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Nov 25, 2020
I don't see anything special about humans. Until some God shows up and proves otherwise, our lives and deaths are no different from a bacteria, ant, goat, gorilla, whatever. Is there an afterlife for a mosquito? What about a virus? How about a slime mold? Life is life, I think it's an accident and the universe doesn't care about us anymore than matter fusing in star or a frozen comet or a some rock. I've seen nothing in my life to indicate that we matter. The universe was here before us doing its thing and it will be here after.
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May 28, 2021
We'll all go back to the state of unknowing
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Feb 2, 2019
I don't see anything special about humans. Until some God shows up and proves otherwise, our lives and deaths are no different from a bacteria, ant, goat, gorilla, whatever. Is there an afterlife for a mosquito? What about a virus? How about a slime mold? Life is life, I think it's an accident and the universe doesn't care about us anymore than matter fusing in star or a frozen comet or a some rock. I've seen nothing in my life to indicate that we matter. The universe was here before us doing its thing and it will be here after.
You make some good points, but I'm inclined not to agree simply because of paranormal phenomena. If there is an afterlife, there is certainly a chance it could be in a Abrahamic sense.
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Sep 19, 2021
There has to be some kind of reward for the suffering I have been through. Atleast that is what I keep telling myself.
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Molded foundation

Sep 17, 2021
I honestly believe before and after life; there is an abstract life of "nothingness". Life is like a fleeting memory or dream that will fade back to this nothingness and cease. Once you take an observer out of the equation there is nothing, because there is no observer. Eternity will pass in the blink of an eye and continue as such.
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May 16, 2021
Luiz Elizondo recently hinted that UFOs/UAP's might be related to the afterlife.

Some of the UFO community are now suspicious that this information is being kept from us in order maintain our current understanding of life and the universe, or rather, to prevent us from learning more.
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Feb 2, 2019
...Once you take an observer out of the equation there is nothing, because there is no observer.

That depends....just because nobody observes something does not mean it does not happen / exist.
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Molded foundation

Sep 17, 2021
That depends....just because nobody observes something does not mean it does not happen / exist.
Eh, It might as well be indistinguishable from it, if it's not in somebody's own perspective. I see what you mean though. Now I'm thinking about meaning and purpose of this object/event if nothing is witnessing it.
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Sep 4, 2021
So here is my two cents of so called afterlife.
First under existence I mostly mean consciousness

First I really don't think there is anything like afterlife as religions claim go be since no signs of this. But I kinda think that reincarnation seems most plausible considering the fact: I didn't exist for like 13 billion years and suddenly I'm here. So someday (hopefully very soon) I die and cease to exist. But what is the difference between the these 2 phases?
They are exactly the same thing: you simply don't exist.
So here is the problem: what keeps the cycle from repeating itself? If I already one time came to existence from nothingness why can't it happen again?
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Feb 2, 2019
So here is my two cents of so called afterlife.
First under existence I mostly mean consciousness

First I really don't think there is anything like afterlife as religions claim go be since no signs of this. But I kinda think that reincarnation seems most plausible considering the fact: I didn't exist for like 13 billion years and suddenly I'm here.
Some think that it's not a reincarnation, but rather going on to another plane of existance—another dimension of sorts, preferably one much more desirable than one's current life.
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Sep 4, 2021
Some think that it's not a reincarnation, but rather going on to another plane of existance—another dimension of sorts, preferably one much more desirable than one's current life.
I think they believe this cause they prefer this to be true. Ofcourse it would be nice to know that there are better places, but forvme its just seems wishful thinking
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Feb 2, 2019
I think they believe this cause they prefer this to be true. Ofcourse it would be nice to know that there are better places, but forvme its just seems wishful thinking
Even without ctb, death is an unavoidable eventual fate for all, so yes, one has to have wishful thinking.
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Let me go...please
Jul 27, 2021
Alright. I'm more of a science person than a religious one or belief-based one. I think that once we die, our cellular processes are stopped. Our brain shuts down. Consciousness is lost. A lot of things happens which doesn't concern you. I conclude that it feels like eternal sleep.
But I have some fantasies/methods to escape reality/coping methods that involve reincarnation. So I hold some opinions on the afterlife. I used to do a lot of research on this and I found some things that seemed magical to me. I really want another chance at life. But not in this current one. I want a fresh start with new people.
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I need you to feel this
Jul 14, 2021
i have dreams about the future that come true to a T. down to very small details. I don't know if and how this influences what happens after death at all but im a little bit scared to find out.
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Freedom Believer

Freedom Believer

Forever alone.
Dec 23, 2019
I feel like there is an afterlife. Once we die, there will be a beautiful world where we can do whatever we want. No pain, no hunger, no sadness. I also believe that we can also be offered to reincarnate, but we'll lose all of our memories of the afterlife until we die again.
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Sep 17, 2021
I'd like to believe in afterlife but I don't believe in God he's never answered any of my prayers while I lie here suffering in agony bed ridden for nearly a year. Yet one of my friends has become Christian after apparently speaking to god in the bath I find this hard to believe she is of sound mind only started believing in God in the last decade since attending church with her children Prays for me but I'm still here suffering.
I'd like there to be an afterlife. There's so many unexplained reports from mediums talking to the dead & some of them suicides who weren't treated differently to anyone else on the other side ie felt loved, peace, saw vibrant colours etc.
I've had a hard life but I never wanted to die until I became bed ridden in agony. I appreciate the beauty of nature, was learning to draw, play guitar until a year ago. I'd like to have opportunities to learn more, appreciate the smaller things in life that have sadly been taken from me.
I'm planning to ctb in next 2-3 weeks with N. Nothingness actually scares me. I can't live with the debilitating widespread symptoms & pain but I never imagined I'd ever have to contemplate ending my life Until a year ago. Now death is my only option & I am so scared I will fail as I cry 24/7 in agony. Yet I know if still like another go at life but without all my health issues
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Jun 10, 2020
I'm open-minded about an afterlife since it's impossible to know. I have had a lot of very strong psychic experiences however somehow I remain skeptical. I feel there's a strong possibility it will just be nothingness. But in that case I'll be dead so I won't know. In any case my suicide for me is a pragmatic choice. My health is rapidly worsening and I'm not willing to live possibly another 50+ years losing my independence day by day. So personally anything is better than me having to suffer that. I don't believe in a metaphysical hell. I'm living hell right now. Afterwards is either nothingness or some sort of spirit plane. Heaven seems a bit far fetched to me but you never know. In any case when I die I'll be returning to the universe, from whence I came, and I feel OK about that.
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no regrets, only swag
Oct 22, 2021
I used to love the idea of reincarnation and an an afterlife, but at this point I'm too tired lol. I don't really need another start, or a reward of any kind. I just wish to cease existing :3
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
If you are not a solipsist and go along with the working hypothesis that there is a reality outside of your mind, then there is no indication of an afterlife.

An example: Imagine a puzzle, all pieces assembled. When you then destroy the puzzle, you have only the pieces, the image of the assembled puzzle is gone. Nobody would say: The image is still existing in the afterlife of puzzles!

Afterlife is wishful thinking caused by our survival instinct. The latest findings in brain research make clear, that a living brain is a necessary precondition for our mind and consciousness.

NDE´s have nothing to do with afterlife, they are something similar to dreams.

But somehow, we are immortal. Imagine our life is a video. The existence of a video does not end when it is not watched anymore. I cannot believe that only the three seconds of presence are existing and the past is not existing anymore and the future is not yet existing. Maybe I misuse the word existing.
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
I dunno, there could be an afterlife I guess. I've had a few paranormal experiences that convinced me that maybe there really is something afterwards. I just hope it's nice and nothing like this world, otherwise I'd rather just cease to exist forever.

Sometimes I'm thoroughly convinced that this is a layer of hell. I'm not sure what I did though and it's kind of hard to learn your lesson if you have no clue what you did wrong in the first place. Idk, just a thought.
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Feb 29, 2020
Shakespeare speaks

Where are my creators, my weavers of dreams, my muses and my misfits?
Have you not heard the call to the song in the air that speaks to your heart, your soul, your curiosity of better days?
Where have you hidden ..shrank to...while we wait in an audience of thousands upon thousands just to get a glimpse of greatness that you have dared yourselves to be?
Where are the catalysts of change that—we of your past—have made way for? We have laid out a carpet so red for we eagerly await your arrival, your remembrance of all you have come to be. Of you who you claim to be and such claims are granted just and true.
Where are the open eyes—still heavy with slumber— yet greet the new that which has never been seen before?
Where are my soldiers of adventure? Who fail to give attention to the hearsay of the mind that speaks in tongue of cannot.
Where are my fools—who carry nothing but joy and naivety—only to be taught wisdoms that grow the sage?

I call to you as many do. I call to you as many would.
I call to you to share in the glory of your mischief as you discover your desires and resurrect them from their locked chest beneath your earthly skins.
We know you by your names. We know you by your colors—that which are true and undiscovered but are bright.
We count you as stars—among a different sky—that is the same.
You are a sense of wonder the way your mask changes to change your desired reactions and effects that make you who you claim to be.
You are a sense of wonder in your vulnerable nakedness that depict the essence of an honest life.
You are unhidden from heaven—even though you hide from the earth.
Where are you? I ask and bid you to come forth and show yourselves for we anxiously await your entrance and your song.
We anxiously await your creations as they are molded in the simplest of acts.
We are humbled by your gracious invitation to join you in your lively endeavors and we wait at your door to be received by you if only for a brief moment that fulfilled dreams of both souls.
Where are my spinners of story and dance?
Where are my makers of magic?
Where do you keep your spells of intention that flow from you to me?
Where do you hide your alchemy, your experiments, your sacred laboratories of craft that in decades to come would be searched for like the chalice of the grail?
Where are the kings and queens, the gods and goddesses of a future that is immediately born of that which I have called you?
We see you. I see you.
I only call you by name that which you were called the moment of birth, that which has many meanings but is simply love.
I ask for the lost only to extend the message that you were found so I will ask again. I will ask you daily, weekly, monthly for if you hear the call you might answer, "I am here."
You are. You have arrived. You are here.

It is an honor. It is a delight. I welcome you to your stage—your presence a sight to behold.

Now what would you do? What greatness will you achieve? What a wonder. What a journey. What a fool. What a sage. What a weaver. What a maker. What a creator. It is never done. It is only ever begun.

- William Shakespeare

(transmitted by K on Oct 2021)
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Love it when I die slow
Oct 7, 2021
Most people seem to view life as a straight line with a beginning and end but maybe just maybe it is more of a circle or maybe this is wishful thinking will never have the luck of knowing regardless
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Oct 31, 2021
People here wishing for a second chance. I believe that to be a trap. You will just get caught on a new suffering cycle.

I hope there is no afterlife, just eternal rest, like when we sleep without dreaming (closest thing i perceive as actually resting)

Any other option just means more suffering.
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Sep 28, 2021
I have had a few lucid dreams that could be described as out-of-body experiences.

During these dreams I felt as though I had left my physical body. They were quite memorable experiences.

This make me wonder if the afterlife Is similar. The soul being freed from the body to meander elsewhere.


Oct 28, 2021
People here wishing for a second chance. I believe that to be a trap. You will just get caught on a new suffering cycle.

I hope there is no afterlife, just eternal rest, like when we sleep without dreaming (closest thing i perceive as actually resting)

Any other option just means more suffering.
Look up reincarnation soul trap, it's an interesting theory and one that I actually believe in. I do think people get tricked into coming here and agree to suffer to undergo ''growth'', which is bizarre. I think you're as free as you can be when you die and you never have to come here.
I have had a few lucid dreams that could be described as out-of-body experiences.

During these dreams I felt as though I had left my physical body. They were quite memorable experiences.

This make me wonder if the afterlife Is similar. The soul being freed from the body to meander elsewhere.
Yeah I think so too. If you know what astral projection is (it's quite similar to lucid dreaming), it's when you project your counsciousness out of your body. There's extensive CIA documents covering this type of stuff, ''Remote viewing''', I believe it's called.

I think our souls are as free as they can be when we die and that we can have whatever experience we want to experience.
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Sep 3, 2018
Now I might not make sense but whatever. I feel like I don't see what the point of life is for either options if there is an afterlife of sorts or nothingness. Okay so there's an afterlife okay so why aren't we there now instead of going through this one life instead of living it up in eternal afterlife or whatever the fuck it is? Why not skip this bullshit life and go where the fuck we go? So you have to go through this shit life full of suffering just to be accepted in some fairytale hogwarts or something? Fuck this is confusing and I don't know what to say it's indescribable. I'll move on. Okay so there's eternal nothingness okay so if we're going to be dead forever then why go through this one little puny pointless life? If it ends in nothing it'll be like you never you existed at all to begin with no memory of what even happened.
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Metaphysically Homeless
Aug 28, 2021
i have dreams about the future that come true to a T. down to very small details. I don't know if and how this influences what happens after death at all but im a little bit scared to find out.
I'm... intrigued. Do you feel comfortable elaborating a little? If not, that's okay.


Ex falso quodlibet
Nov 7, 2021
my consciousness travels into other people? Like my sister.
Then why it hasn't happened already if it's a thing? What's so special about an inactive brain in contrast to a brain which is dreamlessly asleep that the travel can't happen when you go to sleep?
my lifetime over and over again without ever remembering the previous incarnations
You're defined by memories, if that self won't have memories which you have now, it won't be you.
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Nov 7, 2021
There is no evidence of hell from any religion. Only written accounts.

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