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Jun 29, 2018
I can't understand how people keep on going when they have absolutely nothing. I think you have to be seriously mentally ill or completely addicted to drugs to go on when everything is lost. If I get to point where I have nobody or anything left, then that is my time to go. What about you?
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I experienced only milder case or short term homelessness but if I became totally homeless I think I would try to kill myself at some point because it is really hard to be homeless especially as you get older. It's incredibly difficult to get out once u are too. I found just having to live in my car was exhausting and it was hard because u constantly have to move around and u can't find shit. I can only imagine what I would have looked like after some time living in car. U can't really relax and eat very well. Ure eating out a lot. I guess some pple can pull it off better.
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Jun 27, 2018
I've been homeless and lived in my car had to wash in gas station bathrooms. I will never go back to that I'll die first. And that is what I fear will come next .I didnt have cancer then either. This is so unbearable losing everything I'm not on drugs just been abandoned by the ones who claimed to love me. I cry so much these days wishing for it all to stop. I cant seem to get the job done . I just want this to end I cant keep going on . Things wont get better only worse .god end my life please I cant di this anymore two od's and in still here why. I have no more fight left I cant stay here I cant see what's coming next. Have mercy on me and take me from this life.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Karlala I can relate. I attempted once but it was a half hearted attempt and didn't know what I was doing enough to succeed. I'm sorry about your losses and suffering :( I lost everybody too or more like pushed some of them away. Rejected or used by many others but that's on me to some extent.
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Deleted member 847

This question is like would you rather sleep in a comfortable bed or be burned alive. YEAH I WOULD RATHER BE DEAD Duuuuh.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I would not be as afraid of homelessness if it wasn't criminalized. It's illegal to be too poor that's what's crazy. Some really powerful wealthy people decide how much u will be forced to earn so u don't go to jail. It's like oh that's just great
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Jun 8, 2018
Dead, fucking hands down.
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Jun 27, 2018
Karlala I can relate. I attempted once but it was a half hearted attempt and didn't know what I was doing enough to succeed. I'm sorry about your losses and suffering :( I lost everybody too or more like pushed some of them away. Rejected or used by many others but that's on me to some extent.
I dont know what to do anymore besides look for a way to end this miserable life of mine. I seem out of options somedays I just want to walk in traffic at night but I dont wanna end up in a chair still alive or worse a vegetable in a bed.
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Apr 19, 2018
rather be dead
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I would definitely want it to be as painless as possible and fast.
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Jun 27, 2018
I would definitely want it to be as painless as possible and fast.
Me too. But that's hard to come by in my life no matter what I try I fail. I feel lost and somehow cut off from myself and the life I use to have. My life completely changed overnight. But I will find a way. I thinking road trip and dont come back find a dangerous place and push my luck
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Yea I think dying somewhere desolate and dangerous, to go die at. Make it more hellish, the impending doom.
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Jun 27, 2018
I hate that the most serious people live in a different country that sucks alot
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Jun 27, 2018
Yea I think dying somewhere desolate and dangerous, to go die at. Make it more hellish, the impending doom.
No I mean like a dangerous place to be where you might be robbed or shot or beaten up like Detroit high crime area and just play the odds . Its like suicide by cop but different. Like walking around the wrong neighborhood and do or say something to get harrassed
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
I can't understand how people keep on going when they have absolutely nothing. I think you have to be seriously mentally ill or completely addicted to drugs to go on when everything is lost. If I get to point where I have nobody or anything left, then that is my time to go. What about you?

Never heard of a little thing called crippling cowardice, huh? That's the only reason I'm still here and even if, personally speaking, I ever do become homeless, totally alone and forever bereft of everything dear to me (not much on that front, I can assure you), I honestly can't say whether or not I'd finally be able to kill myself. Suicide is one of the hardest fucking things a person can choose to do, even if they have nothing and are at rock bottom. Don't underestimate how much the fear of death/dying can paralyze others into inaction, despite how much it is they genuinely want to leave this wretched universe behind them. Pity us, if you must. In many ways, we're more trapped than anyone else. No wish to live, yet unable to die.

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Mar 31, 2018
I would rather be dead than alive. Doesn't matter if I am homeless or not.

But to answer the question properly, I would kill myself ASAP if I were to go homeless. It is just too dangerous, especially for a woman. I would rather die than risk having my body and mind abused by a bunch of shitty people, not to mention life is already bad enough when I don't have to endure hunger and cold nights without a comfortable bed and blankets.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I'd rather be dead for lots of reasons!
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May 4, 2018
Homelessness seems like absolute hell. I see the homelessness in Vancouver and it scares the shit out of me. I have zero street smarts and crippling social anxiety.. I'd get eaten alive. My choice to die over a slow death at the hands of others.
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Jun 22, 2018
I'd definitely rather be dead than homeless
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Jul 9, 2018
I've tried suicide half a dozen times, but not when I was homeless for about 4 years. I think the area you become homeless in has alot to do with how harsh it could be. About 3 of those years were in San Diego. Food stamps, general assistance many churches in that area feed the homeless, day room with showers. Free clothes and health care. Lots of beutiful parks, the ocean, weed and women easy to get, fair amount of friends.worst of it is the cops stealing your tent and bedding. I absolutely hate living in a car living like a real homeless person was much better. There is lots of death in the homeless community, and occasionally when I'd here of someone drinking to much alcohol and dying in there sleep, I'd think we'll that lucky son of a bitch wish it was me.
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I can't understand how people keep on going when they have absolutely nothing.
No matter how I think and try to understand why, I don't find any logical answer.

Replying your question, I have a confortable decent house and I fucking wish for death. I think I was clear enough.
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Jun 18, 2018
Yea I think dying somewhere desolate and dangerous, to go die at. Make it more hellish, the impending doom.
I used to think of driving out to the desert and just wait to die. Hikers die at Joshua Tree all the time. They forget to bring enough water.
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Jun 30, 2018
I've been homeless several times in my life and I'd rather be dead or in prison than be homeless again.
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Jun 30, 2018
I can't understand how people keep on going when they have absolutely nothing. I think you have to be seriously mentally ill or completely addicted to drugs to go on when everything is lost. If I get to point where I have nobody or anything left, then that is my time to go. What about you?

That is usually the case. Most homeless people are seriously delusional or getting high all the time with drugs. Rational people desperately try to escape a life of homelessness through any means necessary.
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Jun 18, 2018
I've been homeless several times in my life and I'd rather be dead or in prison than be homeless again.
What were the worst parts of homelessness?
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Jun 30, 2018
What were the worst parts of homelessness?

Sleeping on the streets(if you are lucky to find a spot where cops will let you sleep), dealing with assholes who hate all homeless people treating you like shit all the time, not having easy access to a bathroom, not being able to shower or bathe, dealing with homeless people who are batshit insane(like one time, this homeless dude wanted to physically assault me just to prove his strength), dealing with homeless people who are junkies(they are constantly trying to steal your stuff), dealing with the freezing cold, no shelter, no health insurance, no privacy, no entertainment other than books unless you want to become a junkie etc... There is a reason a lot of people commit suicide after losing their job...
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Sleeping on the streets(if you are lucky to find a spot where cops will let you sleep), dealing with assholes who hate all homeless people treating you like shit all the time, not having easy access to a bathroom, not being able to shower or bathe, dealing with homeless people who are batshit insane(like one time, this homeless dude wanted to physically assault me just to prove his strength), dealing with homeless people who are junkies(they are constantly trying to steal your stuff), dealing with the freezing cold, no shelter, no health insurance, no privacy, no entertainment other than books unless you want to become a junkie etc... There is a reason a lot of people commit suicide after losing their job...
I'm sorry you suffered it.

In the zone I live there are lots of nazis and extreme right people who attack homeless people with nightsticks and shits just for fun and hatred. I just hope all them will have the same fate of their victims.
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Jun 30, 2018
I'm sorry you suffered it.

In the zone I live there are lots of nazis and extreme right people who attack homeless people with nightsticks and shits just for fun and hatred. I just hope all them will have the same fate of their victims.

I'm sure a lot of those fuckers will reap what they have sown, one day.
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Jun 22, 2018
I've been homeless several times in my life and I'd rather be dead or in prison than be homeless again.

I've not been homeless or in prison, but I think I'd rather be dead than either of those :/ I know I wouldn't be able to keep my sanity on the streets or in prison
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