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Jun 1, 2024
1. VAD - feels guaranteed painless, lets you prepare. No worries about failed attempt. Almost too perfect

2. N or any barbiturate. Painless, peaceful. Dying for sources in Latin America, and basically willing to spend a big chunk of change to fly out there and get some. Maybe I can even see Macchu Picchu. Open to DMs.


May 21, 2024
Nembutal would be the perfect choice if it were available. SN isn't so difficult to find and you can doze off and listen to music while it does its magic. Exit bag isn't so bad either. I probably would choose hanging though if I had a good spot.


Jun 16, 2024
Many people say that suicide is so easy, especially the politicians who pass laws, that nothing peaceful is possible.

The only method I would trust and would want would be Nembutal. All in one drink or powder.

And it might sound crazy and I'm thinking too much.I currently only have my parents. But they would be devastated if it turned out that it wasn't a natural death.I assume that if it was Nembutal and you live in a normal house and the family doctor comes, there would be a good chance that it would be passed off as a heart attack if you quickly throw away all the glasses etc. and get into bed.
I would be afraid of the SN method because it could possibly go wrong and have a corrosive effect? Maybe you can feel the suffocation?But it is currently the only method for the little man.


Mar 11, 2024
I may have posted here before, but don't remember. If I did, I would have said Nigh-Night method at the time, but I've come to believe that I will use partial hanging to CTB. I've done a few tests with just holding the rope myself and woke up on the floor.