@Unknown21 you can use a moisture absorber, since moisture is one of the biggest concern and arguably the most serious one, since that's the main reason why the SN would oxidize, when storing SN.
And it'd be better than nothing, if you're concerned about the SN oxidizing very quickly although it wouldn't. I'd use it.
You can find such things on amazon.
Cheap and painless I guess? I don't understand why more people don't use charcoal.
I wouldn't say it's completely painless. From my previous SN attempt, all I remember is being in pain and dry heaving nonstop despite taking the recommended dosage of metoclopramide. It definitely depends on the people's bodies.
Charcoal method would need a sealed room, without any ventilation, it's hard to do that.
I think it's very important to spread awareness of any possible outcomes, after effects on so on and also have your struggles acknowledged. I'm really sorry that people have treated you that way, you don't deserve it at all and they shouldn't get angry at you for simply trying to warn others or share your experience even if it's assumingly rare.
There was a member who tried to spread awareness of the risks of SN, they were even a medical professional so they knew what they were talking about and all the recognition they got was insults and threats.
In a way, I do understand why they got negative backlash from others because not much proof was provided and granted, many people did manage to recover from damage from methemoglobinamia but the way their organs function after recovery would never be the same.
For example, my heart is damaged and I'm not getting enough bloodflow to my brain and possibly all my other organs and once my heart does get better, it will still never be the same as it was before. And no, this damage wasn't genetically inherited, I noticed how my body was functioning differently specially after I failed with SN.
I wish the member in question, who I am speaking about, was treated with more respect. The risks of SN are undeniably true and it isn't good to mislead people that SN is a risk-free method, like all methods, there are risks involved and you should inform yourself about them. Not every method is the new nembutal.
Thank you for the kindness, btw.
I've thought of that too, only problem is that the source I'll most likely end up using only sells 1kg sizes, I really don't need 2kg just for the sake of this. And I'm broke enough as it is.
1kg of SN is relatively cheap. In my country, you can buy 1kg for about 10 dollars on average. It is the same everywhere so it'll cost you approximately 20 dollars to get both containers, as mentioned by the person who you replied to.
For the sake of saving money, the 2nd container isn't very necessary if 1) you buy from a reputable supplier and 2) you're careful with storing the SN.
By the way, 1kg containers aren't big. They can fit in the palm of your hand if your hand is big (not perfectly, but close enough)