I edited my message to add a question at the same moment you answered so you might have missed it, that's why I ping you again @DyingEmperor2.
Yes, that's the only thing I care about: A worthy spouse and a large family.
After I die, no career, no personal engagement and no "fun" or "wealth" that I've attained will follow me to the afterlife, nor will it remain here (except for a house, but even if I had one I'd sooner burn it to the ground then let the government inherit it).
So what was the purpose of my life then? Why did I exist, what was the fucking point?
The only indisputable "meaning of life" is to make more copies of ourselves: through my children, a part of me will live on.
Although I don't have the faculties to change the world for the better, if I take good care of my children they will become good people who will do good things for humanity, far outsizing any impact I could have had myself.
That would be a life worth living. I could live my life without regrets and die knowing I did my bit for humanity.
I want to find a freaky young girl, fuck like rabbits, have threesomes, orgies, go to raves, do hippy substances, enjoy life to the fullest, experience all of its buzz and FEEL ALIVE. Then a few years after we've calmed down, we make the healthiest, most wholesome family of 4 children there has ever been. I want to be a good father to these kids and I want to make sure they crush the competition and live better than I ever could have.
I'm low maintenance myself, I just need sex, food, weed and video games.If I just wanted to live for myself that would be a sad and pathetic existence. In the context of a family however, if I could limit my consumption to one Friday afternoon joint, this would make me the perfect provider.
I also think the current day fad of "no kids" is extremely dangerous and toxic and most (not all) who buy into it will deeply regret it in their 50s or if not then, than on their deathbeds. It's like you've never existed.