

Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
As for me, I have said over and over again that I don't want to die but am forced to die. It's never got much sympathy, unlike wanting to die because of global warming or your cat getting sick. Whatever.

I wish you got more sympathy if that's what you need. For me, I have a difficult time processing your situation. It's very unique. That doesn't mean I don't have compassion for you, I just can't even begin to know what to say, which, coming from me, is no small thing. Does that make sense?
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
I can imagine there'd be a big SN jar at the waiting room, with informative posters about methods hanging on the wall. Upon entering his office he'd ask "any questions ?"

Anyway, this is just another confirmation of how fucking retarded that which passes for real and pretends to world these days is. That the best strategy for dealing with people willing to off themselves that it can muster is... "let's keep them from finding out how, and let's start a disinfo campaign and act as if calling a number would help them so they call and we can send the cops on them". And then they wonder why we'd want out.
I was meaning they'd be a lot more sympathetic and patient but you've put a new mental image to it now! :ahhha:
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Aug 5, 2019
I joined after a failed attempt. The aftermath made me feel extremely guilty and so survival instinct stopped a further 3 attempts before they even happened.
I don't feel the guilt anymore, I'm waiting for the right opportunity (and my SN lol).

I hope old accounts aren't looked down upon in any way. What makes SS so great is how accepting everyone is, account age shouldn't change that. Everyone has their reasons for being here, some of us just take longer to leave
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Simply answer is that I went from being actively suicidal and having a rough deadline set (which is based on timing and circumstances) to just being passively suicidal and wanting to hang on just a bit longer. There are certainly times where I could have CTB'd in 2019 but postponed for a while. Ultimately, I do believe that I will CTB as old age, other ills in life are inevitable. The interesting thing is that ever since I had my method, from the end of 2018 to all of 2019 (and even just over a month ago), I had this sense of calm knowing that I am able to check out on a whim if I so choose to. That alone, eases up my anxiety and brings me a sense of peace and calm.
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Jul 16, 2019
Hey, thanks. I was never going to be an Olympian. Maybe 2030 brings a cure for everything and everyone.
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Aug 19, 2019
I wish you got more sympathy if that's what you need. For me, I have a difficult time processing your situation. It's very unique. That doesn't mean I don't have compassion for you, I just can't even begin to know what to say, which, coming from me, is no small thing. Does that make sense?

Thank you for your compassion :hug: It makes absolute sense, and even made me smile.
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Jul 16, 2019
That's true, if I don't have pragmatic faculties, then what good are my remaining faculties. What I meant to explain was selection bias.

Someone asked why people were here a long time, and it's because suicide frequently requires habituation and desensitization so it's not surprising.
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Sep 3, 2020
I was meaning they'd be a lot more sympathetic and patient but you've put a new mental image to it now! :ahhha:
Thankfully I don't know how unsympatetic inpatient* therapists are when it comes to these issues. I was sent to several of them by school/parents first as a child and then in my late teens, to try and make me normal. And I simply ran away insulting the last one at age 21 and never went back. And I don't expect to find out.

*- or is it impatient?
The longest active member on here joined in 1993
On September 9xxx th 1993 ?
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May 15, 2019
That's true, if I don't have pragmatic faculties, then what good are my remaining faculties. What I meant to explain was selection bias.

Someone asked why people were here a long time, and it's because suicide frequently requires habituation and desensitization so it's not surprising.
Just a bit of fun nothing personal. You are entitled to your views like anyone else.
I think the way it came across was similar to going into a self help group for people who suffer with impotence, and saying how you wake up with a massive boner every morning. Hope that makes sense..☺
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Sep 3, 2020
wanting to die because of global warming or your cat getting sick
Can you imagine ? The puerility of the mind that is all "i wanna die because of global warming". Good thing is that it'd be 100% curable with beatings/growing up, supposing someone volunteered for the task.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I dunno. What else am I going to do kill myself?! Bahahaha!
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May 15, 2019
Thankfully I don't know how unsympatetic inpatient* therapists are when it comes to these issues. I was sent to several of them by school/parents first as a child and then in my late teens, to try and make me normal. And I simply ran away insulting the last one at age 21 and never went back. And I don't expect to find out.

*- or is it impatient?

On September 9xxx th 1993 ?
If i remember rightly it was a thursday and it was raining all day.
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teach me empathy
Jul 16, 2019
Good! I hope you keep trying for as long as you can. :heart:

Just gonna leave this here, not to be taken as passive-aggressive as it may come off... :halo:

Lmfao, uh what?
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Sep 3, 2020
I've stayed here for insanely long 4 days, which feel like months already. It boggles to think that it was... last Friday that I registered here, abandoned the idea of partial, went to get SN, etc, etc. The first 2 days were mostly informative. Now I must admit that I'm demuring because I grew a bit fond of certain characters.

That is meaningless, at any given point, what else can you see in the picture anyway?
I don't know, what should we be seeing, "in the picture" ?
Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Lmfao, uh what?
You need to keep holding out for that hope as long as you can. It's a good goal to have.

The other part was because I made two posts in a row. Obviously the space I left between replies wasn't enough :happy:
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May 15, 2019
I've stayed here for insanely long 4 days, which feel like months already. It boggles to think that it was... last Friday that I registered here, abandoned the idea of partial, went to get SN, etc, etc. The first 2 days were mostly informative. Now I must admit that I'm demuring because I grew a bit fond of certain characters.

I don't know, what should we be seeing, "in the picture" ?
And your a veteran already and due another promotion very soon!
Ss is a bit like working at mcdonalds, you get promoted super quick for just turning up
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Sep 3, 2020
Yeah, well pay could be better but promotions will do
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May 23, 2019
I'm just a chicken I guess.
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May 5, 2019
Was kind of wondering that myself. He or she has every right but if i had never felt suicidal id probably go and play tennis or something instead
I think if I were not suicidal and constantly agonizing\planning\researching, I would use the extra time learn Mandarin. Or take up an unexpected hobby, like archery or fencing. Maybe even go on Tinder...
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teach me empathy
Jul 16, 2019
You need to keep holding out for that hope as long as you can. It's a good goal to have.

The other part was because I made two posts in a row. Obviously the space I left between replies wasn't enough :happy:
Oh thanks. I thought I was being patronized for being an asshole and got confused.


May 15, 2019
I think if I were not suicidal and constantly agonizing\planning\researching, I would use the extra time learn Mandarin. Or take up an unexpected hobby, like archery or fencing. Maybe even go on Tinder...
Or go to the best restaurants in town, with the best food served, that has been freshly prepared by an award winning chef ?
Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Oh thanks. I thought I was being patronized for being an asshole and got confused.
NO, not at all!! I was trying to break the tension a bit. Unfortunately, it just doesn't look right if it's in the same post, does it? :))
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Mar 31, 2020
I've been here as a registered member since late March. I don't know if that's a long time or not. My situation is a little complex due to a dissociative disorder.

At the core of it, I'm still here because not every part of me wants to die. Due to childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect, my personality fragmented at an early age (around age 6) and the various parts failed to integrate into one cohesive whole. Most people have one coherent sense of self and integrated personality. This will happen naturally as the child develops. But traumatic events and abuse in very early childhood can disrupt the formation of a sense of self and leave a person with a fragmented self.

Because of severe dissociation at a young age as a response to trauma and abusive life circumstances, all of the different aspects of my personality and memory split apart into distinct "parts" with their own memories, perceptions, ideas, desires, viewpoints, and even ages. These parts basically operate below the radar amongst themselves without my full conscious control. I don't always know when one part of me will come to the surface and how long it'll be at the front.

So, I can wake up one day and feel completely different, with different feelings, different desires, and even different degrees of access to certain memories from my past. One day, I might wake up feeling spacey, numb, and dissociated. Another day, I may wake up and struggle with flashbacks, body memories, and mood swings because a traumatized child part is at the front. Another day, I might wake up full of rage. Then, I may experience another day where I'm mostly peaceful, relatively content, and feel like the trauma never happened at all because I experience no triggers, flashbacks, or memories of it.

The most developed "part" of me besides my normal day-to-day self is the suicidal part. I have many days where I'm flooded with suicidal thoughts, urges, and intentions to ctb. This part can be triggered by something during the day or I can wake up feeling suicidal as soon as I open my eyes. When the suicidal part is at the forefront of my personality, I tend to post much more on this site. In those moments or days, I genuinely, truly want to die and I sometimes have to talk myself out of making impulsive attempts. This suicidal part was born out of trauma and school bullying at around age 11. It only exists to hold suicidal thoughts and feelings and to try to urge me to ctb to end the pain. Eventually, though, the suicidal part retreats again, and I'm back to "normal". This part may or may not even be aware that if I ctb, it will die as well. Hence why I've yet to actually ctb. The thoughts come and go constantly, often without my conscious control

And yes, living like this is as horrible and painful as it sounds on paper.

All of this may sound bizarre, but the brain can do some remarkable things in order to survive in childhood. There are a lot of reasons why people may stay on this site and not ctb right away. There are a lot of reasons why people have suicidal thoughts to begin with. One thing I can say for sure is that for people with long term suicidal thoughts and depression like me, it doesn't just "get better with time"
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Aug 9, 2019
I know ill end my own life one day but i dont wake up every day with the urge to do it. So either one day i will or something will do it for me its all the same


Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
Because of hope. However small, I will cling to it. I don't hate life, I hate my circumstances and will try to improve it
until there is no more hope left.

I have seen this question a couple of times.
Someone here said: "Personally I'd feel embarrassed to still be posting here in a year or two. No offense to anyone. "

Makes me wonder if there are people who feel some kind of peer pressure to make an attempt in the shortest time possible after becoming a member.
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Sep 3, 2020
Or go to the best restaurants in town, with the best food served, that has been freshly prepared by an award winning chef ?

Around here, for instance, restaurants are 100% verboten since March because you could catch a virus there. So one is basically to stay home and rot or ctb. But calling food delivery is allowed by now, while supplies last.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Hey, thanks. I was never going to be an Olympian. Maybe 2030 brings a cure for everything and everyone.
Time travel hopefully. Then I can get back to my own time. Already waited ten years. It would be worth waiting another ten if it meant going back 25. Unfortunately none of that's going to happen. What a ridiculous position for anyone in their right mind to allow themselves to get into
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Aug 29, 2020
Makes me wonder if there are people who feel some kind of peer pressure to make an attempt in the shortest time possible after becoming a member
It sounds funny but I was unironically thinking along that line when I said it. A feeling that you need to show you have serious intentions or people will begin questioning your sincerity and actual degree of suicidal intentions. And then you kill yourself not because you are ready but because you didn't want to look silly to your suicidal internet friends. Well maybe a person wouldn't go that far but am I the only one who has thought about it?
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