Death is just like you get put under anesthesia , but it a permanent, forever state, never wake up.
Afterlife is just a concept that human made it up to give them "comfort" due to human nature are afraid of death. So even after we die, we still have a life even after death? LOL. Comfort thinking, comfort. comfort.
Why do other religions have the concept of afterlife? well guess what, afterlife/religion concepts are pass down mouth by mouth. As other religions emerge, it takes what the "mouth" of the ancestor said and pass down.
If there such thing as conscious floating around, there sure be BILLIONS of conscious floating around then. The world have 7 billions as of now, but think of back then, 2000 years back then add those population to the 7 billions population. wow, we sure have billions of conscious floating around. Yeah, sure, whatever.
Dead is the end.
And I don't believe that recarnation kid story, LOLLL sorry. The parents can teach the kid to say those stuff so they can have their 5 minutes of frame on the news/TV. That kid parents could have research about the WorldWar airplane dude whatever, and teach the kid to say that, pretending like he reincarnate and get their 5 minutes of frame.
Listen, soul/conscious out there, if you reading this, reply back here ok, PROVE to me that you the "soul"/conscious exist. Nobody who been dead, decompose their corpse and come back in conscious. NONE.