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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Reserved for the supreme gourmet (me).
Eating is an animalistic, degrading, utterly repugnant & extremely excrement-producing activity.
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Deleted member 8579

Apr 28, 2021
Eating is an animalistic, degrading, utterly repugnant & extremely excrement-producing activity.
I agree, but it is not as animalistic, degrading and repugnant as copulation.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I wasn't talking about Schnitzel, but about Austria.
By the way, the great-grandfather of the brother-in-law of my great-grandfather emigrated to the U.S. of A. some 200 years ago (I am not making this up). Perhaps we are related?!
Really depends on where from exactly. Most of Austria except the big cities was still very rural back then, so it probably depends if he came from the same general parts of teh country my ancestors lived in.


Jan 22, 2020
in the environment in which I move, to say that the anti covid-vaccine movement is worryingly similar to the general anti-vaccine movement is almost heretical.
But i don't care. F*ck it. Just better go vaccine, PLEASE.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
Ted Kaczynski had a point, even if I absolutely disagree with the way he went about and wanted to go about spreading his message.
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Mar 17, 2018
I feel sympathy for mass shooters.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Really depends on where from exactly. Most of Austria except the big cities was still very rural back then, so it probably depends if he came from the same general parts of teh country my ancestors lived in.
I'm a chick. I was told my paternal great-great grandfather was from some snobby section of Austria and looked down on my great-great grandmother for being from a poorer and less educated part of either Austria or Germany. The ancestors way before that probably lived in rural areas because they were shepherds.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I agree, but it is not as animalistic, degrading and repugnant as copulation.
At least indulging in too much fucking doesn't make you fat :))
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Now THIS is a weight loss routine I could get behind. Too bad for my fatass.
It's a great weight loss routine. I also call it the "All-the-Meat-You-Can-Eat" diet :))
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I hate taking drugs whether legal or illegal. Shouldn't my mind and body do what it needs to do without adding chemicals?
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
This isn't so much an unpopular opinion, so much as it is my own unseemly self-indulgence, but this still seems like the best thread to post it in.

The only other website I visit that has an interactive aspect, besides this one, is reddit. And even then it only has a couple subs which hold any interest for me. However, they're still utterly impenetrable. Take r/collapse for instance. I have some interest in the topic, a lot less so these days because I honestly can't bring myself to give a shit about the state of the world (my life's always been garbage and it's not like I have any stake in how it all turns out, so why should I care?) and also how I just can't think of anything to say, but more importantly how that sub, and most anywhere else, is filled with people 100% a universe away from my own situation. Ultimately, there's no use saying a single word about anything. To even just lurk a place like that inspires feelings of near immediate nauseousness. And so it goes for literally the entire rest of the internet.

It's still admittedly frustrating sometimes though. When I'd like to say something, but then I remind myself how staggeringly futile it would be. I mean, as I have to remind myself, a sub like that is filled with people who love their lives and are very active in their participation of them. Me though? I couldn't be anymore different on those fronts. Nothing is more a pariah to relatively well adjusted people than an agoraphobic hermit, who also just so happens to be a complete buzzkill mired in pessimistic thinking.

The fact is, most people enjoy their lives and are able to live them. I cannot. No one has any concept of what it's like to be me, and I have no concept of what it's like to be them. I've spent my entire existence alienated from everything that is otherwise a default for everyone else. I've spent nearly 15 years in askesis from the world. Next to no one can understand this. Those that don't usually shill out empty advice or mockingly dismiss it, which both underscore the fact that they can't understand, nor will ever be able to. Other people have dreams, ambitions, and an ability to navigate and proceed through life, while feeling all its various ups and downs. I cannot understand this. Both because I have never, and will never, posses the capacity to feel or understand any such things, and that, on top of this, I have no frame of reference or way to even conceive the faintest glimpse of them to begin with. This is part of what renders nearly all communication/interaction a complete non-starter and makes it so that everything on the internet might as well not even be there. This also explains why I've never had any social bonds on the internet whatsoever (outside of those I've had here), despite being on it for over 20 years.

As I've mentioned before in other posts, there's also a person I met in a friendship capacity via reddit after they read something I posted on r/antinatalism, but this was basically an anomaly to end all anomalies. Both for the fact that I posted there at all, and also that I somehow got into a now months long social connection with another person over it, which is a first for me in my entire life. The only wonder is how it hasn't crashed and burned by this point, but there were a couple times where it's certainly close, mostly on account of my own self-sabotaging behavior. Well, I'll probably still manage to fuck it up.

The synapses and neurons in my brain might as well be a jumbled ball of yarn compared to everyone else, which is why I'll never be able to process things correctly and how that in turn puts me apart from 99.9% of other people. And on some level, even this person I've been talking to for the last few months. Be that as it may, I honestly don't think I could ever meet someone as highly resonant to my own thoughts, feelings, and perspective, but, at the end of the day, they still live/breathe in a world that to me might as well be a flat, 2D image. Like looking at a painting on a wall. And that's fundamentally what life is like for me. No matter what, it's just like a picture on a wall. I can look at it from different angles, I can touch its flat surface, but I can never be apart of it. Everything in life is like watching a TV show, or standing in a gallery looking at paintings. There's an impassable barrier that, just like the screen of a television or the canvas of a painting, I can never hope to cross. It's like someone watching one of those 360 degree VR videos on YouTube of random locations/events, except that's just their whole life.
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Almost gone, it almost worked
Oct 24, 2020
As long as people aren't hurting others I don't care what they're doing. Sure, it's worth a shot giving someone help if they seem to be in pain. But if it's been years, they're still resisting (don't want help) and you're out of options, just let someone go. Wherever it's suicide, drugs, self harm, eating habits. It's wrong to take away someone's coping mechanisms just because they upset you, especially if you have no alternatives to offer them. Of course if they want help it's a different story. Maybe this isn't unpopular, idk.
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Jan 17, 2021
As long as people aren't hurting others I don't care what they're doing.
Unpopular opinion: it's ok to hurt everyone except me
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
It's okay to metaphorically shove your gay dick down straight guys' throats :))
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I hope this evil blight upon our planet called humanity is completely gone and the planet recovers from our vile destruction of it.
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Jun 28, 2021
It used to seem weird in some shitty cliques to say: I hate the band Phish. Lol. It's been ages since this was a thing for me.

Oh...I hate: Black Lives Matter...the dude that got killed by a cop with his foot was really a fucked up dude...yes it was horrible of the cop...but to turn him into a martyr or whatever...to celebrate his fuckery...to award his family millions of dollars...to get Antifa sorta involved...the shit is CRAZY. All LIVES Matter.

They are just picking a cause...and it's the younger gen attaching themselves to this issue...EVERYONE MATTERS. If someone is going to believe in Black Lives Matter they should learn about Libya and the slave trade happening now. Speak out about that. Idk. George Floyd was a piece of shit. Did he deserve to croak at the foot of a dickhead cop? No. Of course he said 'I can't breathe'...does this need to be a mantra to speak out against racisim? No.

Antifa is fucking nuts and are composed of 20 year old stinky shithead assholes that attack kids and terrorize streets. I know this. I am in a state where they are shitting all over it.
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Aug 9, 2021
i will never be a real woman no matter how many surgeries i have on myself
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Mar 23, 2018
I think Man-Buns are stupid.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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Mar 15, 2020
I miss the days when this site tried to keep their connection to incels under wraps. There now seems to be a direct line between incels.is and ss. It's changed the site for the worse. Thread after thread about being a virgin, hating women, blaming looks for every damn thing, complaining about parents, hateful and violent threads passed off as humor, and more immature, shallow bullshit around every turn.
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Jan 17, 2021
I miss the days when this site tried to keep their connection to incels under wraps. There now seems to be a direct line between incels.is and ss. It's changed the site for the worse. Thread after thread about being a virgin, hating women, blaming looks for every damn thing, complaining about parents, hateful and violent threads passed off as humor, and more immature, shallow bullshit around every turn.
We should have "approved reasons to die" committée. No posting until you're certified.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
I hope this evil blight upon our planet called humanity is completely gone and the planet recovers from our vile destruction of it.
Counterargument: the planet itself (or at least living nature) is a vile thing and deserves to be gone just as much as humanity does.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
Speaking of incels:
I think it's unfair how such a wide range of people can be called an "incel" or fall under that derogatory umbrella. You could have one guy who's just a lonely, harmless dude vent online about how being lonely hurts him, and another guy who talks about how women are whores and how he wants to rape a child, and they'll both get called incels and treated like upcoming mass shooters and harassed. One guy is pretty clearly harmless while the other is not, but they both just get swept up into the same category. And I see a lot of harmless guys who are just in pain from being alone (from lacking a very basic human need) getting shit on by people who don't seem to understand the difference between "I'm lonely which causes pain, which causes desperation, which drives people away, which compounds the issue and I can't figure out how to break the cycle" and "I think I'm entitled to rape people".

And before anyone says anything about me being an incel, I'm a married woman. These are just my observations.
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Mar 15, 2020
Speaking of incels:
I think it's unfair how such a wide range of people can be called an "incel" or fall under that derogatory umbrella. You could have one guy who's just a lonely, harmless dude vent online about how being lonely hurts him, and another guy who talks about how women are whores and how he wants to rape a child, and they'll both get called incels and treated like upcoming mass shooters and harassed. One guy is pretty clearly harmless while the other is not, but they both just get swept up into the same category. And I see a lot of harmless guys who are just in pain from being alone (from lacking a very basic human need) getting shit on by people who don't seem to understand the difference between "I'm lonely which causes pain, which causes desperation, which drives people away, which compounds the issue and I can't figure out how to break the cycle" and "I think I'm entitled to rape people".

And before anyone says anything about me being an incel, I'm a married woman. These are just my observations.
Have you spent any time on incels.is? This site is taking on the same tone. I'm not referring to lonely men. I'm referring specifically to men who identify as incel, and therefore blame women for their life problems. There is no incel lite, Nazi lite, rapist lite, etc.
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May 3, 2021
Speaking of incels:
I think it's unfair how such a wide range of people can be called an "incel" or fall under that derogatory umbrella. You could have one guy who's just a lonely, harmless dude vent online about how being lonely hurts him, and another guy who talks about how women are whores and how he wants to rape a child, and they'll both get called incels and treated like upcoming mass shooters and harassed. One guy is pretty clearly harmless while the other is not, but they both just get swept up into the same category. And I see a lot of harmless guys who are just in pain from being alone (from lacking a very basic human need) getting shit on by people who don't seem to understand the difference between "I'm lonely which causes pain, which causes desperation, which drives people away, which compounds the issue and I can't figure out how to break the cycle" and "I think I'm entitled to rape people".

And before anyone says anything about me being an incel, I'm a married woman. These are just my observations.
100% that. The term was actually coined by a woman who was just that, not getting into a relationship/not getting laid, not because of choice, not because she didn't want to, but because apparently it just didn't seem to work out.

Technically I guess I could be called incel because all my attempts at romantic relationships or unpaid sex failed and I'm forever alone. While I'm not a virgin--I had sex once with a sex worker (bless her, great woman)--I don't know what a relationship is like or what a kiss is like, and I'm never going to know.

The problem is when this is conflated with the so-called incel community, a dark misogynist side of internet and society that blames women for not jumping at them with wet vaginas. But thanks to coverage, someone who's just desperately alone is quickly associated with that particular subculture, adding injury to despair.

I believe a lot of "actual" incels in the original sense reject the internet incel culture, by which I mean the hateful sort. But the way internet and society work, they will be associated with it.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
Have you spent any time on incels.is? This site is taking on the same tone. I'm not referring to lonely men. I'm referring specifically to men who identify as incel, and therefore blame women for their life problems. There is no incel lite, Nazi lite, rapist lite, etc.
I wasn't referring to your post at all when I made mine, I read yours and it made me think about incels in general. I have been on incels.is, and I have seen a lot of disgusting things get posted there. But I've also seen entire communities of lonely men who don't even identify as incels on other sites like reddit get targeted for harassment and called incels just because they mention or discuss their experiences being lonely. And I've met some guys who identify as being incel who aren't angry or bitter about it or women, they just never got the chance to experience romance or anything and it makes them rather depressed or isolated. I think this is just a matter of the squeakiest wheel getting the oil (or the attention in this case). Of course the people who post on incels.is about hating women, raping people, etc. are bad people, I mentioned that in my own post. But that doesn't mean anyone who complains about being lonely or who feels rejected is some sort of woman hating misogynist, and that was my personal unpopular opinion.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
MGTOW aren't the same as incels, MGTOW chooses not to get involved with women because of whatever moral values they have with women, most specifically with how US laws are in favor of females. Simply put, they just rather be left alone. /fightme


Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
MGTOW aren't the same as incels, MGTOW chooses not to get involved with women because of whatever moral values they have with women, most specifically with how US laws are in favor of females. Simply put, they just rather be left alone. /fightme
I agree with this. It's honestly a scary time to be a man in the US. How many times have I seen suicidal fathers in these forums because their children were taken from them for no reason other than their ex being a sociopath? People act like women can't lie or ruin someone else's life, like we're all angels and every accusation of rape or divorce where we want the kids should be catered to 100%. Reality is women can ruthlessly lie, cheat, be sociopathic, manipulative, narcissistic, and dangerous just like men can. Equality should mean both genders being treated equally under the law but that's rarely the case - in the US women are heavily favored and seen as victims, in some other countries it's still men who are favored even if they become violent towards their spouse. It's absolutely abhorrent that instead of learning from the history of women having their children taken from them and taking them away from neither parent, that instead children are often now taken from their fathers and basically held ransom for child support despite dad not being allowed custody ("visitation" is a slap in the face for any parent who has done no wrong, let's be real here). It's wrong to take a child from either parent, period. It's wrong to expect a man to take a beating from a woman and not hit back in self defense (because then he's seen as an abusive monster and he'll be the one arrested). It's wrong to believe accusations of rape without evidence, even if there are some victims who never get justice there are also men who have served time for a rape they never committed.

Honestly relationships between genders and sexes have always been kind of bad, but they're not any better today. If anything there's an even bigger divide and I hate it. Apparently treating other human beings with respect and kindness is still a difficult thing when sex is taken into consideration.
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