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Dec 10, 2019
Witcher 3 is overrated
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Mar 23, 2018
People with heritable diseases and conditions should not have children. One does not simply play Russian-roulette with genetics.
Does stupidity count??? :wink:
I hate American sports like basketball, baseball, nfl.

I don't hate it... I just don't care. :wink: Baseball and Golf (Especially Golf) are like watching paint dry.
Damn auto correct.:angry:
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
9 times out of 10. Hell, you know what? Scratch that. 10 times out of 10, the darker picture is always the correct one. This applies to life, just as much as it applies to anything else. Even in analyses of art, or books, or media entertainment (such as with movies or video games), the grimmer the take on it, the more correct it is. However, because the large majority of people don't like to be reminded about how shitty life is, they dismiss anything and everything that might lead them to that conclusion. Instead, they cling to any loose bits of garbage that can justify their own sense of naive optimism, clinging to it like a drowning man clings to a piece of driftwood to stop from sinking beneath the waves. I can respect a person's need to think/feel this way. What I don't respect is when they start to think their perspective is anything more than their own desperate flaying around for meaning. Even worse, when they accuse a pessimist (and I mean a REAL pessimist, not a fake pessimist who's masquerading their disguised Nietzschean-esque optimism as if it were in any form pessimistic), as being the ones with the wrong and more deluded outlook on things. This level of gaslighting routinely done by normals is both grotesque and pathetic.

Here's the real reason why depressed and pessimistic people are so often dismissed. It's not because they're "mentally ill", or are having their thoughts clouded by their own bad feelings, or just need to look beyond their own negativity. All things that, BY THE WAY, you could just as easily accuse in reverse to the life loving normal, and be far more justified and correct in doing so. The real reason for their dismissal comes down to this. Ready now? Say it with me here.....Because nobody. Likes. A buzzkill. It's really that simple. In this case, the normal doesn't want the truth, they just want to have a good time. They grab at anything that can validate their shitty and pointless lives, while also justifying their self-indulgent hedonism. They'll bastardize and corrupt everything to satiate their need for this validation. Everything from books, to art, to movies, to video games, becomes little more than cheap fodder to achieveing this end.

So, long story short, depressed people are the only ones who see the world with their eyes open and their opinions are almost always the only correct/substantive ones available. Normal, non-depressed people, by contrast, are those who are most fast asleep and guilty of being lost within their own inflexible way of looking at things. Utterly clueless to and blinded by their many unexamined thoughts/beliefs. Even those who were once depressed can easily fall into this trap and go right back to being asleep and become just as insufferable/brainwashed/mentally clouded as any other normal like the above.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
People should be sterilized at puberty. All of them.
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Behind the guilt was compassion
Jan 26, 2021
All technological progress should be halted right away.
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Apr 5, 2018
Getting out of personal "comfort zone" is impossible, and people always follow the path of least resistance.
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Jan 17, 2021
Monarchy is better than republic.
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May 20, 2018
Nickelback is a great band
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Behind the guilt was compassion
Jan 26, 2021
Small degrees of violence should be legal. Pushing, weak punches, etc.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
"Green energy" is a sham. Outside of it largely being a cheap cover for big business to keep doing what it does, the EROEI of renewables is barely a tenth that of fossil fuels. Nothing can match the sheer energy density and malleability of oil. Nuclear power is the only thing that measures up and, needless to say, all that comes with its own legion of unique problems. Like it or not, oil is the black, plague fueled blood that keeps our entire society afloat. Every aspect of our civilization utterly depends on its regular availability, despite that being more and more difficult to achieve. Not to mention, of course, that the usage of it will, and has, sundered the life support systems of our very planet. It's an addiction that's both killing us and sustaining us at the same time.

You see the obvious problem here, don't you? We're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't. We live in a world of many billions now. Billions that would have never existed if it hadn't been for fossil fuels. Billions that can only now be sustained through its continued application. This planet, at best, was capable of supporting only a billion people. What do you think will happen when that nice juicy oil runs out? We'll tear each other to shreds; that's what. It's like any other animal that goes into overshoot. The population explodes (due to a lack of predators, or an abundance of space/resources, or both) and then, as is always the case, crashes back down when the goodies run out. Sometimes the crash is so hard, that the species goes extinct altogether. Usually an equilibrium of sorts can be maintained and nature goes on carrying out its senseless crusade of bloodshed, but never before has an animal had access to literal doomsday weapons (nuclear weapons). For that reason, and others, it doesn't seem likely there will ever be another "anything" to make the same mistake of overshoot and collapse.

Humans have proven themselves no smarter than yeast in this regard. Introduce enough food/space to a yeast culture in a petri dish and it'll balloon and grow in size until that food/space is exhausted and the entire thing dies as a result. A shame, isn't it? Everything we know, everything we've discovered, everything we think we are. And yet, at the end of the day, we've fared no better than a small batch of yeast cells, trapped in a little dish. When you really stop to take in all this futile madness, life should've stayed in the pile of rancid goo that spawned it in the first place. That's about all we amounted to either way. A pile of rancid goo.

I'll also just mention that renewables at the right SCALE, are an ingenious fusion of function and form. But, that's just it. Humans DIDN'T stay at the right scale. We bred like mangy rats on a sinking ship. One that theoretically could've supported us, but that we shat in and chewed through as if the rules of cause and effect somehow didn't apply to us. And now....now it doesn't matter anymore. Maybe it was our destiny to rid this planet of its life infestation. Maybe life wanted to commit suicide and needed humans to do it. Now there's a helluva thought, don't you think so? I mean, who knows? Maybe it's true. Maybe that's why we're here. What was the point of life, as so many tend to ask? Well, as we can now see, perhaps it was all just a means to an end, so nature could neck itself on the proverbial doorknob. Who'd have ever thunk it? For all we know, life on other planets might be trying to accomplish the exact same thing, in their own equally unconscious ways.
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Behind the guilt was compassion
Jan 26, 2021
Food should only be slightly above room temperature when served.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
The natural world is fundamentally irredeemable and vile. The more species that go extinct; the better. Omnicide isn't something to rue or lament having happened. Quite the contrary, it's the best thing that could have ever happened. The DNA of any living creature is half brutal taskmaster and half rasping parasite. It has programmed both in us, and in all the creatures that have ever existed, the insidious need to condemn generation after generation to near constant suffering and eventual death. Nothing is achieved or gained by doing this. Evolution is a directionless process that produces nothing, but what it can get away with making in the first place. Anything that can be thrown at the wall; will be. Even if it leads to certain species fatally succumbing to the very nature they were bred to follow (e.g. Fisherian runaway), or species that inflict profound levels of agony merely as a product of their very biology (e.g. tarantula hawks). Either way, most species, on average, exist only somewhere between 5-10 million years. After that, they tend to go extinct. For mammals, it's usually just a million years.

All that pain, all that spent energy, all the generations after generations brought in to keep the whole thing going, and for what? The damn species went extinct anyway. In all the years preceding this inevitable point, how many died of starvation, the elements, were eaten alive by predators, or lay wounded in agony; crying out over and over until their last breath escaped them? How many species have come and gone that have followed this exact trajectory? Screwing around for a couple million years, creating shit tons of senseless pain in the meantime, playing out the same miserably reiterative cycle again and again, only to then die out anyway. Well, I'll you how many. 99% of all life. 99% of all life, ever, starting from the very first organisms to appear on this planet, are now extinct. They all followed the parameters of their DNA, did what they were programmed to do, struggled for their individual places in the useless battle royale of the natural world, only to eventually get swept away into entropy's compost bin regardless.

All animals live their lives based solely on fear and a desperate need to survive. Food, water, shelter, avoid predation, mate. That's it. Discounting a solitary orgasm somewhere along the way (assuming they're "lucky" enough to mate) there's no joy, no happiness, no satisfaction, no peace. These things are totally irrelevant to the replication of DNA. It can get by just fine without them. In fact, an organism could evolve to have their teeth tear into their own flesh from an early age, thereby causing each member of that species noticeable pain throughout their entire lives, but so long as it didn't get in the way of passing on DNA, that trait would probably remain untouched. Life perpetuates itself for its own sake, no matter the harm it causes. Like a fungus growing over a rotten stump, or a nasty mold spreading itself out within a musty cellar. At least a mold or a fungus doesn't create additional agents of suffering, the way life itself does. Cooking up more and more creatures that range from the grotesque to the nightmarish, like an idiot mad scientist that will make whatever it is they can manage to make simply because they can.

Those who worship and revere nature are fools at best, or sado-masochists at worst. They either outright refuse, or are utterly incapable of seeing/understanding how it really is. All they see; is what they wish to see. Everything else is ignored, or seen as something that just can't be helped. But, you know, that's where they're wrong. Something can be done about it and it's happening right this very moment. It's already been happening for decades. Perhaps even centuries if you want to go back far enough. A process of omnicide was set into motion, arguably when the industrial revolution occurred and, as of now, has just about run its course. By the end of this century, very little life will remain and, for all intents and purposes, the natural world will be no more.

I'm not saying that civilization isn't a monstrosity all its own, because it is, but through its continued existence its managed to kill the far greater monstrosity of the natural world. Our species could never have achieved a collective sense of enlightenment in regards to being able to work towards painlessly sterilizing the planet of life. But instead, through simple greed and myopia, the same end result will be achieved, only much more painfully; regrettable as that is. As someone who holds nature in contempt and that wishes to see its removal; I don't have to do anything. It's the nature lovers and pro-lifers that are accomplishing this task, which bears its own grim sense of irony. As a low carbon footprint efilist hermit, I leave a near microscopic impact on the planet. Yet the most die hard defenders of life and its supposed "sacredness" will pollute and consume more than fifty times the amount I ever will, while then breeding on top of all this, thereby adding an entire lifetimes worth of extra damage to the biosphere.

I wish to see nature ended; yet do very little actions to see that come to pass. Whereas those who revel in the inherently self-aggrandizing idea of nature; are the ones doing nearly everything possible to accelerate its demise. Now that right there is the sort of absurd juxtaposition I've long come to expect after existing in this dismal universe for so long now. There's certainly a grim sense of humor to be found in all this. Might as well laugh at the sheer comedy of our shared predicament, I suppose. Not that many will ever get the joke.
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Nov 19, 2020
BoJack horseman Is a not terrible show per se, but the protagonist is an obnoxious toxic person and if you identify yourself with him then you should ask your some questions.

Bjork is overrated


I deserve to die
Nov 30, 2020
BoJack horseman Is a not terrible show per se, but the protagonist is an obnoxious toxic person and if you identify yourself with him then you should ask your some questions.

Bjork is overrated
I think you could honestly say that about most shows. I dont watch much Tv because I hate the people in them lol
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Thanos should have won in Endgame.
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Apr 5, 2018
Thanos should have won in Endgame.
Thanos' mistake: applying half-measures which later will backfire horribly and fatally.

Thanos: Should have aimed for the head.
Humans: Should have went for 100%.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
The benefits of exercise only matter, or are even detectable, to a normal person. If your life is shit, then exercise won't help to solve the problem. It won't even make you feel good. Normals enjoy exercise because their lives haven't been crushed to powder by anhedonia and chronic depression. Normals enjoy exercise because they actually have worthwhile reasons to justify the effort. Truth be told, swap exercise out of with almost anything else under the sun that comes equally recommended by ignorant normals and the same point holds true.

Nothing matters when you do it in a complete vacuum. Nothing. Without someone to congratulate or simply acknowledge all your hard work, then it simply makes the effort fundamentally meaningless. Think on how when a normal loses their last or most important loved one, everything they do suddenly bears no purpose or meaning. It is at this point, that they find themselves in a position identical to that of a depressive suffering chronic anhedonia. When you become this bankrupt in social bonds and those that give meaning to your life, you're essentially cosigned to an existence of living death. It is only these kinds of normals who go through this sort of thing (in their equally normal kind of way) that are able to experience the true meaning of the following statement; "That one can die many deaths, before the body itself actually dies". One can lose everything, and I do mean everything, LONG before the heart ever stops beating. A death of the spirit is just as devastating and total, as the eventual death of the body. You often have just as much chance of ever resurrecting someone's dead spirit, as you do a literal corpse. Not even a literal necromancer could hope to achieve the former.

I think we'd all rather have this not be the case, but such is the nature of our species. I don't make the rules of human biology, but I do have to suffer with them. Trust me, I'd much rather be a cephalopod. Cephalopods, assuming they possessed human level intellect, wouldn't have to put up with this sort of shit. Apes are, hands down, the weakest and most pathetic branch of creature that has ever existed on the planet. Almost anything else would've been a better candidate for intelligence, rather then those socially needy shit flingers that tragically formed the basis for what we now are and will probably always be.
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Behind the guilt was compassion
Jan 26, 2021
Travelling is horrible, everyone with more than 1000 posts should get a special frame around their avatar, the world died in 2012 and we are devouring its carrion.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
Not everyone is cut out to be a parent. If there are barriers to adopting children, the same should apply to creating them.

Marijuana is overrated and its fanbase annoys me greatly. At least tabacco smokers know how to shut the fuck up.

Western society is too individualistic, and if we were collectivist instead, we'd be a better society.

In general, I don't care about Marvel nor DC with few exceptions.

I could never get into Star Wars. Same applies to LotR.

Sex is overrated and not that great in itself.

Politics are important and people should understand them better.
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Asian fusion cuisine is simply a lie to hide the fact they don't know what they are doing.

Chinese and Korean sushi are gross.
Can I find a real Japanese one for once smh.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Asian fusion cuisine is simply a lie to hide the fact they don't know what they are doing.

Chinese and Korean sushi are gross.
Can I find a real Japanese one for once smh.
I've had good Japanese sushi that was made by Chinese chefs but that was more a stroke of good luck than anything. I'm sorry you don't have access to good sushi.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
It's impossible not to be alone and anyone who says otherwise is either utterly deluded, or a filthy stinking liar.

In my case, I can't think or feel for anything outside of my own head. I've never been able to relate to anyone. If anything, hearing about similar problems or challenges to myself, where one might expectedly experience a sensation of relief or a feeling that they're not alone in what they go through, I just feel worse, or nothing at all. The knowledge of someone else suffering, in a world already teeming with those who suffer, isn't exactly a balm to the senses. In my case, despair and hopelessness usually follow. I'm just another sufferer in a vast legion of other sufferers. Whatever their suffering might be, it really only serves as a recurring testament to me that pain is of course the rule, and not the exception. If someone else is miserable/suicidal/depressed, what difference does that make to me? I'm also still miserable/suicidal/depressed and, in fact, even a tad moreso since it largely only acts as an intensification of my own hopeless situation and very little else.

This notion of "feeling less alone" is something I just don't get. At the end of the day, the simple fact is that I am alone, and I always will be. I was born alone and, someday, I'll die alone. Just like everything else. It could never be otherwise. I'm a brain locked inside a skull. My thoughts within that brain will always be in an isolated universe all to themselves. All living things are permanently closed off in this manner. No matter how much one might wish to, you can't penetrate the barrier that exists between our essence/mind/ego/soul, whatever you want to call it, and what we call reality, populated with other living things also locked inside their minds, experiencing their existence in whatever way they experience it. As far as I'm concerned, I have to reiterate that it's fundamentally impossible not to be alone.

"Relating" to anything makes no sense to me at all. If someone else is in a similar sort of pain to myself; how is that supposed to make me feel better? I only feel worse. I have no idea how people can find catharsis or solidarity in sharing one another's woes, or anything else really. It might as well be fantasy to me. Maybe I'm just insane, or fully dead on the inside. I really don't know.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Gluten free pasta actually tastes pretty okay. I wouldn't prefer it over regular pasta, but I think it's unique enough for me to consider it just another different style of pasta that I could see myself eating more.

But definitely not more enough to replace pasta entirely, I would rather die than make an actual healthy choice like that. Everytime someone recommends me to try to eat healthier I just get more hungry and want to eat something trashy like McDonald's.
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Nov 30, 2020
Ant and fucking Dec. With their stupid foreheads. GAAAAHHH!!! I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Feb 27, 2021
Ok here's one, I never played a video game (gasp) The only phone i owned was a flip phone which got disconnected last week cuz it was obsolete so if you contact me it will be a landline phone
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Nov 30, 2020
Ok here's one, I never played a video game (gasp) The only phone i owned was a flip phone which got disconnected last week cuz it was obsolete so if you contact me it will be a landline phone
But how the hell do you watch porn then? I mean...what?
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Apr 7, 2019
Suicide is not peace. People who kill themselves don't find peace. If you want true peace, keep living and try the best you can to find peace here. Peace requires concious experience. Suicide is nothing. Means nothing. I hate suicide. You take your suffering with you to the grave.
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