

Sep 21, 2020
For me I just wanna eat good food, listen to good music, and never have to see another person again. I personally would not like to lose any memories because I feel like I wouldn't be myself.

Edit: Looking at this makes me wonder why a lot of you think so negatively about death. Why should death be anything less than a paradise? If it rains there should be a rainbow. I don't want to condemn you all but I feel like when you say things like this your manifesting it. And ceasing to exist in complete darkness isn't salvation for the pain that you had to go through. It's like youwere forced to do it all for nothing.
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Jul 23, 2020
I want my mind and all my senses to just shutdown. I simply wish not to be anymore.
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
I hope it's one big paradise where I can see dead family again. I'm kinda scared it's nothing but darkness though
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Jul 14, 2020
a magical place, we're on our way there, with toys in their millions, all under one roof.

But no, seriously, I hope death is just an end to suffering.
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Gerard de Nerval

Gerard de Nerval

Oct 5, 2020
I think that humanity had an impetus, first unconscious (religion) then conscious (the enlightenment and the political economy of Proudhon, Marx, Engles, ), to make a better world but we squandered it last century. I think the after-life was supposed to be a functioning and concrete utopia here on earth. There is nothing after life and I hope there is nothing after life. Nothing can justify the desecration of humanity the last century or this one.
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Sep 21, 2020
I hope it's one big paradise where I can see dead family again. I'm kinda scared it's nothing but darkness though
Yeah that's honestly what scares me about death. If when you die there is no salvation then it's like you lived for nothing. I cant imagine being Arab and forced to have to suffer through what's going on until they kill you just for it to be complete darkness.
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Sep 26, 2020
Tbh nothingness,

We transform living form of matter to dead form. That's all that takes place.

Laws of universe remain the same, humans will probably stay for some more time and vanish too.

A century is nothing in terms of cosmic time scale, even a millennium is nothing in terms of cosmic time scale.

That's the scale you will exist in once you are dead form of matter.
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Jul 14, 2020
Yeah that's honestly what scares me about death. If when you die there is no salvation then it's like you lived for nothing. I cant imagine being Arab and forced to have to suffer through what's going on until they kill you just for it to be complete darkness.
But there's nothing scary about darkness if you're not around to experience it.
Is there anything scary about dreamless sleep?
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Sep 21, 2020
But there's nothing scary about darkness if you're not around to experience it.
Is there anything scary about dreamless sleep?
For me it is. I've been lied on and ridiculed. I do love myself too so for me to die and basically just cease to exist in complete darkness is scary. If you had a shit life don't you feel as if your entitled to a better one. Especially if it was out of your control. I just want an end to suffering but not at the expense of losing myself.
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
Just non existence hopefully, nothingness, like before we were born.
Although sometimes I think about how fun it might be to become a ghost and haunt people I dislike lol
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
For me it is. I've been lied on and ridiculed. I do love myself too so for me to die and basically just cease to exist in complete darkness is scary. If you had a shit life don't you feel as if your entitled to a better one. Especially if it was out of your control. I just want an end to suffering but not at the expense of losing myself.
Exactly. I want my pain gone, but I'm terrified of complete nothingness. At least something like a paradise would be nice
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Jul 15, 2020
a magical place, we're on our way there, with toys in their millions, all under one roof.

But no, seriously, I hope death is just an end to suffering.

its called toys r us, toys r us, toys r us lol
Just non existence hopefully, nothingness, like before we were born.
Although sometimes I think about how fun it might be to become a ghost and haunt people I dislike lol

i'd like that, make sure no1 can hurt family. by haunting anyone who tried!
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Sep 28, 2020
People hope to make their dreams come true on the other side, but why should something like this happen? If it didn't happen in this life, it shouldn't happen in the next either.

we will go to another plane similar to our reality or just disappear.
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Sep 7, 2020
I will be reunited with my son in paradise...
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Aug 6, 2020
I hope I will be at peace.
Like I am in my dreams: free from the physical boundaries and psychological limitations of the world we live in.
I hope every being is peaceful, forgiving and nice to one another, and that the the animosity and bitterness people have towards each other is washed away.
I want to feel the sun rise on my soul, and to experience ever lasting peace.
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
I hope I will be at peace.
Like I am in my dreams: free from the physical boundaries and psychological limitations of the world we live in.
I hope every being is peaceful, forgiving and nice to one another, and that the the animosity and bitterness people have towards each other is washed away.
I want to feel the sun rise on my soul, and to experience ever lasting peace.
That sounds really nice :hug:
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Sep 30, 2020
It is not what we hope for, it is simply what is, and what is not. Personally I find it euphoric. The thought that all my mistakes will never have actually mattered.
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Feb 28, 2019
I am atheist but I would like a heaven to exist. I don't want to be forced/expected to worship a god. I would like to feel loved always and be surrounded by nature...Maybe even be able to shapeshift into animals, idk lol. I agree with you, I would like a reward or apology in the form of a nice afterlife for the shit hand life gave me. I understand others want darkness, but it would be cool if we got options. Unfortunately I'm 99% sure its just nothingness when we die.
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Mar 2, 2020
I am atheist but I would like a heaven to exist. I don't want to be forced/expected to worship a god. I would like to feel loved always and be surrounded by nature...Maybe even be able to shapeshift into animals, idk lol. I agree with you, I would like a reward or apology in the form of a nice afterlife for the shit hand life gave me. I understand others want darkness, but it would be cool if we got options. Unfortunately I'm 99% sure its just nothingness when we die.

I'd like to believe that the nothingness idea is true, as I fear I'll burn for eternity for being too weak of character to change my situation for the better. Can't commit to or follow through with anything & quit when stuff gets hard.

This is why I'm in the sitch that I'm in now; it's no-one's fault but my own. Yes, I had a brain injury, but so do THOUSANDS of people every year, yet they find ways to get on with their lives.

I've brought on my own f'ed up mental health issues, not through drink or drugs, but because:

A) My body no longer knows how to sleep, since I've unwittingly trained it to NOT do so over several years. It's a real struggle to make myself go to bed at night. Consequently, my memory & ability to think coherently are fundamentally screwed.
I have no working or short term memory & am just tired ALL THE FUCKING TIME; except at night when I could really use going to bed & sleeping.

Have/had so many bouts of depression, it's now my norm to be depressed - which then triggers other mental health issues.

B) I quit stuff when the going gets tough ,or I just lose interest and assume I'm no good at something if I struggle. I don't have that innate hatred of being beaten by something to fuel me to keep going; no self-discipline whatsoever.

I've had *20* years to learn new skills & develop new interests, but have thrown them away through gross impatience & short-sightedness.

Now I've no interests, no goals & nothing to work towards; worse, since my cognition, motivation and ability to do anything are shafted i just sit there feeling sorry for myself, regretting everything I've done (or NOT done).

The only reason I'm still here is cos I'm too weak to go through with suicide & know it'd *destroy* my family in its entirety. Would be yet another act of pure selfishness...

Can't win whichever way you go...
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Mar 22, 2019
I would like nothing or a 'heaven' where there is no suffering only love.
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Aug 31, 2020
I'd want a second shot at the life I had.

Whilst in many ways traumatic, there was a point in my life when I could've had enough to live out my days in happiness with the love of my life. It was a time when I developed significant psychosomatic issues and chronic pain. I could've dealt with them differently, accepted being a clog in the machine and learnt to live with it.

So, I'd gladly make it back here if I had the opportunity to father myself, even a little bit at the age of 25. I wouldn't take away any trauma that happened to me before then, because in all its intricate ways it led me to meeting that woman. I was just terrified though of what was happening with me at that time, tried to escape the pain and give it more meaning than it deserved what eventually led me to ruining everything I had.

But when I was a child, I would fantasise with my best friend about a blissful world filled with egg sandwiches and rivers of wild strawberry juice.
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Aug 23, 2020
After my death I would like to stop existing entirely. No afterlife or reincarnation for me.

For people that know me and are informed about my suicide I hope that the grieving process is not too much on them and that they can move on as quickly as possible.
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Aug 25, 2020
A bit like being under general anaesthetic, without having to wake up.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
I want to be reunited with my dead mother, it's been three years and I have not gotten over her.
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Dec 6, 2019
I do not hope and do not believe.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
It's not really something I think about much. I don't expect anything at all. I really don't expect to "wake up" in some magical other reality or anything like that. It would be pretty cool maybe, but I think it'll just be nothing. Like hitting the permanent off switch. I'm ok with that.
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Oct 3, 2020
I wouldnt mind having another go at life, maybe being reborn. The opportunity to not fuck up again, make different choices, lead a better life
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Oct 2, 2020
like a watermelon
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
I don't want to be reborn or anything like that, i think some kind of afterlife could be nice, if it's peaceful, happy and not to stressful. But im perfectly fine with a dreamless sleep that lasts forever.
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Oct 2, 2020
drea,mless sleep won't last forever
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