- May 4, 2018
- 159
Since there is such an admiration for victimhood in today's culture I figured I might as well get in on the action so since I want to fit in. So I blame chronic pain, controlling parents, biased parenting (favored siblings), injury that took away my extreme athleticism, lack of dmt drugs to open my eyes to my own faults and how special life and energy is, american culture because it is more distant (in europe people are closer and less afraid of being gay for being close with another male), toxic feminism (ruined my family dynamic(my mom would always boss my dad around),my mom was used to getting her way because of how my dad would always give in I assume and this led to her not being able to let others have their way and led to me feeling bullied and led to me eventually hating her and rebelling very hard in a way that dropped my grades and led to them hating me while also half loving me(they loved the fake me)), not having any way to express masculine aggression which is important for male development, hearing the wrong messages from catholic church, moving away from what I was used to and into a place that was more hostile and cliquey, having the wrong outlook on female due to music planting the idea in my mind that we should cry over females and act like they are perfect and males are dependent on them when it is the other way around. Mainly I blame my injuries because I was a class athlete and I became very unconfident because I had to walk weird kinda and it made me over think things, and porn. Porn makes you not pursue girls as much and led to me feeling awkward because I watch so much pornhub that it made me think about every interaction sexually and choke when talking to people more. I also blame my hair. It caused me to look gay to a lot of people I think being so bieber like. There is an occult conspiracy to masculinize women and emasculate men via 3rd wave feminism (see influence of beatles and bieber(btw mccartney was replaced in 65)) Also I blame bad karma. Yes I believe in eternal energy (see cosmic egg video). It is hard because of the fact that being selfish and self serving is how you fulfill a large part of your life but it is also important to act in a way that is nice and helpful to others, but if you care too much about other people, what they think and feel bad all the time it is a disaster but it is also self serving to be caring because people can screw you over. Oh yea and I blame forced psychiatry to poisoning me, that is why I am doing it, I could overcome any problem before and now I just have lost myself and only find comfort in the idea that I have learned from my mistakes and successes in this life and will carry those lessons into a new life. Note: I believe we are in a simulation, it is likely that we exist the most efficient way to organize data (a computer). Also I want to say that 5g and wifi ad flouride and chemicals in the water and food are fucking us up and makes us infertile. No wonder I felt like a so good when I went on a cruise and got away from it all. Also there the scens in better call saul where they make fun of the guy who is suspicious of tech is designed to make you feel stupid for having conspiracy theories. Also the occult tells you what they are doing because of the fact that they want to avoid getting more bad karma that they would get if they didn't tell anyone so that they have less of a chance of their globalist plans of being stopped by good energy. They want to make themselves ai gods. They will start a christian vs islam war and then once people are desperate enough to give in they will offer peace in the form of a one world government and then they will force us to get vaccines that will contain tech that will make us marked and monitored and reliant on them(they will be able to regulate who can use commerce by requiring us to use their tech which has a requirement to be loyal to their ideals). Chinese social credit is the testing ground. Twitter, youtube, google, facebook all censoring self preservationist comments. Secure borders = no war. Islam does not adapt.