Behind the guilt was compassion
- Jan 26, 2021
- 5,761
The word incel barely has a "meaning". It means very, very little. Being an incel does not mean you agree with "blackpill" ideology. Most incels (maybe 90% or more) have never heard of it and a lot of incels don't speak English. All prison inmates that don't start "busting cheeks" are incels, for example. You could be the most anti-"blackpill"/"incel-ideology"/etc person on Earth, you could think that it's harder for a young woman than for a young man to get a date from Tinder and you'd still be an incel if you want (technically sex, but we are obviously talking about romance) "love" but don't have it. That's it.If a person is unhappy about being a virgin, or is unsatisfied with their physical appearance that does not make them an incel. Their thoughts could be due to past abuse, low self-esteem or a number of other problems besides taking on a hateful ideology. I understand the point that you have made; though I also think we must be careful not to throw around this word, because it is starting to lose its meaning.
I am an incel that believes that the biggest cause for inceldom are problems with social relationships, due to whatever the problem is. For me it's autism, for others it could be living in a very small village with no women, agoraphobia or being incarcerated. I also believe that your looks will matter to some extent but are not of importance when compared to never meeting any women at all due to not having a social life.
I believe that female incels exist. Straight women in prison and women that are so malnurished so that they don't have any biological resources for sex/romance are two solid examples.
The "ideology" (believing some statements are factually correct in certain contexts), from what I understand (been a while since I read about this, so might seem a bit boomer here) is just basically that some guys are fucked. There's nothing hateful about that, but it's more or less a natural law that gathering young involuntarily celebate men together won't exactly produce an atmosphere akin to a tea-party for the elderly.