I don't know, I'm still very sad and I've realized that something has changed inside me. It has already happened to me other times throughout my life, it changes my personal perception of things, my environment and my attitude towards everything.
I guess now that I'm 44 years old, and I've seen so many times how the same reality can be lived in very different ways by the same person (in this case myself) I have enough perspective to realize how absurd it is to be subject to my interpretation of things... sometimes they are bad and sometimes good, but always according to the mental context in which I find myself, never because there are external reasons that incorporate a real, palpable, common context to everyone.
The fact is that I feel sad, abandoned, without goals, bitter, sometimes angry, worried for no reason about superfluous things... something has changed inside me and I know that it takes me to the darkest part of my mind, that which I have never bothered to illuminate to see what is there.
I'm very sad.
No ho se, continuo molt trist i m'he n'he adonat que alguna cosa ha cambiat dins meu. Ja m'ha passat altres vegades al llarg de la meva vida, cambia la meva percepció personal de les coses, del meu entorn i de la meva actitud cap a tot.
Suposo que ara que tinc 44 anys, i he vist tantes vegades com una mateixa realitat es pot viure de maneres molt diferents per una mateixa persona (en aquest cas jo mateix) tinc prou perspectiva per adonar-me'n de l'absurd que es estar sotmés a la meva interpretació de les coses... de vegades són dolentes i de vegades bones, però sempre segons el context mental en el que em trobi, mai perqué hi hagin motius externs que incorporin un contexte real, palpable, que siguí comú a tothom.
El cas es que em trobo trist, abandonat, sense metes, amargat, de vegades irat, preocupat sense motiu per coses superflues... ha cambiat alguna cosa dins meu i se que em porta a la part mes fosca de la meva ment, aquella que mai m'he encarregat d'il·luminar per veure bé que hi ha.
Estic molt trist.