being found, since people won't break the windows. They'll just wait for emergency services which will take at least 10-15 minutes to get there. Worst case scenario, even if you do get found early on after you're knocked out, you will still be dead until the EMS people arrive and break the car doors open. I'm also contemplating leaving the car running, so as to dissuade people from paying attention to you or what you're doing. This would also serve to dampen the sound of the generator, people would just assume that your car engine has problems or something. Psychologically speaking you are much less likely to pay attention or even look at a running car, since it's a potential danger that we're used to as pedestrians. I think this might be a good idea. A generator sound coming from a non-running car might cause much more unwanted attention. What do you think?

As for the calculations I'll take his word for it. Will have to just make do with the 1000 ppm detector and see how fast it gets there. At least you can be assured the CO is accumulating in the car, so say if you wait a conservative 1 hour before getting in you should be all set. I'm also thinking of just using a less bulky 2000 watt generator, so if the CO reaches 1000 in 5-8 minutes I can just use his numbers as a rough guideline for how long to wait. Either way 1 hour should be enough, assuming you use a bigger generator that would be even faster.


Nov 4, 2018
I'm contemplating leaving the car running, so as to dissuade people from paying attention to you or what you're doing. Psychologically speaking you are much less likely to pay attention or even look at a running car, since it's a potential danger that we're used to as pedestrians. I think this might be a good idea. What do you think?

Disastrous idea. The sight and sounds of a running car with a unconscious person inside immediately makes a layperson think of carbon monoxide suicide. This is the most well-known method of CO, popularised in countless TV shows and movies. Charcoal & acids are much less well-known, even obscure, and the car does not need to be on.

A generator may very well produce the same thoughts from passers-by. So sounds like a bad idea all around.
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Mar 1, 2019
Disastrous idea. The sight and sounds of a running car with a unconscious person inside immediately makes a layperson think of carbon monoxide suicide. This is the most well-known method of CO, popularised in countless TV shows and movies. Charcoal & acids are much less well-known, even obscure, and the car does not need to be on.

A generator may very well produce the same thoughts from passers-by. So sounds like a bad idea all around.

I don't think 55 decibels is that bad from a small 2000 watt generator. I don't know, I guess I could just turn off the car then. It wouldn't make that much of a difference anyway if you are in a secluded area at night or at an odd time.

I trust the car method much more than using your bathroom to be honest. Many people have done it this way, convenient clean up and you don't endanger anyone else's life. You just need to find a secluded area and do it at an odd time to make sure no one will be around for 20-30 minutes. If you want to be extra sure just drive in the middle of nowhere, go offtrack into a field and that's it. Either way you should monitor the area and make sure you aren't followed for some reason. Shouldn't be too difficult.
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Sep 7, 2018
Disastrous idea. The sight and sounds of a running car with a unconscious person inside immediately makes a layperson think of carbon monoxide suicide. This is the most well-known method of CO, popularised in countless TV shows and movies. Charcoal & acids are much less well-known, even obscure, and the car does not need to be on.

A generator may very well produce the same thoughts from passers-by. So sounds like a bad idea all around.
I agree, there's no reason to leave the car running whatever method you use. I would check out a secluded spot a couple of times at 2am where i was 99percent not going to be bothered. The advantage with the generator is there is no messing about lighting charcoal, waiting for it to stop smoking, heat issues in the vehicle, sitting it on bricks in a pan of water etc and the time all this takes. It took a good 60 minutes to empty two chimney starters into a bucket and for them to become ready to put in the car. I practised all this a couple of times and in fact it wasn't too hard and i could set it up again if i needed to. Someone having a barbecue at 2am is just as likely to attract any passer by as a generator noise, unless you're doing it on a campsite.

Let's say i say i find a secluded spot and turn on the generator for 40 minutes while i wait around outside drinking some wine and popping a few tranquillisers. If by some remote chance someone comes by i switch the things off, open the windows and drive off, what are they going to do, call the police? It's possible but what crime have i comitted.
I don't think 55 decibels is that bad from a small 2000 watt generator. I don't know, I guess I could just turn off the car then. It wouldn't make that much of a difference anyway if you are in a secluded area at night or at an odd time.

I trust the car method much more than using your bathroom to be honest. Many people have done it this way, convenient clean up and you don't endanger anyone else's life. You just need to find a secluded area and do it at an odd time to make sure no one will be around for 20-30 minutes. If you want to be extra sure just drive in the middle of nowhere, go offtrack into a field and that's it. Either way you should monitor the area and make sure you aren't followed for some reason. Shouldn't be too difficult.
The bathroom principle is that i want it to look like an accident, as i am renovating a house where the electricity is unreliable and a generator can be justified. I live alone in a secluded area and so there is no danger to others. My main concern is not being discovered for a while ie several weeks. If i didn't care about the accident i would use a car ie 6m3 as opposed to the bathroom 20m3. I simply can't have my mother thinking i suicided, whatever the other random variables might be.

Overthinking is a big problem with this co method but then, you have to be rational about it. My idea is to fire up the generator for an hour and quickly get into the bathroom and close the door. One of several things might happen. I get ko'd by 9000ppm and die rapidly, i feel extremely ill briefly and then pass out, or i feel extremely ill and am able to leave the room because it's too unpleasant and i don't want to be in there.
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Nov 4, 2018
You just need to find a secluded area and do it at an odd time to make sure no one will be around for 20-30 minutes. If you want to be extra sure just drive in the middle of nowhere, go offtrack into a field and that's it. Either way you should monitor the area and make sure you aren't followed for some reason. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Yes, I've heard of many people doing this in lay-bys or woodland at night. But really, it only takes one unfortunately timed dog walker or a curious motorist to give you lifelong inescapable brain damage.

That is not worth the risk, for me. So I 'll do it in a private house where I will not be disturbed (at least until my family get worried and the police track me down, but that won't be for many hours)
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Sep 7, 2018
You just need to make sure that the co can't a)escape into someone elses living space and b) you put a warning sign up on the door leading into your place of destination.


Feb 16, 2019
I've just spent 500 euros on a meter. not sure how I feel.
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Sep 7, 2018
I've just spent 500 euros on a meter. not sure how I feel.
You're in serbia right? Where did you get it from, germany perhaps. Can you let me know please? Why don't you know how you feel, is it because it is becoming reality.
I've just spent 500 euros on a meter. not sure how I feel.
You're in serbia right? Where did you get it from, germany perhaps. Can you let me know please? Why don't you know how you feel, is it because it is becoming reality.

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