As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Suicide is not peace. People who kill themselves don't find peace. If you want true peace, keep living and try the best you can to find peace here. Peace requires concious experience. Suicide is nothing. Means nothing. I hate suicide. You take your suffering with you to the grave.
Haha...yes one time I was watching a movie on my laptop with the sound off trying to be sly and my ex was sitting across from me at a good distance. She then said "You know I can see what your watching from the reflection on your glasses"
cyanol, popcorn, LONE WOLF. and 1 other person
I agree, and all of the late night show hosts are terrible and unfunny, especially since they all clung to a particular topic over the past few years which marked the death of comedy. As if everybody's consciousness wasn't sufficiently invaded by it, they also decided to milk every last unoriginal, unclever, unfunny joke possible out of it. I can't imagine how anyone could watch any of that garbage when there are perfectly good sharp objects that we could insert into our eyes instead!
The US systems for measuring things are superior in every way. I know this is unpopular even in my own country but let me explain:
-Fahrenheit allows us to set our thermostats to 69 degrees and have it be an optimally comfortable temperature. It also allows us to bake certain things at 420 degrees. Either of those measurements in Celsius would be way too damn hot.
-Month/Day/Year is superior to Day/Month/Year because it's the only way to be able to celebrate 4/20. That's all I got there admittedly but I also think that putting the day first just looks really stupid. 26/03 just seems wrong.
-Using pounds is better than grams to measure weight because grams is actually a measurement of mass, not weight. Mass and weight are two separate things so if we were all slave to the metric system and used the same unit for both things, it would get very confusing. Good thing we don't use pounds for money either unlike some people so we won't even get confused for that. To us, pounds only measure exactly how much of a fatass we each all are.
-You got me on miles vs kilometers though. I don't understand that shit at all.
cyanol, ShornSoloists, BeansOfRequirement and 3 others
In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
You started this! ha. ha.
the only thing we learn from is exquisite pain.
love can be limiting when we see it as an illusion.
seances are the best activity on dark-moon.
prostitutes are the true philosophers of the age.
angels and demons exist; but heaven & hell do not.
i have more but then you won't like me very much. and maybe i care about that a little too much.
The whole "cancelling" scene is getting more toxic than the pedophilia, sexual assault, racism and other "ism"s it's trying to "cancel". It seems like people are just looking for an easy target to hate and attack.
cyanol, josainsplorgat, ShornSoloists and 5 others
Umm, most of my opinions that would be unpopular in the outside world would probably be pretty run of the mill over here. But has anyone seen that shitty Hitchcock movie - Vertigo? God damn it's some of the worst piece of trash I've ever seen, yet it was voted the best movie of all time by some prestigious movie idiots. If it got released today it would be mocked and made into memes. People couldn't fucking act in the 50s. And the story is such utterly ridiculous nonsense. And the fucking car scenes are unbearable. And the ending... Jesus fucking Christ what's wrong with people.
ShornSoloists, TessB, Mentalmick and 1 other person
April fools is extremely shitty and boring. We get it, you are doing the bit with your unfunny, predictable and trash tier jokes, you are also annoying the shit out of everyone.
It's specially bad on the internet and even worse on social media, I mean, social media is already a cesspool, but today it's unbearable. It doesn't matter how much effort you put into your little bait and switches, no one is laughing.
Also, social media managers of brands that post april fool ""jokes"" should get the death sentence.
ShornSoloists, Joey, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and 5 others
Right?, I blow up the local orphanage and suddenly I'm in the wrong? It's April fucking fools for fuck sake. It was the exact same thing last year with that convent.
ShornSoloists, HowNowBrownCow, BeansOfRequirement and 4 others
In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
All the social media stuff about black/asian/women etc. justice just makes white men like me with mental health issues feel like they've got no place in the world. (just wanna say I completely agree with the ideology, just not the amount I have to see and hear about it a day)
On that topic, I think you'll see an unprecedented amount of white men in their 20s ctb in the next year or so.
cyanol, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and Dr Iron Arc
My opinion is that shooters should be sympathized with rather than condemned based on the idea that killing is wrong. You're supposed to ask why they did it and hear them out. Rather than just labeling them as monsters. As far as I'm concerned, I believe they are often the product of what society and their upbringing made them to be, and even if that isn't the case and that they're something biologically wrong with them, it's still not their fault. They're also a victim; a victim of causality.
cyanol, ShornSoloists, Disappointered and 4 others
My opinion is that shooters should be sympathized with rather than condemned based on the idea that killing is wrong. You're supposed to ask why they did it and hear them out.
I agree, but I wouldn't limit it only to shooters. I understand why it might be hard or even impossible to sympathize with a criminal or someone who did other morally reprehensive deed when you're the victim, when your loved one is a victim or when you were a victim of a similar crime by another person. But for everyone else, I think the world would be a much better place if we asked the question "why this happened?" and tried to understand before we just declare someone a monster and form an angry mob.
cyanol, ShornSoloists, Dr Iron Arc and 2 others
I agree, but I wouldn't limit it only to shooters. I understand why it might be hard or even impossible to sympathize with a criminal or someone who did other morally reprehensive deed when you're the victim, when your loved one is a victim or when you were a victim of a similar crime by another person. But for everyone else, I think the world would be a much better place if we asked the question "why this happened?" and tried to understand before we just declare someone a monster and form an angry mob.
College sucks: rack up crippling amounts of debt for the privilege of being able to read textbooks and get graded on papers. The last time I attended in person, I had no fun, learned nothing useful, and withdrew due to panic attacks. "The most exciting time of your life."
ShornSoloists, lofticries, Lucien and 4 others
Some things are better off gatekept. What I mean is that anything with an extremely toxic fandom would just be your average fandom if it were gatekept.
Also, minors shouldn't be on social media because the amount of toxicity there can REALLY ruin their minds and days. It's so sad seeing minors on social media making their whole personalities revolve around the fact that they spend so much time there when they could be,,, idk, doing more productive things. I just really dislike seeing minors on social media fight for hours on end.
ShornSoloists, lofticries, HowNowBrownCow and 4 others
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