
Jun 27, 2019
This is for sure something you should try before you decide to Exit. There is a risk, but on the otherhand there is also a great reward. If you have the funds, you should definitely check it. Plant medicines are the most powerfull medicines for the soul in existence.

I'm definitely going to try this one day, I feel ready. I just want to say thank you for helping me find myself, even if that self doesn't really exist. I've learnt a lot from your posts, I hope you find the peace you deserve someday. I don't want to die anymore but I've already explained why in another thread. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/i-dont-want-to-die-anymore.19110/

Wishing you well,

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May 31, 2019
I'm definitely going to try this one day, I feel ready. I just want to say thank you for helping me find myself, even if that self doesn't really exist. I've learnt a lot from your posts, I hope you find the peace you deserve someday. I don't want to die anymore but I've already explained why in another thread. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/i-dont-want-to-die-anymore.19110/

Wishing you well,


I'm happy to hear that. The whole thing about the self being real or not is not really important at this point. Some Mahayana buddhists say that Buddha taught what was not-self instead of teaching no-self. On a practical level the difference is that if you experience thought-free awareness without notions of self and other, you experience pure naked reality without putting in projections unto it. This is both a state of liberating wisdom and is intensly blissfull and compassionate.

Anyway i'm happy to hear you're motivated to go explore some stuff. I have not personally tried Ayahuasca, but know a lot of people who have. I think maybe Ayahuasca is a bit too potent for rookie, but it differs for a lot of people. I did a San Pedro retreat which was amazing, but a friend of mine who works with it feels that San Pedro is safer in terms of not producing a bad trip. I also know people who have done Ayuahuasca without ever having touched a psychedelic who had a great experience.
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Jun 27, 2019
I'm happy to hear that. The whole thing about the self being real or not is not really important at this point. Some Mahayana buddhists say that Buddha taught what was not-self instead of teaching no-self. On a practical level the difference is that if you experience thought-free awareness without notions of self and other, you experience pure naked reality without putting in projections unto it. This is both a state of liberating wisdom and is intensly blissfull and compassionate.

Anyway i'm happy to hear you're motivated to go explore some stuff. I have not personally tried Ayahuasca, but know a lot of people who have. I think maybe Ayahuasca is a bit too potent for rookie, but it differs for a lot of people. I did a San Pedro retreat which was amazing, but a friend of mine who works with it feels that San Pedro is safer in terms of not producing a bad trip. I also know people who have done Ayuahuasca without ever having touched a psychedelic who had a great experience.
I haven't even tried cannabis yet lol. I'm going to start with that. Yeah it's not that I believe in no self, rather I feel as though there some sort of Greater Self to all that exists. Kuolema's body is just a vessel for this Consciousness. I feel infinite love for all. I no longer identify with the finite ego. I don't know how to explain it like some people can, but I feel it. I hope that doesn't make me sound arrogant.
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May 31, 2019
I haven't even tried cannabis yet lol. I'm going to start with that. Yeah it's not that I believe in no self, rather I feel as though there some sort of Greater Self to all that exists. Kuolema's body is just a vessel for this Consciousness. I feel infinite love for all. I no longer identify with the finite ego. I don't know how to explain it like some people can, but I feel it. I hope that doesn't make me sound arrogant.

Can't say whether you should try Ganja or not. The experience differs a lot from quality and whether it's sativa or indica and your own personal makeup and enviroment.

I'd say that San Pedro, Ayahuasca, Shrooms etc are teacher plants. They have a deep theraputic value. Ganja at it's best can just make you feel relaxed and silly, but ganja is also pretty good at inducing anxiety for some.


Jun 27, 2019
Can't say whether you should try Ganja or not. The experience differs a lot from quality and whether it's sativa or indica and your own personal makeup and enviroment.

I'd say that San Pedro, Ayahuasca, Shrooms etc are teacher plants. They have a deep theraputic value. Ganja at it's best can just make you feel relaxed and silly, but ganja is also pretty good at inducing anxiety for some.
Will keep that in mind. Thank you.
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May 31, 2019
Will keep that in mind. Thank you.

Yeah an amazing skunk sativa joint saved my life a lot of years ago and was a catalyst for a lot good things and gave me an interest in nature's remedies for the soul, but I have also wasted a lot of time with cannabis. If you live in the US in state where cannabis is legal, you have great advantage though. If they have super lemon haze that is an amazing strain for depression. I had a friend who I recommended to try a plant medicine ceremony, but he got a anxiety attack on ganja and then decided against it. You can't not really use ganja as a measure to how the rest of the medicines/drugs add up.
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Aug 28, 2018
I think nothing happens after nothing. But sometimes I wonder if there is a heaven and hell. I fear burning in hell for eternity. Like, I know there is no reason to be afraid of the dark but I am sometimes.
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Jun 27, 2019
This is my beliefs summed up in one sentence: I believe that we are all one consciousness disguised as many and I also believe that love and goodness will ultimately triumph over hatred and selfishness. I'm not saying it's the truth, it's just what I believe. Peace.

Edit: Revised version: I believe that we are all one consciousness disguised as many and I also believe that love and kindness will ultimately prevail over hatred and selfishness.
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Apr 7, 2019
To anyone claiming we have a soul. When you see this man, where is his soul?

Without expression. Without personality. Without autonomy.
He is but an empty conciousness. An observant. Probably a great man, withered away like the marble of an ancient statue.
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Apr 7, 2019
I worry that the whole afterlife-dogma on SS might be harmful to some - if you CTB in the hopes of getting another life, thats disillusioned - nobody knows what happens, so everyone should per assumption see this as their only shot; wherein they sould tru to put in as much effort as possible.
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May 31, 2019
To anyone claiming we have a soul. When you see this man, where is his soul?

Without expression. Without personality. Without autonomy.
He is but an empty conciousness. An observant. Probably a great man, withered away like the marble of an ancient statue.

How do you feel this relates to whether we have a soul or not?


Mar 14, 2019
To anyone claiming we have a soul. When you see this man, where is his soul?

Without expression. Without personality. Without autonomy.
He is but an empty conciousness. An observant. Probably a great man, withered away like the marble of an ancient statue.

He has a soul man. I can see it. I wonder why you can't. Hell yeah he has a soul. Brain degenerative disease effects the body. Not the soul. Heck yeah man. That dear soul gonna fly free again. Some day. It is sad. Ok I have worked with these dear people and so perhaps I have a little insight. But anyway. It is especially hard if that is your loved one. But yeah. He has a soul. And NO. I do not have all the answers. It breaks my heart to see a soul trapped in a body unable to communicate any more with the world and those trying to communicate with them. But there is a soul in there. For sure. This is a personal belief of mine but. May I share it? That man may, in my personal belief. be able to communicate with the Higher Power. OK I am getting too deep here. But. What if our souls are caged in these bodies? What if even our brains get in the way? As we grow up and our brains develop and we are influenced by the world's noise... What if are souls lose that close contact with The creator? The Source? Yeah yeah yeah. I believe our souls are more than our bodies. ok. Enough ramble. But yes. That man has a soul.
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Jun 29, 2019
If all the documented children past life stories are in fact true then reincarnation may possibly be real.
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Jul 10, 2019
What do you all think about ancient aliens and intelligent design outside of a divine context?

Am about to be chucked out of Starbucks - so a few brief first thoughts on insects and animals- Ants communicate with each other and have civilisations...my geek bf showed me a video on them. Also Slimemould. Octopuses are anti-social, but if you give them MDMA, they become sociable! Don't know if these things are relevant, but find they challenge my thinking around consciousness.
Ah, octopuses. My spirit animal! I feel it.


May 9, 2018
He has a soul man. I can see it. I wonder why you can't. Hell yeah he has a soul. Brain degenerative disease effects the body. Not the soul. Heck yeah man. That dear soul gonna fly free again. Some day. It is sad. Ok I have worked with these dear people and so perhaps I have a little insight. But anyway. It is especially hard if that is your loved one. But yeah. He has a soul. And NO. I do not have all the answers. It breaks my heart to see a soul trapped in a body unable to communicate any more with the world and those trying to communicate with them. But there is a soul in there. For sure. This is a personal belief of mine but. May I share it? That man may, in my personal belief. be able to communicate with the Higher Power. OK I am getting too deep here. But. What if our souls are caged in these bodies? What if even our brains get in the way? As we grow up and our brains develop and we are influenced by the world's noise... What if are souls lose that close contact with The creator? The Source? Yeah yeah yeah. I believe our souls are more than our bodies. ok. Enough ramble. But yes. That man has a soul.
I couldn't have said it better. I totally agree with you. This is so clear to me.
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Jun 18, 2019
Our brain is what gives us thought. The thought of hope that there's more after we die. Without the brain, there is absolutely nothing. Plain and simple really.


Aug 5, 2018
What do you all think of NDEs(Near death experiences)?


dont cry for me im already dead
Nov 20, 2018
What do you all think of NDEs(Near death experiences)?

its pretty much proven its a biochemistry reaction in your brain when part of it arent worken anymore properly due to bloodloss and or loss of oxygen

the brain doesnt shut down completely at once (given you dont ctb with shotgun) but certain parts give up earlier then other, other parts gets more active which can lead to stuff like near death experience

its all biology

if your brain isnt working properly you get visions all the time - think of harmless stuff like lsd or more serious stuff like epilectic seizure (later being the cause of various religious experience from various prophets who then found various religions. religions where the afterlife plays a mainrole. a bit ironic if you ask me)
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Feb 2, 2019
Thought I'd toss this in the mix:

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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
My views on afterlife-related matters is that... There might be something out there, yes, but there also might not. Before you call me out on the extremely boring view on afterlife stuff, let me explain:

I have experienced a bunch of weird stuff in life, and I am sure I am not the only one. It is easy to attribute the weird, unexplainable events to a supernatural cause, but the truth is the weird stuff I experienced only really happened when I was surrounded by religious people and visiting churches, temples, etc... In my, until that point, seemingly endless search for my true self. So, I would hear about this kind of stuff ad nauseum.

These days I don't really "see" or "hear" anything, nor I feel. It makes me wonder if the weird experiences I had weren't stuff from my, at the time, rather vivid imagination. I would listen to people saying that they saw or heard X or Y, and perhaps in an subconscious level, I wanted to be able to experience the same things... And so I did.

I don't really have any reasons to believe in afterlife, though what my heart truly desires would require dying first, so... Well, some sort of life after death would be required for my dreams to be realized. Yet, I can't really say I expect anything other than nothingness, but I might be biased — After all, the nature of my dreams and wishes is... Complicated, to say the least. I know that the odds, at least in theory, are against me, so the second best thing to me would be to just... Disappear. Hence the "I might be biased". It would do no good if afterlife is a thing, but my wishes are still impossible.

My numerous prayers were never answered. I never seen or felt or heard spirits or angels, nor have I felt the touch or the love of God. I never saw demons or whatever. I did, however, see people who were supposedly possessed by entities and I do have to admit they acted nothing like the actual persons being supposedly possessed, but... That is not really enough, now is it? Weird stuff, hard to explain, but far from being proof that there is more after one's death. It is only enough to make me consider the possibility, but I need more to accept it is as a fact.

One thing that I do find interesting is that some religious teachings have very similar teachings, yet I don't think it is a case of copy & pasting beliefs, since they originate from times where worldwide communication was pretty much nonexistent. Of course, the teachings might have changed through the centuries, so there is that, but it is interesting to me, nonetheless. That could mean there is something else out there, and that different people from different times interpret what comes after death in different ways. It could also just mean that humans are significantly less complex than what we are encouraged to believe, and that people having overly similar ideas is just a very common thing.

I could go on for hours and hours. It is a tiring subject for me, though, so I will stop here.

No it doesn't mean something else is out there, just that primate brains are hardwired similary and necessarily come to the same conclusions by default. DID you know ? Chimps have rituals. To come to valid conclusions about issues that primates have been coming to the same subjective conclusion over millions of years, you'd at leats have to TRY getting out of the primate box first. Thinking inside that box will not deliver new insights, but I have no doubt lots of immortal souls here will be having great clickfun with the thread.
komm susser todd

komm susser todd

Become the master of your own fate
Jul 21, 2019
I dont believe in an afterlife like at all. Nihilistic atheist

But i wont lie in saying that because of anime/vidya games i hope im wrong and i get to be reincarnated in a fantasy world and not some dull mundane world like the world were in now

A man can dream


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
I dont believe in an afterlife like at all. Nihilistic atheist

But i wont lie in saying that because of anime/vidya games i hope im wrong and i get to be reincarnated in a fantasy world and not some dull mundane world like the world were in now

A man can dream

Now... please don't feel attacked when I make a few observations. okay ?
You don't seem to have come to your own conclusions, you're just following fads, even anime fantasy.
In case you ever ctb, which I doubt, it will not even have been your own decision.
The fad is that a man can only dream, but never do anything. That is a bit contradictory to, 'become the master of your own fate,' isn't it ?
Maybe you're just a disappointed romantic ?
That's temporary. Many people get suicidal thoughts because of that. Humans always exaggerate.
Dying is only a solution for lazy people ;)
komm susser todd

komm susser todd

Become the master of your own fate
Jul 21, 2019
Now... please don't feel attacked when I make a few observations. okay ?
You don't seem to have come to your own conclusions, you're just following fads, even anime fantasy.
In case you ever ctb, which I doubt, it will not even have been your own decision.
The fad is that a man can only dream, but never do anything. That is a bit contradictory to, 'become the master of your own fate,' isn't it ?
Maybe you're just a disappointed romantic ?
That's temporary. Many people get suicidal thoughts because of that. Humans always exaggerate.
Dying is only a solution for lazy people ;)

To be fair, the master of my own fate title refers to my own desire to end my current existence with my own two hands and my own personal authority to be able to do so.

I fail to see how it wouldnt be wouldnt be my own decision to ctb because of my values being a "fad". Would someone who made a heroic sacrifice not be doing it of his or her own will because selfless is a "fad"? Would some one who simple desires to end their suffering not be doing so of their own volition because escaping from pain through ctb is a common trope? Your logic escapes me.

Honestly I dont see what you hope to gain with your argument on a forum about doing yourself in. Youre not exactly amongst like minded people by trying to argue rationally like that
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
To be fair, the master of my own fate title refers to my own desire to end my current existence with my own two hands and my own personal authority to be able to do so.

I fail to see how it wouldnt be wouldnt be my own decision to ctb because of my values being a "fad". Would someone who made a heroic sacrifice not be doing it of his or her own will because selfless is a "fad"? Would some one who simple desires to end their suffering not be doing so of their own volition because escaping from pain through ctb is a common trope? Your logic escapes me.

Honestly I dont see what you hope to gain with your argument on a forum about doing yourself in. Youre not exactly amongst like minded people by trying to argue rationally like that

That you fail to see why your decision isn't your own is exactly the problem. You are a pre-programmed organism indoctrinated from birth, yet you believe that your world view is something you sort of invented on your own ? That's stark, to use a very benign term.
But it's not unusual.
What is unusual is the aggressive reaction to my polite attempt to doubt the neutrality and rationality of your views, and your immediate call on the majority to outlaw and dehumanize me because I dare to doubt the absolute objectivity of a majority opinion.
That's more than stark, especially as I'm one of the very few here who will be gone within the next months, while others are only narcissists hoping to have their silly ideas mirrored.
Thanks for making it clear that you will not tolerate either contradiction or rational arguments on this forum.
Why not apply for a moderator job ?
Anyway - I can see that you think about ending your life heroically by strangling yourself with bare hands, that is to be commended and will be appreciated by the community, a creative jump ahead.
Seriously ;) It beats hell out of jumping from a helicopter in front of an approaching oil tanker, which was the last invention we discussed a few days ago.
This forum is fortunately not without humor...
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Feb 2, 2019
Dying is only a solution for lazy people ;)
I'm going to write that above remark off as you being very young and inexperienced about the Human condition. There are many who really are suffering a lot, it's not about being lazy, but rather having severe chronic issues with one's inner self that at some point hit critical mass.


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
I'm going to write that above remark off as you being very young and inexperienced about the Human condition. There are many who really are suffering a lot, it's not about being lazy, but rather having severe chronic issues with one's inner self that at some point hit critical mass.

I'm going on 37, I'm dying from a chronic brain condition and I will be gone later this year.
Please try to check people's remarks for sarcasm, especially when a smiley is present.
If you can't do sarcasm, there's the possibility that you're taking life and death too seriously.

Mors est quies viatoris, finis est omnis laboris...
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Feb 2, 2019
I'm going on 37, I'm dying from a chronic brain condition and I will be gone later this year.
Please try to check people's remarks for sarcasm, especially when a smiley is present.
If you can't do sarcasm, there's the possibility that you're taking life and death too seriously.
Ok, My bad & my apologies, sarcasm can be hard to detect unless I know the writing style of the individual.

And I'm sorry to hear of your situation.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Ok, My bad & my apologies, sarcasm can be hard to detect unless I know the writing style of the individual.

And I'm sorry to hear of your situation.

No problem, I'm fine with the situation - just a bit sad. Nostalgic...
Sarcasm is difficult, it just never works when you declare it openly ;)
It helps me a lot, I never leave home without it.
komm susser todd

komm susser todd

Become the master of your own fate
Jul 21, 2019
That you fail to see why your decision isn't your own is exactly the problem. You are a pre-programmed organism indoctrinated from birth, yet you believe that your world view is something you sort of invented on your own ? That's stark, to use a very benign term.
But it's not unusual.
What is unusual is the aggressive reaction to my polite attempt to doubt the neutrality and rationality of your views, and your immediate call on the majority to outlaw and dehumanize me because I dare to doubt the absolute objectivity of a majority opinion.
That's more than stark, especially as I'm one of the very few here who will be gone within the next months, while others are only narcissists hoping to have their silly ideas mirrored.
Thanks for making it clear that you will not tolerate either contradiction or rational arguments on this forum.
Why not apply for a moderator job ?
Anyway - I can see that you think about ending your life heroically by strangling yourself with bare hands, that is to be commended and will be appreciated by the community, a creative jump ahead.
Seriously ;) It beats hell out of jumping from a helicopter in front of an approaching oil tanker, which was the last invention we discussed a few days ago.
This forum is fortunately not without humor...

Sigh. Honestly. I still dont know what the hell your on about but ill bite the bait.

Im not saying that my worldview is ORIGINAL, i know damn well many others may share the exact same ideas and concepts that I do. Theres 8 billion of us on this damn planet so im bound to meet several people who stumbled upon the same thought process. However what I am saying is that i came to those world views of my own terms and my own rationale about the world. Though many may come to the same conclusion that fire fucking hurts, it doesnt lessen the truth of its painfulness because many believe so that fire fucking hurts.

I dont see how im being "aggressive". Rather im curious why you attempted to be so passive aggressive about some one with a worldview that you that you dont agree with. Im assuming due to your own condition youre bitter at those wasting their life opportunities for reasons that you see as silly or not severe enough to fit your criteria of a rational suicide.

And i should clarify about my title. It was late last night so perhaps i didnt word that properly, but the point is that im obviously pro choice in taking your own life, and i believe the choice should be left to ones own agency of self to decide what is right for him or her. Its not about dying heroically but making the statement that ones own free will should trump the objections of the masses in terms of what to do with your own life
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