
Feb 20, 2021
I tried once and will try again soon
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Sounds a bit weird, being that I'm still here, but I've become a self taught expert in overdosing. If you need any tips, let me know.
No offense, mate, but you're just living proof that most overdoses are an ineffective method


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Yeah pretty much exactly what happened to me. People held onto me until the police arrived. The police then asked me questions and kept a conversation going in order to distract me from the fact that they were getting in a position to pull me back over. It worked, they pulled me back over and cuffed me, put me in the back of a police van and because I was too agitated they had to take me to the police station as a place of safety. I was kept in the holding cell with 2 officers until I was calm enough to have a mental health assessment done. They didn't want to transport me to another place of safety because they thought it would make me agitated again, so they called people out to the police station to do the assessment there which meant it took a lot longer.
What happened with your assessment?

Did you get sectioned?
No offense, mate, but you're just living proof that most overdoses are an ineffective method
My body's self defence mechanism kicks in and I tend to call for help.

If I never called for help, I'd be gone long ago.

No offence, mate.
I tried once and will try again soon
What did you do?
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
My body's self defence mechanism kicks in and I tend to call for help.

If I never called for help, I'd be gone long ago.
You have no way of knowing that you would've died if you hadn't called for help...


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
You have no way of knowing that you would've died if you hadn't called for help...
I do.

I've died twice before, during one attempt, with less than 50% of the tablets I take now.

You seem to have a bit of an attitude?

Too scared to have a go yourself, so you're trolling on here?
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
You seem to have a bit of an attitude?

Too scared to have a go yourself, so you're trolling on here?
Feel free to report me if you think my posts are problematic


Nov 30, 2020
4 times. Or fower here in Scotland.
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Nov 30, 2020
I'm not a grass.

I'll just move on.

What method/s did you try?
First was a strange one. I was deliberately making my diabetes worse and it was working but my personal circumstances changed and I had to stop. Second was wrist cutting, went through 3 or 4 tendons, both nerves and part of the artery. Third was cutting where the nerves join at the elbow but the blade was too blunt. Fourth was starvation and I just got bored of that, although I did go 10 days. Third and fourth times was when I was in the looney bin.


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
First was a strange one. I was deliberately making my diabetes worse and it was working but my personal circumstances changed and I had to stop. Second was wrist cutting, went through 3 or 4 tendons, both nerves and part of the artery. Third was cutting where the nerves join at the elbow but the blade was too blunt. Fourth was starvation and I just got bored of that, although I did go 10 days. Third and fourth times was when I was in the looney bin.
I hope you haven't got any long term ailments from your cutting? Going through tendons is not a good thing.

With the starvation, did you start feinting or blacking out? Did you lose much weight?

I've also overdosed twice whilst on a psych ward, and once whilst in a 136 suite. I think I was the first ever to dare to do it there. Police searched me when they sectioned me, but I had 48 paracetamol in a food bag cheeked (between my bum cheeks.) And the 136 suite in question was Maudsley, so that got them!

I was actually placed on Section 2 whilst in the suite, and that was the reason for me ODing. However, after my treatment in King's College Hospital I told them that I had more tablets stored in my anal cavity, and that I'd stick my finger up there and split the bag if they didn't let me go (they were trying to send me to a psych ward half way up the country, as apparently that was the only bed available.)

Anyway ... the head psych person came to speak with me (I could see the fear on her face) and she agreed to rescind the section if I agreed to have another blood test. She was worried that I was actually overdosing again, right there and then. I love the fact that I'd got one over them, as I wasn't opposing being sectioned, I was just opposed to being sent half way up the country.
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Apr 3, 2020
My body's self defence mechanism kicks in and I tend to call for help.

If I never called for help, I'd be gone long ago.
I did same thing, last memory what I have is I yelled help... Overdose.
I remember it was weird situation, reflex what you can't stop: it just came out. My yell was silent and something like that when you have nightmare and try yell help but can't. Hard to explain. And I knowed that's last thing what I'm going to do. After that I don't remember anything until I woke up few days later.

Although none heard that yell, but unfortunately person who lived with me found me still. Somehow he woke up and heard "strange noise" and came to see what is happening. Before I passed out I tried to crawl to escape the room, that was that noice. Self defense again. Blah.

I know that I would be dead now (doctors say that), because they couldn't get me to ambulance and needed to wait more people (I was on difficult place and all) and time was running out.

Someone could say I was lucky, yeah If you want to live... Next time I'm gonna be alone somewhere.

My other attempts was different and I chickened out or people came there where I was. I have tried drowning, freezing, getting hit by a car.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Bout as close to death as I got...

I just read it and replied.

Loved your account of what happened.

Your only mistake was doing it in your truck, after you'd been pondering for so long in a car park. Someone was bound to see you, and it happened to be a security guard.

I've actually booked into a hotel to OD before. My mistake being that I'd called my previous doctor's surgery to tell them what I was intending to do, and why (they caused my tinnitus, by continually prescribing me with ototoxic medication.)

Anyway, I had a night out on the town (my farewell party, if you will ... quite surreal, bonding with strangers, when I knew what my intentions were.) When I got back to the hotel I was listening to music, psyching myself up. The tablets were on the table, in a food bag. Next thing, there's a knock on my door (this was in the early hours of the morning) and I when I opened it, I was greeted by two police officers. They'd obviously tracked my phone. Anyway, one of them was speaking to me, gestured toward the bag of pills and said that it looked like I was going to overdose. The other copper was on the phone to his sergeant, asking him what they should do. He had to be in the hallway, as that was the only place where he could get reception on his phone! I had to think quickly, and asked the copper who was with me if he could just leave me to lay down for a bit, as I was very tired. He agreed, and went to his partner in the landing. I acted quickly, and downed all of the tablets before they returned. I simply told them that I couldn't resist (I bet he got a bollocking from his sergeant!) I remember being taken out of the hotel, but that was my last memory. I'd taken about a hundred zopiclones and a hundred diazepams. Next thing I remembered was waking up in hospital.

Anyway, moral of the story being that you just have to get it done. You can't hang around, and you can't make any kind of distress calls.

Wishing you well on your journey, my friend.
I did same thing, last memory what I have is I yelled help... Overdose.
I remember it was weird situation, reflex what you can't stop: it just came out. My yell was silent and something like that when you have nightmare and try yell help but can't. Hard to explain. And I knowed that's last thing what I'm going to do. After that I don't remember anything until I woke up few days later.

Although none heard that yell, but unfortunately person who lived with me found me still. Somehow he woke up and heard "strange noise" and came to see what is happening. Before I passed out I tried to crawl to escape the room, that was that noice. Self defense again. Blah.

I know that I would be dead now (doctors say that), because they couldn't get me to ambulance and needed to wait more people (I was on difficult place and all) and time was running out.

Someone could say I was lucky, yeah If you want to live... Next time I'm gonna be alone somewhere.

My other attempts was different and I chickened out or people came there where I was. I have tried drowning, freezing, getting hit by a car.
The body's self defence mechanism is a bastard.

It's prevented me from succeeding countless times.
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
- cutting carotid artery with shitty knives landing me in 2 week coma and psych-ward
- jumping in front of a bus that suddenly stopped
- death by cop: got extremely drunk and thought it would be a good idea to attack cops with a combat knife in the hope they shoot me. They ended up breaking my arm, more ICU and psych-ward
- many attempts at partial, the discomfort so far has been too great to even get to the passing-out stage
- every evening I go to tracks hoping I can catch that train
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
I climbed up on an overpass, during my most recent stay on a psych ward (I had Section 17 leave.)

Loads of cars pulled up, and tried to persuade me to come down. They were actually really lovely, and it touched my heart.

Then a police car turned up, and one of the coppers asked if he could come a bit closer. I agreed. He was speaking to me, then he asked if he could look over the wall. Once again, I agreed.

Before I knew it, he'd grabbed me and got me to the floor. Cuffed me, and sectioned me under 136 of the MHA. I was taken to the place of safety, then was transferred back to the ward.

I was taking a lot of medication, so I wasn't on the ball. However, it's all a learning experience and I won't fall (no pun intended) for that one again.

I've been on the edge of a bridge more then once, Like you people stopped to talk to me, again I had police close by too when they turned up, they did try getting closer to me, but every time they got closer I took one step further, and was more on the edge, so they gave up and stopped.
I know I've been in a fight with a group of them when I tried the very first time, but I don't recall how it happened, just remember two very pissed off police officers when I came to (I blacked out) whom refused to let me walk alone any where, and had me in forced holds even to go to the bathroom, I was also covered in bruises!
I've also attempted via over doses, don't recommend unless doing it properly, I say I just wanted to sleep which I did, but wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't woken up!
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Jul 16, 2018
Bout as close to death as I got...


Thanks for sharing this. Further confirms SN as my ideal method. And also proves fasting + SN is all you really need.


Nov 30, 2020
I hope you haven't got any long term ailments from your cutting?
Unfortunately, I was left with severe nerve damage so I lost all fine movement and most of the muscles in my hand died off. I can only open and close my fingers. Here's a couple of photos, if you look above the thumb in the first one you can see there is no longer a muscle:
IMG 20210422 154952083 IMG 20210422 155059402
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Unfortunately, I was left with severe nerve damage so I lost all fine movement and most of the muscles in my hand died off. I can only open and close my fingers. Here's a couple of photos, if you look above the thumb in the first one you can see there is no longer a muscle:
I'm sorry to hear that, bud.

I tried to view the attachments, but it said I don't have permission.


Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
Lost count of all the overdoses, tried to suffocate with plastic bag at 14, ate whole can of shaving cream (I was 9) it sed it was lethal, skipped school a few times to jump off a cliff, tried to jump in front of traffic, tried to jump out a high window few times, tried partial hanging, tried to cut my wrists. Tried dehydration and starvation at same time.


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Lost count of all the overdoses, tried to suffocate with plastic bag at 14, ate whole can of shaving cream (I was 9) it sed it was lethal, skipped school a few times to jump off a cliff, tried to jump in front of traffic, tried to jump out a high window few times, tried partial hanging, tried to cut my wrists. Tried dehydration and starvation at same time.
Which method have you preferred the most?

I'm guessing overdosing, because you've taken so many?

What have you overdosed on, by the way?
Me. I have made 2 attempts.
What did you do?


Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
Paracetamol, ibuprofen, family members old epilepsy medication tegretol, others but I cannot fink of their names right now. It's no longer my preferred method as the last attempt made me vomit all night.


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I've deleted the spoiler tags maybe that will help.
The spoiler icon is still there, and it's still not letting me view them?
Paracetamol, ibuprofen, family members old epilepsy medication tegretol, others but I cannot fink of their names right now. It's no longer my preferred method as the last attempt made me vomit all night.
I've overdosed countless times on paracetamol.

I usually take 48 (3 boxes.)

I always require hospital admission, and have the NAC treatment via cannula.

I used to be really sick on these ODs, but I believe my body has simply become accustomed to it.

The NAC treatment comes in the form of three bags, and the second one must be most potent as it tends to make me a bit queasy, so I request anti sickness medication.

How many tablets did you/do you usually take?

I'd ride it out at home for 3 days, and die of liver disease (apparently a very painful way to go) but my only concern being that I'd survive, my liver will be fucked, and I'd end up with a catheter for the rest of my life.

I much prefer overdosing on zopiclone and diazepam, of which I stockpile and take 100 of each. One minute you're conscious, then you're gone (unconscious.) A much more pleasant way to go. Trouble is, survival instinct kicks in and I make the call!
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
I've tried a few times with partial but never got anywhere.
Came close using Monox - spent two months in hospital and permanent nerve damage.
Then made an abortive attempt at full suspension didn't even get close and ended up sectioned 3.5 months.
Happy days!
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Dreadful damage, dreadful destiny
Feb 1, 2021
Full suspension was my first. A couple of partial attempts in the psych ward followed. One of those I ended up in a tug of war with a nurse over a noose lmao.
A few more partial attempts since. A couple of overdoses too, cyanide and caffeine. I hope one day I'll catch that bus.
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Nov 30, 2020
The spoiler icon is still there, and it's still not letting me view them?
I'll have another go at it
Here's a couple of photos, if you look above the thumb in the first one you can see there is no longer a muscle:
IMG 20210422 154952083
IMG 20210422 155059402
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