I think i mentioned in another post, i have tried and failed this method. The most realistic explanation i can come up with is that i allowed the co to build up in the car before getting in, which knocked me out before i could close the door behind me. I had taken some benzos and alcohol but not enough to explain the sudden black out. I remember very clearly the moments leading up to opening the door to get in and then nothing until coming to 6 hours later in the car with a bang on the head.
From this experience i imagine the co level in the car from a bucket of charcoal in there for 30 minutes produced a very high level of CO, which ko'd me as i got in and then diminished as the door was open. I had taped up the boot and doors during this 30 minute period and so the car was very well sealed.
I had taken a few valium 5mg and a bottle of wine in the couple of hours leading up to the attempt and have wondered if it was too much. But i felt pretty lucid up to the point where i opened the car door to get in.
I made tests beforehand to examine the effects of heat, placing the bucket on bricks in a tray of water, partly covering the bucket with foil to reduce upward heat etc, but didn't use a co meter.
I have read another post here about someone passing out immediately after walking into a room where a generator had been operating.
So apparently the grip of chimney starters can melt and the entire thing gets pretty dangerous.

Jeez, would be ridiculous to forget your gloves.
Lump charcoals or briquettes???
I tend to the latter as they burn longer and don't emit any smoke. But they do contain lots of additives.
The chimney starter i used had a metal shield to protect the handle, it got pretty hot but i was careful and it didn't pose a problem. The binders used in briquettes vary according to the manufacturer, they ought to be written on the bag as to whether they are 'natural' or not.