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Banned Scammer
May 5, 2022
Hi everyone

I wanted to create a post that lists deaths caused by Sodium Nitrite in the UK.

I will try and UPDATE WITH THE LATEST UK DEATHS FROM SN as well as links to the inquest reports, media reports etc so that we can all learn the circumstances of a persons death. It seems like an inquest takes place roughly 6 months after the time of death in the UK.

I hope this will give people more knowledge about this method as well as proving that Sodium Nitrite does work and many people have used this method to relieve their pain in the UK.


(Names where i will add more information below - David Mansfield, Samuel Dickenson, Stuart Wicks, Jason Thompson, Joseph Nihill, Linda Gillchrest, Thiago Araujo, Lee Elliott, Robert Coates, Wira Sinuraya, Ashley Walker, Brett Stevens, Harmony Scott, Carolyn Gibbons , Jamie Lee Davies, Sarah Marie Crossley, Gwen Oldekamp)



Date of Death - 13/07/2021 - Mr Stuart Wicks - 37 - Gloucester - Inquest Date - 25/03/2021

Inquest Report



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Sep 22, 2021
do you not think these people deserve privacy in death? To me, statistics is enough, naming them on a website where identity is protected is another. I would not want my name coming up on here from a Google search.
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Banned Scammer
May 5, 2022
do you not think these people deserve privacy in death? To me, statistics is enough, naming them on a website where identity is protected is another. I would not want my name coming up on here from a Google search.

Hi i understand where you are coming from about privacy, other users of this site are curious about deaths and are looking for information on success rates etc. With the internet privacy is not guaranteed.

All the names are on Google already, this is just a single thread with all the information in one useful place, so people will find the information easily. I would not mind my details being here after i have passed but i guess everyone is different.
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May 18, 2022
Unfortunately, no such thing as privacy in death. Even the most popular people had autopsy pics leaked.
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Sep 22, 2021
Hi i understand where you are coming from about privacy, other users of this site are curious about deaths and are looking for information on success rates etc. With the internet privacy is not guaranteed.

All the names are on Google already, this is just a single thread with all the information in one useful place, so people will find the information easily. I would not mind my details being here after i have passed but i guess everyone is different.
I would care. I just want to be forgotten. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words. My friend died from suicide two weeks ago. Not from SN but if it was and I came here to find his name here for other peoples amusement it would piss me off. Sorry it just would. Don't want my name in a list of the only thing I didn't fail at.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Hey thanks for sharing.. ive read tons of SN articles but never saw this one..
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
I think out of respect its best left out. It doesnt serve any purpose

The information is already public domain because our friend found it so easily.
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Jul 6, 2021
This just plays into the hands of the pro life spies in here.
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May 23, 2022
Interesting that he took tablets and it still worked so quickly.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I think that we all know that SN works, and there is already information on this site about SN, so to me, listing names of people who died from it would be unnecessary and disrespectful. None of these people asked to be in articles in the first place. Rest in peace to all those gone. It is sad how so much suffering exists in this world.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Hi everyone

I wanted to create a post that lists deaths caused by Sodium Nitrite in the UK.

I will try and UPDATE WITH THE LATEST UK DEATHS FROM SN as well as links to the inquest reports, media reports etc so that we can all learn the circumstances of a persons death. It seems like an inquest takes place roughly 6 months after the time of death in the UK.

I hope this will give people more knowledge about this method as well as proving that Sodium Nitrite does work and many people have used this method to relieve their pain in the UK.


(Names where i will add more information below - David Mansfield, Samuel Dickenson, Stuart Wicks, Jason Thompson, Joseph Nihill, Linda Gillchrest, Thiago Araujo, Lee Elliott, Robert Coates, Wira Sinuraya, Ashley Walker, Brett Stevens, Harmony Scott, Carolyn Gibbons , Jamie Lee Davies, Sarah Marie Crossley, Gwen Oldekamp)



Date of Death - 13/07/2021 - Mr Stuart Wicks - 37 - Gloucester - Inquest Date - 25/03/2021

Inquest Report



It shows how evil this world is that they won't allow a human who is suffering to end their suffering. If a dog is suffering then the dog gets Nembutal. But they banned nembutal and banned anyone from helping you to escape suffering or torture or pain. Furthermore they have everyone believing that they have to stop you from commiting suicide by calling ambulances or authorities if you even mention you want to ctb.

imo what this always hungry animal body i'm imprisoned in is a torture chamber and prison. So if i want to escape that prison i never asked for then morons will try to stop me. " no you go back in there in that prison and be tortured more" .
The ever deeper honesty book says this too that life is prison/slavery/torture/rape and he says it's rape because i was put into this life without my consent. i wish more than anything i were never born. But i can't change the past so i'm caught in a huge trap in prison/torture/slavery/rape. And every human will try to stop me if they see me laying down somewhere after ingesting SN then they will call an ambulance and so stop me and cause me brain damage maybe .

i've been feeling so trapped. they made ctb so difficult. And then i'm so worried about even if i get and take SN or N then my si might try to call for help or others could find me and interrupt me.So i would then be rushed to the hospital and resuscitated maybe with brain damage.
It would be so much easier for me to take SN if i could be 99% sure that my si or someone might not try to stop my ctb attempt or interrupt it. This doubt is what is stopping me fear of failure compounded by the fact they make it so difficult to isolate yourself from other humans. i've searched and can't find any camping etc where there are no humans nearby. i never camped so i don't have any experience but i'm tired of that and everything. i can't stand living nor existence.

When i was losing hope this story gives me hope that they might not be able to stop me from escaping the prison of life
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I read his story and it was very sad. That poor man must have been going through hell with his condition. He just wanted to hold his mother's hand before he died but the cops handcuffed him instead. Thankfully, he suffers no more. May he rest in peace.

flying black and white GIF
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Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022
Thanks for sharing.

While I understand that some may have issues with privacy and the ethics of publishing names, I personally think if the information is already publicized via media reports (which is done in accordance to local laws), it's ok to share it here.

Some countries have more stringent personal information laws. Obviously I can't support doxxing users from this forum. But if the information is widely and easily available, it should be fine to share.


This is a really sad story.
The man was 37.
He received mental health care since he was 8.

Nearly 30 years of illness, pain and suffering. And then he is denied a peaceful death with his mom by his side (as he asked for).
Instead he has to run. Pushed to the ground. He is handcuffed. He passes being worried about the safety of others (the cops).

How unethical is this?
How cruel is this society to make his death so traumatic and violent?
Why can't be grant people a peaceful, quiet death after decades of suffering? Is it that much to ask?
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Nov 30, 2021
You can add me to the tally of uk deaths in one months time. Tired of this world. F it. Got sn. Going to book a hotel with travel lodge for 3 nights. Die in a hotel so they can collect my body afterwards. Otherwise my body would just be rotting for months at home. I can't go on anymore. I can't find a reason to. I was supposed to be dead New Years eve. Lol. Waiting to see if I would change my mind. That was a mistake. Love you guys. being on this website makes feel like im not all alone. But I wish no one was on this website tbh. I guess misery likes company and that makes me sad. Im only 24 years old but I just can't do this anymore. I've quit my job currently on death vacation. Reflecting on my life and writing in my journals. Its been a long journey.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
You can add me to the tally of uk deaths in one months time. Tired of this world. F it. Got sn. Going to book a hotel with travel lodge for 3 nights. Die in a hotel so they can collect my body afterwards. Otherwise my body would just be rotting for months at home. I can't go on anymore. I can't find a reason to. I was supposed to be dead New Years eve. Lol. Waiting to see if I would change my mind. That was a mistake. Love you guys. being on this website makes feel like im not all alone. But I wish no one was on this website tbh. I guess misery likes company and that makes me sad. Im only 24 years old but I just can't do this anymore. I've quit my job currently on death vacation. Reflecting on my life and writing in my journals. Its been a long journey.
I'm sorry to hear how painful this world is for you. I feel the same. You can schedule a delayed email if you would prefer to ctb at home. https://www.theverge.com/21280441/schedule-emails-how-to-gmail-outlook-delay-send

I myself was thinking about a hotel or hiring a cottage but it will most likely just be at home. If I do, I will send out a delayed email to the local authorities to collect my body.
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Sep 22, 2021
Distasteful. Just because somethings been shared by others doesn't then make it right for you. I got better things to be doing with my day than looking up dead people . Leave them alone. Unfollowing this thread now. Opinion has been aired.
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The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Hi everyone

I wanted to create a post that lists deaths caused by Sodium Nitrite in the UK.

I will try and UPDATE WITH THE LATEST UK DEATHS FROM SN as well as links to the inquest reports, media reports etc so that we can all learn the circumstances of a persons death. It seems like an inquest takes place roughly 6 months after the time of death in the UK.

I hope this will give people more knowledge about this method as well as proving that Sodium Nitrite does work and many people have used this method to relieve their pain in the UK.


(Names where i will add more information below - David Mansfield, Samuel Dickenson, Stuart Wicks, Jason Thompson, Joseph Nihill, Linda Gillchrest, Thiago Araujo, Lee Elliott, Robert Coates, Wira Sinuraya, Ashley Walker, Brett Stevens, Harmony Scott, Carolyn Gibbons , Jamie Lee Davies, Sarah Marie Crossley, Gwen Oldekamp)



Date of Death - 13/07/2021 - Mr Stuart Wicks - 37 - Gloucester - Inquest Date - 25/03/2021

Inquest Report



Wow, fuck the cops trying to intervene; leave the guy be. Can't get over this everyone has to live BS while not everyone is suited to this life & on top of that they have the audacity to put ppl in cages for life & call it justice when let's be real it's vengeance, then you've got abortion which is seen as fine but requesting death as a fully aware adult is not on? It's the inconsistencies that slay me.

We've got (in uk) a medical system that is fucked, you're waiting years for mental health assessments, years for surgeries & if you wanna speed it along you'd better have a good chunk of money set aside for private treatment or have been paying into a medical policy before you get the problems arise. They're loath to give out effective pain medicine for fear of muh addiction; well frankly I'd rather shorten my life but be pain free than live a long one suffering everyday hence the suicides in some cases as it's too much; we wouldn't let an animal suffer like that but a human is expected to? You ever notice how all these charities or movements are out there to highlight something, make a day for it & pat each other on the back fundraising but what is actually done to address the problems & where does the money go? It's like bucketing water out of a sinking boat & not patching the hole.
Thanks for sharing.

While I understand that some may have issues with privacy and the ethics of publishing names, I personally think if the information is already publicized via media reports (which is done in accordance to local laws), it's ok to share it here.

Some countries have more stringent personal information laws. Obviously I can't support doxxing users from this forum. But if the information is widely and easily available, it should be fine to share.


This is a really sad story.
The man was 37.
He received mental health care since he was 8.

Nearly 30 years of illness, pain and suffering. And then he is denied a peaceful death with his mom by his side (as he asked for).
Instead he has to run. Pushed to the ground. He is handcuffed. He passes being worried about the safety of others (the cops).

How unethical is this?
How cruel is this society to make his death so traumatic and violent?
Why can't be grant people a peaceful, quiet death after decades of suffering? Is it that much to ask?
How's this theory for you (abridged). Long ago alien race came to planet & mixed their dna with closest dna match (primates) like our scientists do today, different primate means different race hence strengths & weaknesses stereotypes (don't need to elaborate), they left but some overseers remained who were much bigger than humans, from time to time envoys or whatever would return hence the depictions on walls from ancient empires like Sumerians, Aztecs & Egyptians etc...

The planet is like a snowglobe trapped under a firmament we can't pass through, we can get to low earth orbit but not past that, modern illuminati or whatever are hybrid remains of that dna long after the originals died out & their lackey sellouts.

On another note one other theory I came across was that we were originally spiritual energy floating around & some other species came here & long story short they wanted the gold on our planet but couldn't get at it due to again the firmament or some shit so made organic bodies for us to hop in & get it for them as we were pure & naive; once in though we became trapped until that body died then we'd repeat the cycle. The reason I'm bringing this up is it ties back to the first thing & the whole point of this story which is this. We emit energy as living beings; everything is vibrational frequencies resonating at different tempos or atoms creating energy. This energy, let's call it loosh; it comes in different strengths & the strongest of all is harvested via pain, suffering & misery; i.e negative energy.

While the wheat fields feed us, our energy feeds the real fuckers pulling the strings hence this insistence of preventing you checking out via suicide, every now & then you'll see a big harvest at some mass murder event or war.

Say what you want about this post, but you can't say it ain't interesting.
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Apr 19, 2022
How's this theory for you (abridged). Long ago alien race came to planet & mixed their dna with closest dna match (primates) like our scientists do today, different primate means different race hence strengths & weaknesses stereotypes (don't need to elaborate), they left but some overseers remained who were much bigger than humans, from time to time envoys or whatever would return hence the depictions on walls from ancient empires like Sumerians, Aztecs & Egyptians etc...

The planet is like a snowglobe trapped under a firmament we can't pass through, we can get to low earth orbit but not past that, modern illuminati or whatever are hybrid remains of that dna long after the originals died out & their lackey sellouts.

On another note one other theory I came across was that we were originally spiritual energy floating around & some other species came here & long story short they wanted the gold on our planet but couldn't get at it due to again the firmament or some shit so made organic bodies for us to hop in & get it for them as we were pure & naive; once in though we became trapped until that body died then we'd repeat the cycle. The reason I'm bringing this up is it ties back to the first thing & the whole point of this story which is this. We emit energy as living beings; everything is vibrational frequencies resonating at different tempos or atoms creating energy. This energy, let's call it loosh; it comes in different strengths & the strongest of all is harvested via pain, suffering & misery; i.e negative energy.

While the wheat fields feed us, our energy feeds the real fuckers pulling the strings hence this insistence of preventing you checking out via suicide, every now & then you'll see a big harvest at some mass murder event or war.

Say what you want about this post, but you can't say it ain't interesting.
Aliens and Flat Earth can't be mixed together. Either space is real which means aliens exist or the Earth is flat and aliens don't exist since space isn't a thing. This alien-hybird conspiracy theory is so stupid even flat earther creationists sound smarter. if we truly were hybrids you'd think we would have some differences between other animals but no we don't, we are related to all animals on this planet and our physiology matches that of other mammals.
Wouldn't it make more sense for these "aliens" to be some supernatural demon/ghost thing instead of simply animals from space?


As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Aliens and Flat Earth can't be mixed together. Either space is real which means aliens exist or the Earth is flat and aliens don't exist since space isn't a thing. This alien-hybird conspiracy theory is so stupid even flat earther creationists sound smarter. if we truly were hybrids you'd think we would have some differences between other animals but no we don't, we are related to all animals on this planet and our physiology matches that of other mammals.
Wouldn't it make more sense for these "aliens" to be some supernatural demon/ghost thing instead of simply animals from space?
Didn't you say you believe in the abrahamic God? The Bible speaks about the firmament. Alien= El Elyon


Apr 19, 2022
Didn't you say you believe in the abrahamic God? The Bible speaks about the firmament. Alien= El Elyon
I said the alien-hybrid conspiracy is super silly.
Also I never said I 100% believe in the abrahamic God.


Death never turned on me
May 8, 2022
You can add me to the tally of uk deaths in one months time. Tired of this world. F it. Got sn. Going to book a hotel with travel lodge for 3 nights. Die in a hotel so they can collect my body afterwards. Otherwise my body would just be rotting for months at home. I can't go on anymore. I can't find a reason to. I was supposed to be dead New Years eve. Lol. Waiting to see if I would change my mind. That was a mistake. Love you guys. being on this website makes feel like im not all alone. But I wish no one was on this website tbh. I guess misery likes company and that makes me sad. Im only 24 years old but I just can't do this anymore. I've quit my job currently on death vacation. Reflecting on my life and writing in my journals. Its been a long journey.
I'm. Only 25 and I want to go by SN. Just not sure if there will be pain and I plan to be gone by summer so I am really nervous
The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Aliens and Flat Earth can't be mixed together. Either space is real which means aliens exist or the Earth is flat and aliens don't exist since space isn't a thing. This alien-hybird conspiracy theory is so stupid even flat earther creationists sound smarter. if we truly were hybrids you'd think we would have some differences between other animals but no we don't, we are related to all animals on this planet and our physiology matches that of other mammals.
Wouldn't it make more sense for these "aliens" to be some supernatural demon/ghost thing instead of simply animals from space?
Aliens are actually inter-dimensional beings or demons is another theory I've heard.
The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Inter dimensional. Exactly.

What is your theory on the Bible saying "come and let US make man in OUR image"
Spacerace or dimensional entities (god, more than 1) far more advanced than humanity at this point take their own dna & mix it with dna of different monkeys already present on the planet or perhaps brought with & impose limitations within' the design such as intellectual capacity being capped far below potential (wouldn't want the creations being too smart) & seed the planet with humans, in their design as in the usage of their own dna to mix with the monkeys. Scientists in a mobile laboratory effectively, revered as gods by ancient civilisations, over time either leave or die out (the group that came here, think a scouting party as opposed to all) with the creations still here.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Spacerace or dimensional entities (god, more than 1) far more advanced than humanity at this point take their own dna & mix it with dna of different monkeys already present on the planet or perhaps brought with & impose limitations within' the design such as intellectual capacity being capped far below potential (wouldn't want the creations being too smart) & seed the planet with humans, in their design as in the usage of their own dna to mix with the monkeys. Scientists in a mobile laboratory effectively, revered as gods by ancient civilisations, over time either leave or die out (the group that came here, think a scouting party as opposed to all) with the creations still here.
Similar to what I've thought about. I've studied a lot about the Annunaki and other ancient text and beliefs. Thanks for sharing.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
Hopefully I will be on this list one day

Me too. Hope to join the list this year.

thanks for sharing. Knowing how many people have already died from SN is comforting.

Speaking to people here who have ctbed recently is helping motivate me to get over my fear and CTB.


Jun 28, 2022
While sad, These reports often share details on the methods used, as well as actions used by paramedics. Its valuable information for someone hoping to achieve the same goal. Yes its sad names and background information is shared but its helpful so thanks for sharing
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Jul 3, 2022
The possibility of pain makes me scared, but with n being seized feel at a loose end so may go for it.
I will have my own place in 4 months which will mean I can have the place to myself.

Thanks for the info.
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