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I want throat hugs & anime! Can't use chat pm me
Aug 7, 2022
Hi. I'm not sure if you have what I am suffering from but after receiving the COVID vaccine, all my muscle and fat tissues in my body are wasting/atrophying away. Literally every muscle in my body is wasted. I have become fully disabled, unable to care for myself in any way. Every part of my body is just bone.. And with that comes severe pain. I've lost muscles in my hands, feet, arms legs, spine, etc. As the muscles waste, they have become soft (painful as well) and can't provide support. I cannot walk properly and drag my feet. I can't use my hands much because they've become thin and painful.... Can barely hold a cell phone. Anything heavier can cause dislocation and possible fracture. My spinal vertebrae are exposed and you can feel them sticking out very prominently just under the skin with your fingers. With the muscles degenerating, they are left unsupported and are under significant pressure which isn't just excruciatingly painful but can slip and cause spinal cord compression (and subsequent paralysis). The pain I have is intolerable but the muscle and fat tissue loss continue. My body stopped defecating fully and my eyes became extremely dry. I know it's all nerve related because my intestines are not responsive to stimulant laxatives at all and only osmotic laxatives barely work. All the testing has come back negative for anything! It's very visible and easily palpable by the hands, but the doctors I have are lying for some reason stating that nothing is wrong. WTF? I mean, I can't make this stuff up. They just want to follow labs and scans but it's so damn apparent. I think their egos are too large to admit that something is absolutely wrong with me but they don't know why. They are not properly examining me, writing down my subjective complaints in my chart and not giving me appropriate diagnoses. I know they are avoiding the use of the word "atrophy" in my diagnosis. The one neurologist I had, dropped me as a patient because I disagreed with him. I live in a small city with very few neurologists, so they all know each other. Well, he has conveniently told them not to accept me as a patient because I get rejected from every single one. Even my useless family doctor won't search for specialists for me to see... I have to search and then ask him to refer me. But then I get rejected by each one stating "they can't help me". There is some conspiracy (no, I'm not delusional) that the physicians have against me. It's like they are trying not to examine me properly or actually admit that anything is wrong. All the medical notes are in one system, so every provider can read your chart. Thus, they just look at my chart and read all the fabricated BS and believe there's nothing wrong or that it's "all in my head". What friggin nonsense. I can't even change doctors because it's so difficult to get a new one, let alone an honest one. So, with all the fabrication in my chart, I can't even go to a Swiss clinic for a VAD because it looks like I have nothing wrong with my or have very minor issues. I know that they are intentionally doing this to me but don't know why. What they are doing is unethical, unjust and cruel... Making me suffer immensely. I don't know what they have to gain. Even though the tests are "negative" , most of every muscle involved has twitching which is definitely neurologic. But, they couldn't care at all. I can't dress myself, bathe myself or even go to bed myself. The pain is so severe that nobody could take it. I'm like a dying dog that needs to be put out of its misery but nobody is putting me down. One and a half years ago, I was in top physical condition. Worked out regularly and was very well muscled. Now, I am nothing but skin and bone. The so called specialists have conveniently backed out of my care and I'm now left with a family doctor who just sits on his stool typing his lies and doesn't even bother to get up to examine me. I never had a medical issue in my whole life and now I'm basically dying wasting away without anybody caring. I am not young and have to rely on my very elderly parents to give me palliative care.
I... Am so utterly sorry. This is why people were ready to starve jobless & ostracized from society to defy the covid vax mandates. But I never thought it could get this bad. I admire yet feel sorry for your utterly powerful survival instinct

Here is my theory why

vax inject the virus. To practice. But the immune system isn't muscles to train. It's blood. It takes vitamin c & b to make.

those vitamins are raken out if your muscles & nerves because you can't eat them fast enough to fight the vax

because this vax doesn't inject you with a virus. It injects the virus RNA, forcing YOUR cells to make virus parts with YOUR nutrients... Wasting them.

Each bite must provide the most vitamin c & b. Forget grains, sugar, coffee... Unless the rush keeps you alive but it burns you out. Rest. Preserve nutrients.

The doctors never admit when their profitable monstrocity kills people. It's the only effect. The positive things is just false advertisement to surrender your raxes to a drug cartel .. and wishful thinking. At least prayers were safer than being turned into a gmo.

Feel free to get revenge or finding your calling by warning others. Odysee don't censor their videos. I saw gore side effects... But you sounds in worse agony.

Mercola probably has some ideas. Google him. He had death threats during the scam... Good doctors with real cures did.

The rest enjoys the money.

I don't know if dna can be repaired, vitamins can give the body means.

I wish you could get viramin c straight in the veins. And I eish vaccines upon those who did this to you.

They knew. They don't know the cure .. but they knew the harm & hid the victims since the 1rst vax.

Because if the cure is feeding your own immune system they don't have full control over... every aspects of your life... with the covid pass...

SID deaths are babies dying of the vaccine. Search about the first vax invented. It killed children & they never stopped...

They knew ... but power, control, money... They demonized people who merely gesitated to trust a new tech that wasn't tested... Because it killed every lab animals...

The human race is no more. Or maybe they made a sub human race if weak mutated animals to control & dominate for their narc egos. Who knows which genes rhey inserted. Viruses are used as keys to modify life forms... Plants... Now humans. Patented creatures that require permission to reproduce... Plants... Now people?

They played gods. Or the devil... Google adrenochrome. I'm an atheist but they probably are satanists.

Dead babies are used for stem cells... They use the young to make the old live longer... Rotting, refusing to let the new generation replace them so they can learn & evolve.

I wanted to be one of those evil gods messing with dna

Becoming sick humbled me. Nature heals. Food is life.

My utmost best wishes. Race with nutrient against your own edited body making viruses... Race against the death injected in you.

Or I wish you to have a quick release. It breaks my hearts that you'd shatter like humpty dumpty if you jumped off something...

You have my admiration for every breath you take.
For me, I want to live. I want to live so badly, but a doctor took that away from me. I wish I could continue to live without pain and what feels like I am walking through fog.
If you want to luve that badly ...

I used to do mega doses of nutrients to heal. It worked but takes a long time.

I cut out all food void of mega nutrietion. Grains, corn, sugar, soy... Ate greens & bone broth with meat. Cheese was my cheat. It has morphine in it. But vitamin c is best for muscle & joint pains. Pain killers increase sensitivity to pain & stops healing. I use b vitamins for nerves. Meat, eggs, supplements.

I read adrenal fatigue the 21 rst century stress syndrome.

I kinda gave up now that I can't fight poison & hate myself for that mistake... But who knows, might save you...

Every 6, 7 years... All your cells are renewed. All. Eating can change your body's structure & functions.

But not a multivitamin with coffee.

I force fed myself greens for hours, slowly eating, chewing. Bone broth soups with veggies, and a salad with fruits instead of acid sauce... Amazing.

I take minimum 4g of c. 2x b complex 100. Cheap jamieson stuff extra b12. Magnesium... Vitamin d... I can't find calcium without toxic additives.

If you know how to undo acid damage from floors bath sinks clothes... I could fix my body. But it gets hurt too fast. Nausea stops me from eating... Eye irritation from enjoying tv my last joy.

I feel forced to die. I'm sick of having to crawl back from near death experiences. BUt we can
A film- The Beach- the story line in it where a man gets bitten by a shark, hes taken to the village, his vocal pain noise puts a negative on the energy of the rest of the villagers, they place him external off village grounds so not to disrupt them....
I feel my mother and son should do this with me, so many years have gone by so negative, they wish to live they wish for a future, I dont wish to taint it any longer. __ apologises I dont believe I've replied in the correct place
I am metely realistic. Life is negative. I find solace in genuine people like you who understand my pain. Uncaring people with toxic positivity, demanding a clown out if me, disgust me
i'm 10000% certain. I felt poisoned severely on that drug.

And this makes a lot clear: (2minute read)

''Over the years, Paxil has come under scrutiny for a number of serious complications linked to the drug. As a result, GSK has spent millions in lawsuit settlements, and recently agreed to pay $8 billion in fines for fraudulently marketing several of its products, including Paxil.''

The evil manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline, or better said GlaxoShitKline paid 8 billion usd in lawsuit settlements for withelding safety data, health care fraud and damaged people and suicides. No doubt on my mind. Those settlements were years ago And still this poison is prescribed like candy.
Before this i ran 10km (2019), now i'm in a wheelchair in chronic pain begging for death.

Money is everything this business is about.
I wonder if part of your pain was from a dusease that got misduagnised as depression & drugged. Those are toxic poisons, but people also due from neglect.

Nerves need b vitamins to renew themselves. Vitamin c deficiencies also cause crippling exhaustion & agony. Water soluble vitamins should be eaten like we eat sugar...
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In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
Eu estou assim depois da vacina covid. As farmacêuticas , médicos e políticos são organizações criminosas. Minha vida foi arruinada. Era saudável até tomar esse veneno.
Nobody talks about this in the media. Pieces of sh*t. But luckily we can help ourselves and we don't have to suffer forever.
There was a time when I still had hope and pictured an amazing life I'd start to lead once I got cured. I will never have a normal functioning body. To be healthy is all I've ever desired. If I don't get to have it, well, peaceful death suits as perfect solution.
Picturing an amazing life... I get you, my friend. This is what I've been doing most of the time when I don't sleep. There would be so much to do, so much fantastic wonder and potential. But it's all gone... luckily there is a suicide, we at least don't have to suffer through all of this.
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Apr 16, 2022
Yes, I have Ehlers-Danlos, Chronic Fatigue, a Mast Cell Disorder and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I will CTB when I lose my mobility and cannot be independent any longer. I don't want to, but there is nothing to be done for my pain and it's becoming too much to bear ever since the end of last year when I tore the cartilage in both hips and the CRPS spread there.

It is overwhelming all of the things that can go wrong with one's body.
im glad im not the only one. I also have eds and have been saying for a very long time that as soon as i have to be stuck in a wheelchair and cant do the job ive been dreaming of my whole life, i will cbt.
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I wanna be a baby and cry and be held forever
Jun 27, 2022
I wouldnt trust the rogan university or 1000 other channels like that for any serious information. No matter how bad the health care system is.

According to these people my life is a big joke. Sharing my story would only get me trolled.
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New Member
Aug 14, 2022
Yes. I have chronic pain. I hate it and it ruined my life. Mentally ruined me. It's impossible not to think in ctb. Hope all of you can feel a little better from your pain.
I could of written this. I Just know that nobody I know would live like this but unless your the one suffering can't expect anyone to get me. Hard on them too though when there's nothing they can do to ease the pain.
Me. I wish I didn't have a physical body. I'm so tired of constant physical punishment from it, so pointless. Hate every day.
I say pointless a lot. It's the pain talking but I know been to long for me. I need a plan and mentally accepting this which yes does help, and they say it does, but to much pain it makes every thing pointless.
There has to be a way not to suffer all day every day
If you are suffering physically and cannot take one more day of it, but just drag on with the faintest of hope then please message me. I want to know what it is like for you and how you have dealt with it whatever it is for however long. The thing driving me nuts is this constant urge to urinate and I have gotten to the point where I am using long term antibiotics but it's already been six months and when I wake up I feel like I am entering a nightmare. I never know how the day is going to go as my bladder runs the show and have become pretty much housebound as I barely leave the house because of issues like finding a public bathroom. I also don't know where I am going to hurt and how much as it is so intense that even painkillers just numbed out my mind a little but I could still feel the pain in my core. When this first started my doctor compared it to water torture and it really is as one of my most basic functions have been drastically affected. It all happened after they rammed me with a catheter in a hospital almost six years ago and I feel that it is time to go already because I just feel like a burden on everyone. I hate my fucking existence so much.
If you are suffering physically and cannot take one more day of it, but just drag on with the faintest of hope then please message me. I want to know what it is like for you and how you have dealt with it whatever it is for however long. The thing driving me nuts is this constant urge to urinate and I have gotten to the point where I am using long term antibiotics but it's already been six months and when I wake up I feel like I am entering a nightmare. I never know how the day is going to go as my bladder runs the show and have become pretty much housebound as I barely leave the house because of issues like finding a public bathroom. I also don't know where I am going to hurt and how much as it is so intense that even painkillers just numbed out my mind a little but I could still feel the pain in my core. When this first started my doctor compared it to water torture and it really is as one of my most basic functions have been drastically affected. It all happened after they rammed me with a catheter in a hospital almost six years ago and I feel that it is time to go already because I just feel like a burden on everyone. I hate my fucking existence so much.
If you are suffering physically and cannot take one more day of it, but just drag on with the faintest of hope then please message me. I want to know what it is like for you and how you have dealt with it whatever it is for however long. The thing driving me nuts is this constant urge to urinate and I have gotten to the point where I am using long term antibiotics but it's already been six months and when I wake up I feel like I am entering a nightmare. I never know how the day is going to go as my bladder runs the show and have become pretty much housebound as I barely leave the house because of issues like finding a public bathroom. I also don't know where I am going to hurt and how much as it is so intense that even painkillers just numbed out my mind a little but I could still feel the pain in my core. When this first started my doctor compared it to water torture and it really is as one of my most basic functions have been drastically affected. It all happened after they rammed me with a catheter in a hospital almost six years ago and I feel that it is time to go already because I just feel like a burden on everyone. I hate my fucking existence so much.
For me Chronic incurable physical illnesses. Five years now, Never should of happened but to late now.
I know acute pain, have had many times experiencing it. It hurts. But, it goes away. There is treatment. Painkillers. like Percocet. But these chronic pains, there is no relief. A strong pain killer may help one. Maybe let me try a Percocet. But then there's still the 2 others which Only when dead asleep equals no pain. Debilitating pain and no effective treatment. None. Worse as the day progresses. Pure torture. No other words. Been a long time. Years. To long. Breaks your spirit. A lot of time to think, research.
Simple functions of life are impossible. Who don't eat? Not anything but even the good stuff. I used to love food. Awesome cook. Drink? basic function. A nice hot shower? Nope way to much pain. Watch a movie? Nope read? Very little. Just a few examples. Fight the docs and system looking for a solution. Yea but hope becomes an impossibly. Keep fighting but realize it's over. Need to make plans. Cannot live in pain. Have 3 people in life that really matter. Chronic invisible Pain pushes people away.
Existence not living. Bored to death. If that was a thing bored to death I'd been dead years ago.
Again, ineffective medications and no foreseeable treatments. Pretty much Isolated and in constant pain every single moment of every single day. No freedom, hope for relief, purpose or dignity left. Dependent upon others.
Not one of illnesses terminal but have been slowly dying in chronic pain over the years. Torture. A billion dollars wouldn't cure me now. Would help for sure but …. still Torture. Rather trade off these 3 diseases or at least 2 of them for a year of slow torture, least I'd know it be over in a year.
More doctors. They don't say it out loud but you can tell. Suggest treatments I've done over and over. Didn't work then, to late, for some and not doing anything now. Had one go way back to same med not work years ago but hey let's try again. Not A pain killer for chronic pain, nope, that may help now but hey never get the chance. A simple Percocet. Like to try it but hey it may not work anyway but worth a chance. Rather you lay flat in pain and loose any Mobility you got left.
Can't even get palliative care. Yep asked docs well 2 docs said nope, we don't do that. Ok who what doc does? no answer. Asked again, well I'll talk to my colleague. Ok well when? The next four weeks. WTF. I'm trying here. At three different doc appointments I ask Hospice? Well you don't have cancer or terminal disease. Really? Probably be better off. A diagnosis and a treatment to help the inevitable pain. Yea but I'm in so much chronic pain. There is no treatment working. None will address symptoms satisfactorily. No answer from doc on this one. I've been thinking about it for years.
Where do I go from here?
This life is torture and I'm getting sicker by the day.
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Nov 3, 2019
holy shit, age 8. It breaks my heart to hear that's even legal. God help us. The horror i experienced on that drug is unimaginable. I can't imagine a child of 8 going trough that adverse reaction and not even be able to stand up for itself.

This world is sick.

And you're right i read and studied a lot since i'm ruined. !!ALL!! psychiatric drugs can have irreversible side effects. Same with most of the antibiotics. (Especially Fluoroquinolone AB's and Metronidazole/Flagyl) don't touch it.

No problem that that's the case, but we need to be informed about that on forehand
Why didn't I think to search this keyword here for warning before taking 😭 Now I'm in even deeper Hell than before 💔


Jun 20, 2023
I have extreme Mast Cell Activation Syndome, nowhere is safe, have gone only down hill whatever i try . This condition comes with bunch of fun stuff, i could deal with everything until recently it got worse that i trully dont see any possible improvement options.

The thing is that I can not take 90% of medications, for example all benzos will not make me drowsy but instead will make my heart race and give me insomnia, pain, fever. So i cant try most of pill options, and i am afraid that i would react similary to SN or N and my reactions could pull me out of any attempt.
I have something similar to that.

What do you use for medication?

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