

Mar 31, 2020
I hope I fade into nothingness and cease to exist
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I said it before and I'll say it as many times as this question keeps popping up: I hope the afterlife is exactly like it is at the end of The Good Place

I would like to be judged by a point total based on all of my actions from my life on earth, then a test is designed for me that I would have infinite tries to pass until I qualify for entering literal eternal paradise where I can live out all of my greatest fantasies until after millions of eternities later where, when I've finally experienced everything I need to experience, I would finally feel complete enough to walk through a final door where my existence peacefully ends and my essence is brought back to the earth. This essence will motivate exactly one random good deed being done on earth before it disappears forever.
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Aug 27, 2020
I just hope it's actually nothingness. no thoughts, no visualization, nothing. just oblivion darkness and no consciousness. reincarnation does happen to fall within my belief system but I really hope there can be some exception made for me. if I must return, I'd like to be a tree for a lifetime. just be a tree in a protected forest and nothing else.
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May 14, 2019
Nothing, I plan to sleep forever...
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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
I'm hoping it's eternal nothingness. You go to sleep for the last time and never wake up. I saw a post on Reddit that said "when we die, what if the light at the end of the tunnel is really the lights of a hospital room?" I just want to sleep forever, not be reincarnated to begin life again as another human.
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May 5, 2020
Anything better than the life I'm having now
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Feb 14, 2019
Absolutely nothing. No thoughts, memories, no afterlife just nothing. I want to be erased from existence. The thought of an eternal afterlife or reincarnation is depressing to me.
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Aug 25, 2020
I want to be reunited with my dead mother, it's been three years and I have not gotten over her.
It's been forty-one years and I haven't got over losing mine - so much for the belief that young children can be protected and tricked out of grief.
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Across space and across time, I will be there.
Jan 13, 2020
I forgot who, but a member talked about a place called "Summerland". That's what I hope for. A place where you can manifest ANYTHING you want, and live the life you've always wanted.
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Thinking about ctb ever since I can remember
Oct 8, 2020
I like to imagine some form of fantasy world, where people can be whoever they want to be and fulfill their dreams that were out of the reach in this world.

But I don't believe that this is gonna happen. What I do believe, is that our consciousness is just gonna vanish in eternal void. A place where you don't see, hear or feel anything. Nothingness, where you are not aware that you are there, simply because you are not anymore.

And that's ok, it's good enough for me.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Beauty, joy, animals happy, birds singing and happy, flowers of all kinds, soft breezes, gentle rains, hawaii sort of, no problems no pain no worries.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
It's been forty-one years and I haven't got over losing mine - so much for the belief that young children can be protected and tricked out of grief.
But do you remember her constantly, I'm sorry you lost her at such a young age, mothers are unique creatures they can really mess with your heart.
I like to imagine some form of fantasy world, where people can be whoever they want to be and fulfill their dreams that were out of the reach in this world.

But I don't believe that this is gonna happen. What I do believe, is that our consciousness is just gonna vanish in eternal void. A place where you don't see, hear or feel anything. Nothingness, where you are not aware that you are there, simply because you are not anymore.

And that's ok, it's good enough for me.
There is online game called second Life if you are into games, you can play it and interact with real people and live two life's, the one you always wanted and the one you have.
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May 14, 2020
For me I just wanna eat good food, listen to good music, and never have to see another person again. I personally would not like to lose any memories because I feel like I wouldn't be myself.

Edit: Looking at this makes me wonder why a lot of you think so negatively about death. Why should death be anything less than a paradise? If it rains there should be a rainbow. I don't want to condemn you all but I feel like when you say things like this your manifesting it. And ceasing to exist in complete darkness isn't salvation for the pain that you had to go through. It's like youwere forced to do it all for nothing.

you're the one proposing what's after as paradise. So why would it be paradise? Why do you think it will be like that?

i think death will be exactly the same as your experience of the year 2,756 BC - nothing.

How we feel about the point or not of life is extremely unlikely to change what actually happens or not after we die.
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ready 2 go

ready 2 go

done with life
Apr 16, 2020
I just want peace, whatever form that comes in
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Sep 21, 2020
you're the one proposing what's after as paradise. So why would it be paradise? Why do you think it will be like that?

i think death will be exactly the same as your experience of the year 2,756 BC - nothing.

How we feel about the point or not of life is extremely unlikely to change what actually happens or not after we die.
I think it's going to be like that because I hope it will be like that. I honestly couldn't tell you I haven't died. But i am going to ctb and I hope to find an end to my suffering. To cease to exist isn't what I consider an end to suffering. It's just an end to you. I understand a lot of you don't see it this way so I won't try to shove it down your throat. Everyone has a different idea of paradise.
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Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
Has anyone on this website ever attempted suicide, died and been revived? Explain what you saw/didn't see. Was it a "vast nothingness" "flames and torture" maybe you were lucky and your brain did something special (the whole white light thing). If you didn't go to hell, then that would pretty much prove that the whole god thing is a lie. I need a sample size of 10-100 people to come forward.
Has anyone on this website ever attempted suicide, died and been revived? Explain what you saw/didn't see. Was it a "vast nothingness" "flames and torture" maybe you were lucky and your brain did something special (the whole white light thing). If you didn't go to hell, then that would pretty much prove that the whole god thing is a lie.

I need a sample size of 10-100 people who have been successfully revived from suicide to come forward and answer the following:
1. How did you kill yourself
2. what did you see/not see
3. Your belief system (God, Buddha, Allah. etc) / what kind of a person are you (how do you live your life? Do you go to church, good person, bad person.etc)
4. Where you on any drugs/ pain killers(if so what?)
5. How long were you gone?
Additional details/info (if you have it)
This one is optional: Age, location, gender, race, sexual orientation, brain type.
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Oct 8, 2020
I like to imagine that there's not really a difference we could perceive as it depends on the perspective. It is good that mother nature makes existence possible with life and death being either one side of the medal or another. Her being peaceful, too, without any people made up fuss about hell, darkness, fear, heaven, religion etc. Just a great, undefined, positive calmness.


Sep 13, 2020
infinite bliss...fussiom with "the self" l, the ego dissolving in the absolute
I will be reunited with my son in paradise...
i heartedly hope so. every time i think about ctb i think about my mother and about you
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Jul 26, 2020
It's the same as before you were born? Remember? Probably not. The world is just going on and you're not in it.

And as someone who has come back from the other side, ya it's pretty peaceful ngl lol
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Sep 13, 2020
i think death will be exactly the same as your experience of the year 2,756 BC - nothing.
experiencing "nothing"? does that make sense? as far as i know i have always experienced. my consciousness is seamless.


I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time.
Jun 25, 2020
It's the same as before you were born? Remember? Probably not. The world is just going on and you're not in it.

And as someone who has come back from the other side, ya it's pretty peaceful ngl lol

what do you mean by you came back from the other side?


Apr 5, 2020
I'd hope it to be like earth in all its great variety and wonders, minus all the suffering.
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Jul 3, 2020
I hope there is nothing to the degree I am not aware of there being nothing because everything just stops
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Oct 12, 2020
Part of me's hoping for reincarnation, just so I can have another try at this. The other part's scared of it, just in case it's the same old shit.


Oct 12, 2020
Nothingness. Don't reincarnate me, this life was enough.
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Oct 8, 2020
I'd hope it to be like earth in all its great variety and wonders, minus all the suffering.
That's greatly expressed, couldn't have found better words. Thank you :hug:
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Jul 4, 2020
I want my mind and all my senses to just shutdown. I simply wish not to be anymore.
I feel this. I'm so tired of existing.
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Aug 13, 2019
Realistically, I don't think anything will actually happen to me & I will simply turn into nothingness. But in terms of the afterlife that I would actually want & wish for, is the kind where I either receive, or turn into an infinite ball of love, peace, & happiness. I guess that's just my meaningless wishful thinking though.
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