bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
In my case it is not the strongest thing that I have been told but, coming from where it came from, it hurt more.

"We do it for her, if it were up to you you'd eat shit."

Came from family environment
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I am a prisoner locked up behind xanax bars
Dec 16, 2021
I moved in with my bf of 7 years and quickly realized he was cheating on me with multiple women. I broke up with him and he said very smuggly, with pride, and a smile on his face "I've always been cheating on you. You just never knew it because you didn't live with me".
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Oh the things I learned when sorrow walked with me
Feb 4, 2022
"I wish you would catch a fatal disease, so I could watch you die."

I loved him.
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Deleted member 8975

Trigger Warning: Kill yourself faggot. I was 9 years old at a summer camp. I was forced into isolation after kindergarten. Not allowed to make friends or talk to others. I was raised to understand that I am never to look at women, talk to women, avoid eye contact with women, and lower my head around women. Avoid them. The punishments were super severe.

I was put into a religious summer camp as a pilot test for being enrolled in religious school. I was regularly bullied there…but I made a few friends who liked me. One day on a field trip to a water park, two girls made came over to me on the bus and kissed me at the same time…almost like making out and I just froze. I didnt know what to do and had never made out before. My friends were sitting across from me and started mocking me and making fun of me. I could hear people in the back of the bus calling me a fag and everyone was laughing. I was so embarrassed. From that point on, my friends didnt want anything to do with me. I was completely socially isolated. The bullying got so bad. I was beaten every day. Slammed against metal lockers. Laughed and mocked by everyone so I'd sit outside by myself near the woods and cry. Everyday I was told I should kill myself. They stole my lunch money every day. I never really told anyone because I was worried theyd find out about the girls and my parents my kill me. I was already beaten badly and locked into closets in the dark for breaking rules like talking to people and trying to make friends with other kids or not studying, or not studying hard enough.

My parents realized my lunch money was getting stolen and got very upset with me and the school so I knew I could no longer give into the bully demands and had to take the beatings, hiding my money. One day I saw one of the bullies sitting alone in the cafeteria not eating…and I asked him why. He said "I ain't got no money." I felt bad for him…and I gave him half of my money anyway (which was a lot, my parents sent me with $20 each day incase I needed something like emergency but I was supposed to spend all of it.) I gave him $10…and a teacher saw me. They knew the kid was a bully and I got in trouble for "supporting bullying" and was put into detention every day during the recess times and at the end of the day for an hour before my Dad picked me up.

The psychological abuse and brainwashing was the worst part of it all. I was called a freak and gay slurs because I'm different. Almost everyday I still hear those kids telling me I should kill myself and that I'm a faggot. I hate myself so much and I wish I was dead because I know I'm not normal and not a good person at all. I wish I was dead. I hope I can do this soon and get this over with.
Trigger Warning: Kill yourself faggot. I was 9 years old at a summer camp. I was forced into isolation after kindergarten. Not allowed to make friends or talk to others. I was raised to understand that I am never to look at women, talk to women, avoid eye contact with women, and lower my head around women. Avoid them. The punishments were super severe.

I was put into a religious summer camp as a pilot test for being enrolled in religious school. I was regularly bullied there…but I made a few friends who liked me. One day on a field trip to a water park, two girls made came over to me on the bus and kissed me at the same time…almost like making out and I just froze. I didnt know what to do and had never made out before. My friends were sitting across from me and started mocking me and making fun of me. I could hear people in the back of the bus calling me a fag and everyone was laughing. I was so embarrassed. From that point on, my friends didnt want anything to do with me. I was completely socially isolated. The bullying got so bad. I was beaten every day. Slammed against metal lockers. Laughed and mocked by everyone so I'd sit outside by myself near the woods and cry. Everyday I was told I should kill myself. They stole my lunch money every day. I never really told anyone because I was worried theyd find out about the girls and my parents my kill me. I was already beaten badly and locked into closets in the dark for breaking rules like talking to people and trying to make friends with other kids or not studying, or not studying hard enough.

My parents realized my lunch money was getting stolen and got very upset with me and the school so I knew I could no longer give into the bully demands and had to take the beatings, hiding my money. One day I saw one of the bullies sitting alone in the cafeteria not eating…and I asked him why. He said "I ain't got no money." I felt bad for him…and I gave him half of my money anyway (which was a lot, my parents sent me with $20 each day incase I needed something like emergency but I was supposed to spend all of it.) I gave him $10…and a teacher saw me. They knew the kid was a bully and I got in trouble for "supporting bullying" and was put into detention every day during the recess times and at the end of the day for an hour before my Dad picked me up.

The psychological abuse and brainwashing was the worst part of it all. I was called a freak and gay slurs because I'm different. Almost everyday I still hear those kids telling me I should kill myself and that I'm a faggot. I hate myself so much and I wish I was dead because I know I'm not normal and not a good person at all. I wish I was dead. I hope I can do this soon and get this over with.

I grew up being that way too…into the idea of polyamory. That's what I always wanted. So I've grown up knowing I'm a terrible because I shouldn't want that and I deserve to die. Even people who don't know that about me have treated me poorly and threatened me. This doesn't happen consecutively I think unless the person deserves it. Where I come from, every thing has very strict expectations of who I should be. I was born differently and so I am punished for it because I don't force myself into the mold of what others expect of me but I also live in fear of moving towards meeting my own desires and wishes. I suffer alone and publicly in silence. I only say all of this here because I have some level of anonymity.

I'm sure someone will attack me. I've been attacked here before for revealing my sexuality. I also seem, as discussed in detail with another member, to possibly be demisexual as I have never had sex nor sought it out. I've been called an incel here over it and have been bullied here too, people telling me I'm evil and a terrible person. So I don't open up about any of this really anymore. I'm only doing so now because I'm approaching the end of my journey. I can't keep hiding who and what I am and continuing down this road of the same repetitions and patterns. I am different and that means I am not good enough for anyone. No one has ever shown any romantic nor sexual interest in me. I've faced abuse for even thinking of doing so. I can't keep doing this anymore. I just wanna go.
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Feb 8, 2022
1. Days after my father died in the house we lived in where I took care of him, I had asked a professor of mine for an extension on some work and was told that my professor had lost family before and death wasn't an excuse for late assignments. I ended up in the psychiatric ward for a week bout or so and was also told by a phlebotomist to, "get over it."

2. My mother telling me to slit my wrists and bleed out alone... And probably most of the things she says along with the rest of my family.

3. My brother making fun of me for being sexually abused and assaulted.

4. Just recently, I was smoking pot in the park on a bench and a trucker saw me, slowed to an almost stop, leaned out of his window and hollered, "Hey crack whore, I get done at 4 and I've got something else you can sit on."

There's others but those are the top for now. 🤔
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I'm in despair
Dec 21, 2021
"You're an ugly monkey"

"You're stupid and you won't achieve anything"
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Feb 22, 2022
laughter and insults thrown at me for my height and stutter, ive had a whole classroom burst out in laughter at me once because a teacher put me on the spot and I stuttered

"I dont like you anymore, you just follow me around like a dog" - my friend, with his group of friends all agreeing and being the ones who convinced him to tell me this

this is a common theme in my life, the few friends I had losing interest in me and their friend groups despising me for some reason

now that I think about it thats how EVERY relationship ive ever had with anybody was like, I was a dog that would just follow someone in a desperate attempt to not be completely alone, they would extract entertainment from me by making fun of me or physically abusing me to boost their own ego. I know that even my own mother viewed me in this way and thats why she abandoned me

now ive learnt to accept being alone because im too unlikeable for anybody
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Nov 4, 2020
dyel bro? But I'm glad the person did, because it changed my life for the better.

Close second in a funny way was when I told my father I got a vasectomy, and he wished he had done the same. I was like "fuck you" and we both laughed.


Nov 4, 2020
I'm too miserable at this point. Those people win.
Sorry, I didn't mean to minimize how serious that is. I was thinking more along the lines like when you piss off a friend, and they say I'm going to kill you. Then you hand them a loaded gun and tell them "just say I'm on steroids and I attacked you." They never shoot me though...


Feb 6, 2022
I'm so sorry about that, I've had a similar experience with someone. People taking advantage of vulnerable people are honestly pretty evil
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drops common loot when defeated
Nov 5, 2021
"Commiting suicide is easy, compared to your laziness and ignorance of my good will suggestions!"
I believe that for so long.


Playboi Carti Enthusiast
Mar 20, 2022
My ex told me that I am the worst thing to have ever happened to her. I think about it everyday and is the main reason why I want to ctb.
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Severe pain? But no gain.
Jul 22, 2023
It's your fault you got
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Per Ardua Ad Astra

Per Ardua Ad Astra

Malpractice: NeuroDystrophy-Paralysis-Meds-Injured
Sep 27, 2022
" I promise "


Jul 27, 2023
Sometimes I have a situation close to hysteria and then I'm too fixated on the desire to die.
And my boyfriend found me in this situation for the first time, I don't remember everything that was said, but the phrase "if you behave like this again, I'll have to leave you" brought me back to earth… Although everything was discussed in the future and these words were said differently, I'm still haunted by it
subhuman metalhead

subhuman metalhead

Jul 7, 2023
"Back when I was young, we had people like you lobotomized and locked away." - Bus driver


Dec 15, 2021
I've been told things related to disability like you're a freak but i don't care anymore.


in the end, nothing matters
Sep 17, 2023
"go jump, if you want to die is that it? then jump, i invite you" : my mom
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Oct 10, 2023
When I was 13, one of my teachers told me that I'd grow up to be a criminal and end up in prison, while those around me would end up being successful in their lives.

All because I accidentally hurt my friend while we were playing with stones. 😐
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
After my most recent attempt, a short time in a coma, a period of detention in the funny farm, my parents asked why I did it. When I told them, my mother laughed at me. I have kids (who are in their late 20s/early 30s and simply cannot begin to contemplate such cruelty.
During the latter part of lockdowns, I was told that as an immunosuppressed individual, my life was worth less than a pint of beer in the pub and that I was merely collateral damage. Probably not that bad, but when you've been locked in your home alone for over two years, it accrues momentum.
"All I want is to see my daughters happy. That's all I ask for. Is that really so much? How is it that my life has ended up here?"

My 70 year old, widowed (to suicide) father, on his two depressed daughters. He truly expects nothing of me but serenity, and I cannot even give him that.
I hope you can recognise the blatant projection of his own failings. It's like blaming a car for the accident when drink driving.
It's a widely used technique employed by child abusers. Blaming the victim because some people just aren't capable of doing wrong.
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Jun 28, 2022
The worst thing? That's a tough one.

Could be when I was around 8-10ish, had a teacher single me out in class, berate me and ended with telling me she hates people like me, in front of everyone. It came out later that she was a racist, should've picked up on that, lol.

Or when, this time I tried really hard in class, which was never the case for me, was always trying to blend into the background. This kid just looks me up and down and says "What's the point?"

The list could go on, don't want to get into that spiral though.

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