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Rocky M

Rocky M

I'm A Monster
Jun 20, 2018
People tell me "I'm here for you" or "I'm always open help". No, you're lying, and even if you're telling the truth, you're going to sick of me eventually. Don't try to spare my feelings. I have little to none left anyways. Save yourself and stay away from me and let me die in peace. Last time someone told me they were willing to help, they said they couldn't handle me anymore after only after a few discussions and we've never spoken since.
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I don't know of she is troll of not, I think no but I'm very worried for that child.

Lara, if we can help in something, please let us know.
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Jul 5, 2018
Another "you are a creep" (ex shrink). Also said he would have fucked me if I looked like Sophia Vergara. That didn't hurt so much because who the hell can compete with her, but the whole therapy hurt and that was the bitter end to a sad saga.

WTF That therapist should be fired. He's the real creep.
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No Future

No Future

No One
Aug 6, 2018
Maybe she's not and is being honest. No doubt she won't post again thanks to the unwanted unqualified judgements.
If so, pat yourself on the back. You've just made her life a bit worse.

As long as the kid (real or otherwise) is OK in this equation!
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An ex friend was desperate. His family had abandoned him. He had no place to live, no money to survive. I relocated from a city I loved to the toilet bowl of the USA to start a business with him. I thought I could save for retirement and pull him out of hell at the same time. I paid over $10K in attorney fees to draft a contract exchanging 50% in a company I created in exchange for faithful monthly repayments at 0% interest. I leased him a car, bought us company vehicles, paid for corporate and health insurance, paid for all our starting inventory, and treated my "friend" like a brother. Long story short. He met a girl, got her pregnant, and she convinced him to steal the business--all the inventory, all the money in the business bank account, the business vehicles. I lost my entire life savings. He also stuck me with the IRS and state tax bills--BOTH our halves. I maxed out my credit cards taking him to court. He never even bothered to show up b/c the State of IL refused to hear the case (for criminal grounds) because, as the Attorney General's office told me, "There's just not enough money involved to be worth our time." I won a default judgment in civil court (a joke) that's worthless b/c of the "justice system" in the US. It's impossible to collect.

And then there was the family who moved into the house my mom died in as a rental and then never paid a single month's rent after the first month. The bank foreclosed and turned around to sell the house to the same family for 60-cents on the dollar. I lost every penny of equity. The courts, police, lawyers all refused to help. Not enough money.

Or the bloody rape at the hands of five elite Finals Clubs members in the basement of Eliot House my sophomore year. The university not only didn't believe me, but they tossed me out of Eliot for "lying" at the insistence of the elites' powerful families. I slept on the streets or on gross night job sites from junior through senior years. I once had to sleep in a feces-encrusted public restroom at an IHOP I used to clean near Fenway Park.

Many more. I'm sure we all have 'em. Because justice is insubstantial or too expensive to come by, the injuries can be like gaping knife wounds that never heal b/c the next one comes too quickly. And finally, you're too old for anyone to give a damn about even though you've got decades and decades of "life" left. If you're not well-off by 40 or from money, you might as well be dead. Seems so to me.

Sorry for the long ramble. I can't summarize how much I've come to loathe humanity in general. People are treated according to how much others value them. There are billions of us. Any one of us who doesn't have enough resources to gift others can be worth less than the excrement on the underside of another's shoe.
I shit on them all.

In your Judas friend, in her fucking pregnant girlfriend and in everybody who made this betray possible.

People is so fucking easy to manipulate, they want to suck your blood and everything you have and they ever have a fucking excuse for justifying all their sins.

The world just make me sick. And I have no words for describing how this story made me feel. The system, the friend and everybody, all them heartless beasts.

I just can feel emphaty for you. I hope there was some justice which pushises them but unfortunately it won't happen.

I can't continue, the fury grows with each word I write.
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Apr 30, 2018
Maybe she's not and is being honest. No doubt she won't post again thanks to the unwanted unqualified judgements.
If so, pat yourself on the back. You've just made her life a bit worse.

When you threaten the emotional life of a child you deserve judgement.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, No Future, Why. and 2 others
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Maybe she's not and is being honest. No doubt she won't post again thanks to the unwanted unqualified judgements.
If so, pat yourself on the back. You've just made her life a bit worse.
Well said

OMG Is that what people think.?
I am sorry my life is that fucked up it is unbelievable!
I am NOT a troll ,my imagination is that that great to mAke up shit like this and why would I? Before I was sucicidal,I would have not even entertained this website.
I have just been honest because I thought this was the only place I could.I guess I was wrong which is a shame.
I know everyone feels for my son and yes believe me, he is real and so is everything I have said.I so wish it wasn't.
Do you think I want to have these feelings about my son - NO I would give anything to not have them.
I now feel I have no one to talk too so fuck everything.what's the point ?.
I am even too crazy for people on a suicide forum! .WOW I knew I am ill but this proves it.
Thanks for your support VX1 and yes people have made my life a whole lot worse.
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Apr 30, 2018
Well said

OMG Is that what people think.?
I am sorry my life is that fucked up it is unbelievable!
I am NOT a troll ,my imagination is that that great to mAke up shit like this and why would I? Before I was sucicidal,I would have not even entertained this website.
I have just been honest because I thought this was the only place I could.I guess I was wrong which is a shame.
I know everyone feels for my son and yes believe me, he is real and so is everything I have said.I so wish it wasn't.
Do you think I want to have these feelings about my son - NO I would give anything to not have them.
I now feel I have no one to talk too so fuck everything.what's the point ?.
I am even too crazy for people on a suicide forum! .WOW I knew I am ill but this proves it.
Thanks for your support VX1 and yes people have made my life a whole lot worse.

I apologize but people here are concerned for your son, who is an innocent party to all of this.

Please seek counseling so that your son isn't damaged further—the loss of a parent in childhood is one of enormous trauma and pain, and while I understand your grief you need to put him first and take steps to ensure his ongoing care.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I don't know of she is troll of not, I think no but I'm very worried for that child.

Lara, if we can help in something, please let us know.
I need help and advice and not people calling me a troll.it's pissed me off.I worry for us both and social services are monitoring us both.yester day,I had taken people's advice on board and was coming round to the idea of sticking around but that's all changed again now.even other suicidal people do not understand!
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I apologize but people here are concerned for your son, who is an innocent party to all of this.

Please seek counseling so that your son isn't damaged further—the loss of a parent in childhood is one of enormous trauma and pain, and while I understand your grief you need to put him first and take steps to ensure his ongoing care.
Don't you think I know this.this isn't a walk in the park.these feelings are real for me.I know no one believes me.
I have had counselling,I have tried 6 different antidepressants,I admitted myself onto a psy ward so he still had a mum.
I should have just kept my thoughts to myself because even you guys can't handle it but thanks for the advice when you felt you could give it!
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Jul 2, 2018
An ex friend was desperate. His family had abandoned him. He had no place to live, no money to survive. I relocated from a city I loved to the toilet bowl of the USA to start a business with him. I thought I could save for retirement and pull him out of hell at the same time. I paid over $10K in attorney fees to draft a contract exchanging 50% in a company I created in exchange for faithful monthly repayments at 0% interest. I leased him a car, bought us company vehicles, paid for corporate and health insurance, paid for all our starting inventory, and treated my "friend" like a brother. Long story short. He met a girl, got her pregnant, and she convinced him to steal the business--all the inventory, all the money in the business bank account, the business vehicles. I lost my entire life savings. He also stuck me with the IRS and state tax bills--BOTH our halves. I maxed out my credit cards taking him to court. He never even bothered to show up b/c the State of IL refused to hear the case (for criminal grounds) because, as the Attorney General's office told me, "There's just not enough money involved to be worth our time." I won a default judgment in civil court (a joke) that's worthless b/c of the "justice system" in the US. It's impossible to collect.

And then there was the family who moved into the house my mom died in as a rental and then never paid a single month's rent after the first month. The bank foreclosed and turned around to sell the house to the same family for 60-cents on the dollar. I lost every penny of equity. The courts, police, lawyers all refused to help. Not enough money.

Or the bloody rape at the hands of five elite Finals Clubs members in the basement of Eliot House my sophomore year. The university not only didn't believe me, but they tossed me out of Eliot for "lying" at the insistence of the elites' powerful families. I slept on the streets or on gross night job sites from junior through senior years. I once had to sleep in a feces-encrusted public restroom at an IHOP I used to clean near Fenway Park.

Many more. I'm sure we all have 'em. Because justice is insubstantial or too expensive to come by, the injuries can be like gaping knife wounds that never heal b/c the next one comes too quickly. And finally, you're too old for anyone to give a damn about even though you've got decades and decades of "life" left. If you're not well-off by 40 or from money, you might as well be dead. Seems so to me.

Sorry for the long ramble. I can't summarize how much I've come to loathe humanity in general. People are treated according to how much others value them. There are billions of us. Any one of us who doesn't have enough resources to gift others can be worth less than the excrement on the underside of another's shoe.
Fuck.... I am so sorry. Not that it does anything. But. I am sorry. Where are friends like you for people who don't fuck it up?
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Mar 22, 2018
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?" - said by my father who then pushed me to the door. That was his reaction to me getting into a University he didn't agree for. I never felt more alone in my life, even by my current standards.
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Jun 13, 2018
Lara don't let it make you feel worse. People love to give others advice and seek out control wherever they can find it. Some people also like to "punch down". This should be a free place to vent and be yourself. But just because people are suicidal doesn't make them any different than everyone else when it comes to "judging others by their actions while judging themselves by their intentions".
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Reactions: Ksab, Lara Francis, lv-gras and 1 other person
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
When you threaten the emotional life of a child you deserve judgement.
I know it is so wrong and yes call me what you want - I deserve it.!
I was expecting people to be judgemental and this would knock some sense into me.
And yes our son is fine.He is a beautiful boy with a fucked up mum.
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Jun 13, 2018
I know it is so wrong and yes call me what you want - I deserve it.!

No...you don't. Nobody deserves this. Not even the most fucked up serial killer rapist "deserves" this. Nobody gets to where we are without being harmed and beaten down and even when it involves some self inflicted elements like drugs etc it's not "deserved".
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Jun 29, 2018
Medical malpractice because of incompetent malicious staff who are liars and cheats. I could kill them and not give a damn about it if I wouldn't go to prison.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Lara don't let it make you feel worse. People love to give others advice and seek out control wherever they can find it. Some people also like to "punch down". This should be a free place to vent and be yourself. But just because people are suicidal doesn't make them any different than everyone else when it comes to "judging others by their actions while judging themselves by their intentions".
I used to like this website.it was the only place you could vent without being sent to a psy ward but what's the point when people think you are a troll.I am upset.
I am a genuine person going through a living he'll everyday and I know it's not going to get better .Anyways that's enough.
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Jun 13, 2018
I used to like this website.it was the only place you could vent without being sent to a psy ward but what's the point when people think you are a troll.I am upset.
I am a genuine person going through a living he'll everyday and I know it's not going to get better .Anyways that's enough.

Don't mistake someone calling you a troll with "people" calling you a troll. Nobody likes being attacked, insulted, or ignored so it's normal to be upset. But don't imagine it's everyone or even most people. It's easy to talk shit and make snap judgements online and suicidal people aren't the mos stable anyway so forums like these are subject to the same emotional outbursts and nonsense as any forum. If someone is really upsetting you block them so they are out of sight and mind.
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Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
"you don't expect people to see you as an actual woman, right?" - my "friend"
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Jun 13, 2018
"you don't expect people to see you as an actual woman, right?" - my "friend"

I am confused as to how we keep repeating the same bigotry over and over as humans. We just keep finding new victims while saying "well it's not the same thing as black people having rights...it's not the same thing as women voting...it's not the same thing as blah blah blah. Lots of people are just assholes. Someday people will not bat an eye at TG people but will have some new factor to be a bigot against.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Don't mistake someone calling you a troll with "people" calling you a troll. Nobody likes being attacked, insulted, or ignored so it's normal to be upset. But don't imagine it's everyone or even most people. It's easy to talk shit and make snap judgements online and suicidal people aren't the mos stable anyway so forums like these are subject to the same emotional outbursts and nonsense as any forum. If someone is really upsetting you block them so they are out of sight and mind.
Thankyou x
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and lv-gras


Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
I am confused as to how we keep repeating the same bigotry over and over as humans. We just keep finding new victims while saying "well it's not the same thing as black people having rights...it's not the same thing as women voting...it's not the same thing as blah blah blah. Lots of people are just assholes. Someday people will not bat an eye at TG people but will have some new factor to be a bigot against.
Thank you, I agree.. : )
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Aug 6, 2018
I was in a car wreck a few days ago. I told my mom that I wish I'd died. She said "Oh stop it," like I was a kid having a tantrum. She wants me to tell her when I'm having a hard time, but when I do she says shit like that. I don't plan on leaving a note or saying this to her, that would be cruel. Still...
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Jun 15, 2018
Thankyou x
Ah c'mon Laura learn to ignore it's easy your not a troll and you know yourself your not a troll - anyway getting off this site is a good thing for you it's been said before - guarantee one day you will get your life back on track you just can't see that yet


Le mort joyeux
Jul 11, 2018
I am confused as to how we keep repeating the same bigotry over and over as humans. We just keep finding new victims while saying "well it's not the same thing as black people having rights...it's not the same thing as women voting...it's not the same thing as blah blah blah. Lots of people are just assholes. Someday people will not bat an eye at TG people but will have some new factor to be a bigot against.
The notion of "human progress" is a laughable concept
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Reactions: deathwish, Smilla, lv-gras and 1 other person
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Ah c'mon Laura learn to ignore it's easy your not a troll and you know yourself your not a troll - anyway getting off this site is a good thing for you it's been said before - guarantee one day you will get your life back on track you just can't see that yet
You are right.thankyou for your support x
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New Member
Aug 7, 2018
After my first attempt, my so called best friend told me "It should have worked out" and he meant that in a hateful way. I agreed, but that's still an incredibly cruel thing to hear from your best friend, one of the persons you loved the most.
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Apr 24, 2018
I love you
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Jul 22, 2018
Its not what it was said to me but the behavior toward me that shows that I am not loved... My mother wanted to abort me when she was pregnant with me and she have stated in many different ways growing up how I was a burdened to her. And on top of that … no one has really romantically loved me for who I am... I mean really loved me to the bones. Basically being ignored hurts.
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Aug 8, 2018
"The only person making things worse is you." -my ex
"I'll let you know when I can talk to you again." -my friend when they abandoned me
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