What stops me is a combination of SI and lack of good opportunity.
I should say first that I have chronic, severe neuropathic pain for over two years now that has not improved despite aggressive treatment. I am mostly housebound due to this. This is my reason for wanting to CTB. If I woke up pain free tomorrow I would no longer want to CTB.
My method is SN and I have all the ingredients (SN, domperidone as meto makes me extremely anxious, cimetidine, tapentadol and alprazolam to make it as pleasant as possible).
The first problem is that I'm on a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) and they don't speed up the absorption like cimetidine does apparently. Also, the suicide wiki says the following:
"If you are taking PPIs (e.g., esomeprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, and rabeprazole) for gastric ulcers, you should stop taking them 2 weeks prior your attempt. See the Antacid section for more information. "
There's no justification for this statement and there's no further information in the antacid section.
Nonetheless, I don't want to take any chances. I want to die, end of story, so I will do the method correctly. So I'm going to get off the PPIs so I can take cimetidine. I'm going to be on PPIs a further 4 weeks minimum. Then I'll have to wait that extra two weeks minimum before going ahead with the method according to the above statement. So I am at least a month and a half away from even being able to attempt.
Next is that I live with people in a very small house. One of them is an on and off night owl. I never know if that person is awake or not. And if they sense I'm awake, they (as they have in the past) may knock on my bedroom door to have a chat or ask a question or whatever. Before coronavirus the opportunities (nights when the house has been free besides me) have been very scarce and obviously completely out of my control. In the lock down there is no truly safe opportunities.
So once that six weeks and lock down are up I just wait around for a good opportunity and hope I can overcome SI that day. Hopefully the people I share the house with leave some weekend and tell me in advance so I can prepare properly.
But, with all that said, I also think that surely if I just locked my door some night I have confirmed everyone is asleep and take the SN with domperidone then I would die. So is all of the above just completely SI motivated? Probably. Like many people; I don't want to die, I just don't want to suffer anymore.
I don't have what it takes to hang myself, cut myself or jump in front of a train or off a cliff (the latter two not just mentally but also physically). So it's SN or bust (I could also do an opioid overdose but it's less well documented).