Even if suicide weren't my only goal why would I want to be in a relationship with a human ape either platonic or romantic? Or even to love myself like they tell us? Plus what other humans believe is completely at odds to what I believe. This post is only a little of what I think I haven't even gotten to the beliefs which I think are subjective.
The thought of being in relationship with a human is abhorrent and ridiculous. Waste of time , risk losing independence , time , being hurt , more suffering..
I hate being trapped in this meat bag these trillions of cells
Dna based life is evil to me
Imo I and every human is a cells monster.
The outer supposed beauty is an illusion.
Take away the skin and see the horror of the organs
Look in The microscope and see 30 trillion human cells and 30 trillion bacteria , parasites , microorganisms, face mites in and on a human
Evolution . I think a human is just that cell a fish a lizard a bug, neural networks ,so.... Ah I'll skip a relationship, I'll skip life what is beautiful to me is only non-existence
There's even more I'll never post here..