The US (and NATO) spent billions in Afghanistan, losing thousands of soldiers in the process, training, arming and mentoring an "Afghan National Army" that dropped their weapons at the first sight of the Taliban and handed the country back to the primitive barbarians after 20 long years.
Now you see a small but heroic nation of people with a democratically elected popular leader courageously defend their land, their soil, their families and their very existence as a nation from a grotesquely evil bloodthirsty bastard and his cowardly war criminals who vastly outnumber and possess vastly greater firepower than the heroic defenders. The imperialist Russian invaders are using every dirty war trick, including bombing homes, schools, hospitals and slaughtering children in the process to achieve their dastardly objective of subjugation and occupation of a fiercely resistant nation of peace-loving, democratic people.
Don't you think the US and NATO wasted their time, money, effort and lives for the wrong nation and people?
Okay, I understand the lack of appetite for involvement in another foreign war. Ukraine is not a NATO member and so they don't have any obligation to defend it.
Why not use Poo-tin's tricks against him? Send in a few highly trained NATO special forces units with plenty of advanced weaponry disguised in Ukrainian camouflage to aid the heroic Ukrainian people who are putting up a fierce resistance to the cowardly war criminals.
Poo-tin's diabolical invasion and occupation plans are not going according to script as his uniformed thugs have been stunned by the courageous resistance of the Ukrainian heroes. It will boost the morale of the determined defenders and NATO's crack commandos can inflict heavy casualties on Poo-tin's vodka-drinking goons and Ramzan Kadyrov's criminal Chechen thugs that have been unleashed on the peace-loving people of Ukraine.
The CIA have been involved in several covert military operations using American troops overseas that may not even be known to the American people.
Here is a just cause if ever there was one!
The Ukrainians are fighting the cowardly agressors not only for themselves, but for the whole of Europe and the free world. They need all the help they can get.
One thing is clear. With or without any help from the US, EU and NATO, the exceedingly courageous Ukrainian nation and people will emerge out of these dark times successfully as they have in the past, despite having to endure great pain and suffering. I hope that all Ukrainians butchered in this evil invasion get to experience everlasting peace.
And I hope the injured and traumatised Ukrainians recover fully soon.
(And no, I don't give the slightest damn about the Russkie invaders and occupiers getting killed. They may rot in hell for all I care!)