

Jul 2, 2020
How does reincarnation work with your suicide?
I have no idea ....yet. I will...soon enough. I just know it will be peaceful and absolutely beautiful. I also know there's a "choice" to reincarnate or not.
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Jul 2, 2020
I have no idea ....yet. I will...soon enough. I just know it will be peaceful and absolutely beautiful. I also know there's a "choice" to reincarnate or not.
So why were we born here, if it's so awesome over there?


Jul 2, 2020
So why were we born here, if it's so awesome over there?
I do not know the answer to that. I simply know what I learned...I'm not saying i have all the fn answers.
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Jul 6, 2020
So why were we born here, if it's so awesome over there?
To experience an intense range of feelings and emotions that is not duplicated anywhere else in all other vibrational levels. If you believe that you are just a meat suit living life and when u die that's it and are not in control over every aspect of your life, fear, anxiety, pain etc, becomes infinitely more intense. In all other vibrational levels you know who and what you are completely so feelings like fear anxiety, and pain do not exist there because u know it's just an illusion based on a lack of knowledge. The only feeling that exists there is unconditional love and your creation ability is based on that.

It's the intensity of feeling that we are here, it's neither good or bad, it just is. You can always go back to Kansas like Dorothy in The wizard of Oz, this is just an illusion and you are loved more than u know. No one or nothing is keeping u here, no judgements just unconditional love.
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Jul 2, 2020
To experience an intense range of feelings and emotions that is no duplicated anywhere else in all other vibrational levels. If you believe that you are just a meat suit living life and when u die that's it and are not in control over every aspect of your life, fear, anxiety, pain etc, becomes infinitely more intense. In all other vibrational levels you know who are what you are completely so feelings like fear anxiety, and pain do not exist because u know it's just an illusion based on a lack of knowledge. The only feeling that exists there is unconditional love and your creation ability is based on that.
People come here to experience diseases?
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Jul 4, 2020
I wonder if anything existed before that. Maybe we live in a cyclical universe.
I really hope it's not cyclical. This voyage has been brutal. I'd do anything never to go through this again.
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Jul 2, 2020
I really hope it's not cyclical. This voyage has been brutal. I'd do anything never to go through this again.
You only live once, your clones are not you.
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Jul 6, 2020
People come here to experience diseases?
People always want to experience the unknown. It all revolves around feeling. You have people that will jump out of an airplane and hurdle themselves towards the ground at over 100mph hoping that a parachute will pop out and save them, why? For the feeling. It's neither good or bad it just is. Good and bad is subjective. Ctb to us is a good thing and we seemingly look forward to it as I do, but others might say we are crazy or need some kind of help. I tried to come up with an analogy and please forgive me if it's not understandable I have a difficult time explaining things sometimes lol
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Jul 2, 2020
People always want to experience the unknown. It all revolves around feeling. You have people that will jump out of an airplane and hurdle themselves towards the ground at over 100mph hoping that a parachute will pop out and save them, why? For the feeling. It's neither good or bad it just is. Good and bad is subjective. Ctb to us is a good thing and we seemingly look forward to it as I do, but others might say we are crazy or need some kind of help. I tried to come up with an analogy and please forgive me if it's not understandable I have a difficult time explaining things sometimes lol
Pain is objective.


Jun 27, 2020
Nobody knows. Evidence seems to points to your conciousness ending. It seems to be a process but it ends. Lights out.
Can't say for sure but I believe some of those stories of people in operating rooms having out of body experiences, where they see themselves lying down, and also are able to describe things in the room they could only see if they were viewing from a distance.
Those things have been debunked thoroughly.


Jan 8, 2020
So why were we born here, if it's so awesome over there?

Because, its like going to cinema, u want to feel it, u want get scared, u want to live it..
And also as u said "Pain is the objective", i would say, Love is the objective, Pain is the mean. All the human sufferings are brought because the love to someone...Father, Mother, ...Because u deal with deseases because u dont want to leave parents alone, or sons...Look close to it, u will see its just that,
so what a great job we humans are doing..
But sometimes ur character is so disgraced and painfull that for ur own sake is better to end it.
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Jul 6, 2020
Because, its like going to cinema, u want to feel it, u want get scared, u want to live it..
And also as u said "Pain is the objective", i would say, Love is the objective, Pain is the mean. All the human sufferings are brought because the love to someone...Father, Mother, ...Because u deal with deseases because u dont want to leave parents alone, or sons...Look close to it, u will see its just that,
so what a great job we humans are doing..
But sometimes ur character is so disgraced and painfull that for ur own sake is better to end it.
Damn good analogy, I agree with that.


Aug 21, 2019
I've thought more about it recently and I hate to admit this but, I think Eternal Recurrence makes a lot of sense, tragically. I mean, what were the odds of us existing in the first place? What came before the big bang? What happens when the acceleration of the universe eventually slows down (if we are unlucky)? It all seems to point in that direction and if it could ever be proven, it's basically definitive proof that there is no conscious and benevolent god. I hope I am totally wrong because Eternal Recurrence is pretty much my worst nightmare. Only 1/3 of my life was any good and I'd HATE to live it all over again just once more let alone infinity times more. Sure, you're memory is wiped after each cycle but you're still spending your existence suffering for no good reason. Suffering in the moment, forever.

Let's all hope for heat death to put us all out of our misery for good *crosses fingers really really hard*
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Waiting for the bus to arrive.
Aug 1, 2020
I personally believe and hope that I lose conscience forever in something like a dreamless sleep after death, like before birth. (hence my signature)


Jul 14, 2020
I've thought more about it recently and I hate to admit this but, I think Eternal Recurrence makes a lot of sense, tragically. I mean, what were the odds of us existing in the first place? What came before the big bang? What happens when the acceleration of the universe eventually slows down (if we are unlucky)? It all seems to point in that direction and if it could ever be proven, it's basically definitive proof that there is no conscious and benevolent god. I hope I am totally wrong because Eternal Recurrence is pretty much my worst nightmare. Only 1/3 of my life was any good and I'd HATE to live it all over again just once more let alone infinity times more. Sure, you're memory is wiped after each cycle but you're still spending your existence suffering for no good reason. Suffering in the moment, forever.

Let's all hope for heat death to put us all out of our misery for good *crosses fingers really really hard*
I don't think the cyclical model of the universe (Expansion, contraction, repeat x infinity) is very plausible in academic cosmology at the moment. It seems that eventually there will be heat death, but no contraction and starting again from the beginning ("If the topology of the universe is open or flat, or if dark energy is a positive cosmological constant (both of which are consistent with current data), the universe will continue expanding forever, and a heat death is expected to occur, with the universe cooling to approach equilibrium at a very low temperature after a very long time period." - wikipedia article on heat death).

Also, I'm curious why you think eternal recurrence makes a lot of sense? To me, this would be the most senseless and absurd state of affairs possible.
Also, even if it is true, why would that entail you having to live exactly your life again? In the next hypothetical cycle, you might experience the universe from a different point of view (i.e. as another being in another time and place..), and each time experience it from different points of view even though everything happens in the same way every time. There might even be some ultimate mystical point to it all, so it might not be that senseless after all.


Aug 21, 2019

Poincare Recurrence Time and if a big bang happened once then why couldn't it happen again? There is also the multiverse theory but I don't know if I would put too much stock into that but still, it has physists that insist it's the case just as well with Big Bounce theory (eternal recurrence). Are we really just SO lucky (or unlucky) to have lived once and then never again? I've always banked on eternal oblivion but for the first time in my life (excl. childhood) I am beginning to have some doubt. The universe runs on infinite time and with PRT it is practically inevitable. We still have a lot of unanswered questions at the present time and I have never been more uncomfortable with not knowing.
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Jan 8, 2020
U are just focusing on matter, Why u care if the universe is expanding or retracting or quiet, or if water boils at 100ºC...That are only conditions to make this theater possible and comprehensive trought logical rules. God knows humans will look for all the answers, so there must be a logical explanation for everything

Logical means, that an event happends the way the rule says it has to happend. So at the end, the material world, the atomic particles, are nothing but a logical idea, hence only exists the consciousness that have created that rule.

Now, don´t loose your mind looking how the mechanical world works, it doesnt matter at all.

Gods like good things, or good things likes to the Gods?

My boys, consciousness creates the brain, not the brain creates consciousness. Anyway, people exists, but how i became one of them, what miracle tighted my consciousness to this exact body, and not neightbours body. Am I may be God experiencing all at once, and thats why how i became to exist?

Is there a bigger miracle than u being on this world breathing oxigen that will feed ur body cells trought a performance of a divine perfection of chemical reactions and infinite processes we don´t even imagine ? do u know what a fucking engineering is behind the world mechanics (electrons,atoms, molecules, magnetism, electricity, cells...)The divine perfection that it is executing every miliseconds to keep this world running? We are living in a so huge fantasy that we don´t even see it, if we don´t work hard on it, even then we will just know pieces of the whole thing

Is like, ok Im God, imma make a great game, so good that it will be even possible to loose myself in it (just until death of course).

Does this shit make any sense to any1 ? Or did I just gone crazy because all the years in pain and big shit i have on my shoulders


Aug 21, 2019
U are just focusing on matter

Yes, because that and physical energy are the only two things that can be substantiated. The universe is logically consistent with what we know now and there is no reason to think that there is an incorporeal race of garden gnomes living within the interior of Mars for example.
You only live once, your clones are not you.

This just begs the question, what is in an identity? If you assembled a clone of yourself and it would exact atom-to-atom, would it not be you? When you go to sleep and wake up, is that also you? If you killed me and then assembled an EXACT clone of myself, would I still be dead and it would be someone else living out my life in the exact same way?

If the universe were to somehow spawn an exact copy of this one, would the 'me' in that universe think, feel and make the same decisions I've made exactly as I have done and do now but he would be the conscious observer and not I? Mind-bending stuff, man.
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May 30, 2018
I think the fact that the brain can just shut off coscioussness via sleeping is a good indicator that there's nothing too mystical about it. When you wake up, you don't feel anoyed because you consciously had to wait out your 7 hours of sleep or so, it just feels as if it had instantly passed. I doubt there's much difference between dreamless sleep, coma and being dead.
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Jul 30, 2020
depending on the method, i think there can be a heightened awareness during dying, as the body shuts down. for a drowning person (intentional, too deep to recover) this is the moment after breathing water into the lungs. for hanging, during the start of partial suspension. then everything closes down. unconscious, you cease to be aware. with brain death, your conciousness ceases to exist. you are no more.
Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
I wish...

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Aug 14, 2020
I had a NDE. Posted on a Facebook site. Will share it here if allowed. It is fn awesome on the other side. Trust me! That's why I don't fear death at all. No judgement please. This happened to me when I was 20. I had lost a child at 14 and I saw him there. NDE's are the real deal my friends. Heaven ( or whatever you choose to call it ) is real. I can share but want to know its allowed here. Its definitely off topic. If interested plz let me know and if it's ok to post.
I'd like to know what Heaven looks like?
To evolve..to learn. We have many lives...yes reincarnation. We can stay, or come back to grow and learn more and more. Not asking anyone to believe me but this is what I learned during NDE.
Are we "forced" to reincarnate here? Can we stay on the other side for eternity?
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Oct 22, 2019
I'd like to know what Heaven looks like?

Are we "forced" to reincarnate here? Can we stay on the other side for eternity?

Not sure about being forced, but you definitely can be tricked into doing so depending on your state of mind after the final breath. Reading this book can bring further clarity about the reality we're existing within.

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Sep 13, 2020
I believe consciousness is elemental, primary and eternal. identity disappears with death and another ego is formed.
time is an idea...we dont have the experience of not existing for whatever billion years. our experience is always existing. same with deep sleep. going to sleep and never waking up is incomprehensible.
i see it that way
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Aug 22, 2020
I like to think that there is some form of afterlife, not in as much as heaven and hell, but I think there is "something "...
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Sep 13, 2020
I like to think that there is some form of afterlife, not in as much as heaven and hell, but I think there is "something "...
well if you analyse life, you see its a long experience of destruction of the ego. we will go through millions of experiences. some more pleasurable, some horrific. but nirvana is the ultimate destiny. brace yourselves! :smiling:
I recommend Schopenhauer...i think the man really got this straight
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Apr 26, 2020

Poincare Recurrence Time and if a big bang happened once then why couldn't it happen again? There is also the multiverse theory but I don't know if I would put too much stock into that but still, it has physists that insist it's the case just as well with Big Bounce theory (eternal recurrence). Are we really just SO lucky (or unlucky) to have lived once and then never again? I've always banked on eternal oblivion but for the first time in my life (excl. childhood) I am beginning to have some doubt. The universe runs on infinite time and with PRT it is practically inevitable. We still have a lot of unanswered questions at the present time and I have never been more uncomfortable with not knowing.

I pulled only just one of the quotes from here, but I just love it when you all talk about this stuff!

You all are really good with explaining things, and really smart about it. I wish I was too... I am not though. It is difficult to explain except to say I understand and do not have the ability to articulate it the way it comes through in your posts about it. I am not sure why? I know it is partially due to lack of fundamental knowledge on the specific subjects for how they have been coined in the way of terms etc... That is probably my biggest stumbling block to these conversations.

I get it though.. I really do for what is being said, as it relates to my own conjured up thoughts regarding the matter.

I always want to try and begin telling some of the things I know from inside of my mind.. to explain them as to how they relate, but my attempt to do so would fall short I am sure. Maybe one day I will, IDK?

I really saw something
It was so small in the grand scheme of all of this, but it relates in the largest way possible that I could imagine to the things being discussed pointing heavily against there being an eternal void. I know that much! And I am obviously not even sure bc maybe for some situations and things how they occur there is ALSO an eternal void too, if any of this makes sense?
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Sep 17, 2020
I believe there's nothing after death, i made a few posts explaining the idea of what nothing entails but basically it sounds better than here and wayyyyy better than coming back reincarnated :hmph: I'd be so pissed (metaphorically) just for me to plan everything out and im back as a baby

This is something I fear too, but I think it's a bit of an irrational one. I am not aware of anyone [credible] who had ever claimed to have experienced anamnesis (memory from a past life). It's highly improbable for reincarnation to be a thing but if it was then nothing would carry over. You wouldn't come back out of the womb thinking "dammit i'm back on in this horrible place." There would just be a loving parent holding a blank slate and you reform all your beliefs and experiences. Maybe you'd go on to have a great life.

No living human can claim they can explain consciousness with certainty. We know that by introducing chemicals into the human body, we can turn consciousness off, so you can say with a very high confidence level that it's localized and contained within the body/brain i.e, when your biological processes stop, it's gone. I am not an anesthesiologist, so I don't know how much we understand what we're doing, but AFAIK that's the gist of it.

Here's another good way of thinking about it: try to recall what it felt like to wait from the big bang (or beginning of this universal epoch if you prefer the CCC theory) for 14 billion years until you were conceived. What you "feel" after you expire should be exactly identical to that. If you believe that a mother is somehow capable of creating a soul inside the placenta and that her cells have access to some kind of intangible, 7th-dimensional loom that weaves an immortal "soul" I suppose you could make that argument since we can't test or falsify that.

My hypothesis on consciousness is this: the first time that chemicals began to self-replicate and form DNA on earth, through natural selection, cells and bacteria were able to react to conditions where they would either avoid or try to digest something depending on what they bumped into. Only when genetic code gave the ability to alter the organism's reaction depending on conditions would it survive and get passed on. Perhaps another type of cell developed that was so powerful, it could coordinate and order extremely complex movements involving many different types of, and millions of, other cells in a way that plant cells or bacteria never could. Over tens of millions of years, organisms amassed clumps of these cells that became a brain, containing amounts of these so numerous and complex they could do things such as facilitate jumping, running, swimming, using limbs to climb. Maybe if you just dump 10 trillion plant cells or bacteria together, the amount of chaos means the most complex and versatile they can get is something like a venus fly trap. I think that this ability of these to be so versatile and powerful in comparisons and decision making means they can be felt as subjective experience.

This is just my guess though. Perhaps it's just a process that humans are not able to understand
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