Rose Mirren
roses are so overrated
- Dec 10, 2018
- 101
Hey. Just wanted to let you know we're all practically strangers in this site, but people here listen. No one here would ever think you're just "asking for attention" (f*cking hate this phrase). Thanks for sharing this and I hope unloading what's on your mind gave you even just a little bit of comfort.Completely worthless I can't eat breathe it hurts to smile I can't work and honestly I think I'll just leave even though I have bills I just don't care anymore I can't stop thinking about her and how she was the only thing truly the only thing keeping me going she was the only reason I got up in the morning and woke to this shitty life I've lost interest in my hobby and job (same thing) every little thing makes me think of her I scratch my ear and I just remember her talking for hours about what kind of piercing she wanted and her next tattoo I can't go outside I thought going to my cousins would help but this farm just makes me think of her and how she loved horses and these kids just make me wish I could have kids with her I'm really starting to realize my world revolved around her she was my world and now I'm back to the old life I had the horrible useless life and the only thing that remotely helps is trying to hate her but it's so hard to hate someone your still in love with I can't listen to music every song just has something that makes me think of her this withdrawal is killing me I'd rather have a withdrawal from drugs but this is eating me alive emotionally physically mentally I'm just always sick to my stomach and I feel so pathetic and weak I hate talking about it it makes me seem like a pussy weak and stupid I've already been told i just want attention so I've stopped trying to talk to people no one likes me no one ever has and no ever will everyone has always ignored me so I stopped caring and now when I truly need someone just to talk to someone to be my friend it's just the same story they don't care I regret stopping myself from pulling that trigger I remember I pulled the action back and popped a round into the chamber flipped the safety and pointed the barrel right in between my eyes I couldn't stop crying I couldn't breathe I couldn't stop shaking I remember putting my finger in the trigger and being a gun freak I've shot a lot of nice guns but I decided to get a cheap one and it has a slight play in the trigger and I started pushing and I felt it pop and I knew I knew exactly when this gun shot and I knew if I went a hair a literal hair more and it would go off but I had no note my cousins loved me my uncle and aunt loved me and they needed something I was scared of what would come after would the pain even go away or would I just have to live with it for the rest of my existence or would I just float off into darkness and feel nothing would there be a hell or a heaven where would I go idk I just want the pain to go away but I was stupid I was so scared I called my cousin and forced myself to leave and stay with them get myself away from that gun and away from my life