Had some terrible interactions surrounding therapy today. The therapists started to get increasingly confrontational with me at the beginning of group. I got upset, cried, triggered another patient, and stormed out of the room. The therapist told me that some messages I sent her trying to advocate for my needs were "threatening" and that "we needed to be able to communicate with each other without using threats."
After group I had a (planned) meeting with some therapists and my parents about treatment planning. I felt that a restrictive transitional living program was being pushed on me with no thought given to my concerns around it. Much of the conversation was about how I act within group and it seemed very much like my parents really didn't need to be involved and I was super uncomfortable with their presence. Apparently when I get upset and leave the room it is "extremely disruptive," and here I am thinking that leaving the room is less disruptive than having a full on panic attack / breakdown in front of everyone. I'm being forced to sign a contract saying that if I can't change my behavior and stop being disruptive I'll be forced out of the program.
I'm feeling so threatened that it seems more and more like a good idea not to wait until I have good means and a good opportunity to CTB, just hang myself in my bedroom when my parents are out.