With that logic they use, they should then sue themselves for bringing a person into this world, because at the end of the day, being born into this world was what allowed this result in the first place.
Maybe somewhat insensitive from my part but, by bringing someone into this world parents accepted the possibility (without the consent of the person they brought) that a person could suffer to such an extent that the person would decide not to continue with his/her life. Why are they victimizing themselves if they were the ones who allowed this outcome in the first place?
It is a very reductionist view to use a method like a scapegoat for outcomes such as suicide. Why not make this world a warmer and more welcoming place instead of continuing to take away (even more) people's control of their own lives?
The loss of control over your own life is something that can increase anxiety and stress, the less control someone has, the more stress and anxiety they will have. I mean, if someone doesn't have financial stability, then they have less control over their own life and therefore more stress or also when someone loses their vision or at least it is greatly reduced (that is also losing control). Removing options for a relatively peaceful death also reduces control. I think that in part results such as suicide are due to loss of control over your own life.
Removing options only reduces people's autonomy and does not improve their situation nor well-being. It can make them feel trapped and without a way out, thus increasing the likelihood of impulsive attempts that result in ending up in worse outcomes such as surviving in a vegetative state.
Of course, a dignified death should also be accompanied by a dignified life, but unfortunately in this world there is neither for most people.
Also, don't they ever wonder why people prefer to plan their suicide in silence? Or why someone prefers places like this forum instead of asking for the so-called "help" that is offered today? Do they believe that the world is an utopia and that suicide is solely the product of the "evil" forum and "evil" methods?
-You say this forum and suicides are a symptom of a world populated by war, inequality, discrimination, abuse, excessive competition, pollution, labor exploitation, insecurity, lack of basic needs and many other problems that affect the mind and body?
-Nah, i don't think so, let's focus and spend resources on taking more agency away from people. That will surely make them value life more.
-Improve people's lives and the world to the point where people choose to continue to live by own choice instead of living because they have no choice?
-No, no, no, you are not entilted to demand that. Why don't you value what you have? Do you even think about the pain you will leave to others? You are so selfish.