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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
I think Iran's problem is the religious component infecting goverment, much like the US and Israel.
Japan seems excessively masculine. China would probably be fine with a female president as long as China remains China.
Iraq probably oil and unkillable corruption. Most everyone in Africa seems to get a general fuck you from the rest of the world. If you want to know where i'm coming from just go through my posting history.
I am at the point in my life where i am staring death in the eye at every turn longingly. I'm done with being politic.

I think my prime grievance is the inability for humanity to overcome it's failings.
I should have been female, no lie there.
Plain fact, the "ugliest" people i've have encountered in my life by way of real damage have been white.

Ok. Well, I'm sorry about your situation, whatever it is. This world is a pile of shit for many people.
Would you also be prepared to say that the specific problem about Iran is the persian male, Japan the japanese male, China the chinese male, Iraq the arabic male, Nigeria the black male, and Israel the jewish male?

I'm just wondering if your grievance is more related to ethnicity, or to gender.

sorry forgot the quote thing
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I think my prime grievance is the inability for humanity to overcome it's failings.

I think it's probably my second grievance, but I so feel you.

I should have been female, no lie there.

Not sure why anyone would want that but I won't negate you. I hope if I'm unfortunate enough to have a rebirth that I come back as a male and have enough power that I can use it to make things better for women -- stand up for them, empower them, share power with them and convince others to do the same.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
The overall problem I see, no matter where one lives, is the lack of humanity.

Love and peace to you all!
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Nov 11, 2020
Especially this year. Telling people to stay home and don't work while giving a lousy $1200 then saying fuck off. Sure plenty got unemployment but plenty did not. If we had just done UBI everybody except the absolute essential people could stay home and this virus would have been under control. Working makes me absolutely suicidal I hate busting my ass to make some cock sucker richer and barely being able to live. I know I need to order some n because one of these days I'm going to be tired of and seeing how pathetic my country is with it's ass backwards ways.

I'm sorry to say that it's not just one country it's whole world :(
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
America is so rich. People just don't understand how rich america is. We have a GDP per capita of almost $70,000, that's 7x that of China, 20k more than Canada, 30k more than UK, and on par with the best quality of life countries such as Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

Despite having one of the highest gdp per capitas, America feels like a third world country for half the population. If you're not part of that middle and upper middle class, America is nothing like what you see in the movies. Wealth inequality is crazy in this country, and everything is divided by that wealth. What school you go to, what kind of health care, how safe your neighborhood is, healthy food or trash fast food. The very poor 20% struggle with massive drug endemic, prison incarceration loop, and mass unemployment.

This country is so trashy, where is that $70,000 gdp per capita going towards? Idk. All I know is other countries with similar level of wealth are a whole world better in almost every department. There is no excuses, that money simply is just not getting around.
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au revoir
Jun 13, 2019
It's incredibly rude to slam someone's country btw. I hope not everyone is so rude.

Here you go ungrateful person who's country gets billions of dollars in aid from the USA:

What you call a "fucked up country" financially supports your country!

United Kingdom gives aid to India too. Must India not insult the UK now.
Fuck the USA,,, Stuck your funds where it hurts. America is a leech, lithium coup, Saddam Hussein, Yemen War, Muammar Gadaffi, the Jakarta Method, Bhopal Disaster, right wing funded dictators by yours truly, and too many to list. They benefit lots with coup and regime change that impact lives of innocent people. Land of thief is what USA are. With all that pillaging you still can't provide a free healthcare. Stop holding people country hostage just because you give em chump change. You got the audacity to call other people other country ungrateful. Nothing is free for America, if they can cash in they'll do it at the expense of human lives. Human rights abuse by Americans company is still going strong. Land of the free at the expense of others, Self-elected leader of the free world.

The achievements that you listed in this thread by Americans, if you get out of your bubble; it's nothing special. Come out it will surprise you.

Edit: sorry to the everyday Americans if you're hurt by this. It's just me worked up over a post. Sorry again
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Oct 31, 2020
Listen up everyone: *clears throat* what if capitalism is the real virus?? :O
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Jun 26, 2020
I am from the U.S. and I truly believe that we are now a country of haves and have nots. If we are the "richest" country in the world, I have NEVER seen it. I am 64 years young and through my entire life i have not had or even had a position that would have lead to something much better. In fact, I was at a huge company once where the "worker bees" got a 2% annual raise and the ceo had a private heated garage with a private elevator to his ceo office. I know families where both parents work AND still get food stamps to survive. Please do NOT even let me get started on the crappy health insurance here in the U.S. That aspect alone truly is representative of the haves and have nots here.
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May 8, 2020
I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and America is a much different place now than it was then. I feel like I'm living in one of those dystopian future movies I loved watching as a kid. Definitely feel like I'm living in Idiocracy. That movie's a lot less funny now that it's become a fucking documentary.
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Oct 19, 2020
The entire world is nothing more than a big bowl of shit. I can almost imagine the rest of the universe pointing and laughing at us.
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May 27, 2020
Life is not a competition of who suffers the most or who has it the easiest, at least it should not be.

It seems very hypocritical how many users in this community will constantly say: "Everyone suffers the same", "Everybodies pain is valid", or something else along these lines, but at the same time we point at each other (in multiple threads) over who is more "privileged" or claim that some "have it better" due to different factors - in the case of this thread: nationality. Eventually the discussion usually turns awry. If we see someone who is suffering then should we not just help them instead of arguing over who deserves/needs help?

This is not aimed at the OP.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Americans are going to "American". Even if we had a capable leader, the amount of polarization that some people can be won't turn the tide in this pandemic. People still going to go out and work, party, shop, etc. Doesn't make America as a whole bad. Can't paint a broad brush that all Americans are selfish, entitled fucks. Suicide and depression never discriminates, you can be a Kate Spade or Homeless Joe, and still suffer. Visiting several countries in my lifetime I can see both the good and bad in each, while some countries won't allow you to talk shit about the government without being imprisoned, in the US, you can exercise your free speech to shit on the president all day and night without consequences. Some countries have socialized medicine and social programs for all their citizens, but pay a premium in taxes and other imports to keep that up, while America doesn't have that, but they can if they prioritize where taxpayer money should go.

No country is perfect, I personally don't let politics or society dictate how I live. I just care about what's in my present view and worry about changing that rather than trying to fix something I can't change.
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Aug 21, 2019
If I had been born elsewhere outside the US, what caused me to commit suicide wouldn't have happened. There are really nice aspects to living in the United States but it's got some problems.

God help you if you're anything but a white male.

Oh god not this bullshit again...

America is so rich. People just don't understand how rich america is. We have a GDP per capita of almost $70,000, that's 7x that of China, 20k more than Canada, 30k more than UK, and on par with the best quality of life countries such as Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

GDP doesn't necessarily mean quality of life and If I had been given the choice of having been born in Switzerland or Denmark than here, I would've taken it. I'd take quality of life over GDP that doesn't even directly benefit me. Life today is all a game of who has the best and most toys. I hate consumer worship it's all anyone cares about today.
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Jul 14, 2020
If I had been born elsewhere outside the US, what caused me to commit suicide wouldn't have happened
I'm not asking you to go into details, but what aspect of the US is this related to? Something to do with a specific institution or practice?
feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
Everyone's suffering is valid. Just because this country has the potential for good life doesn't mean anyone has it. We have slums and homelessness too. we have poverty and poor mental health services. It's really not reasonable to say we have it good because we are in America.
I think America is a glorified third world country in many ways. Yes, there are countries that are in much worse shape, but America isn't what it's made out to be. There's no such thing as the "American Dream".
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Man, hearing everyone complain about how bad the US is must feel like such a slap in the face to the 80% of the world who actually live in terrible countries. I guess most people on this forum are from the first world, and don't know what global poverty, crime, and corruption actually looks like. Sorry bud.
It's relative.
If you live in a rich welfare state in Europe the US just seems like a joke, unless you really like big cars / machines, big everything etc.
As a European I sympathize with people living in countries with greater poverty than the US. But there is also great poverty and suffering in the US.
Massive socio-economic inequality, millions of people in the prison system and the notion of "from school into prison".
Its not all black and white.
There's no such thing as the "American Dream".
There is.
But it is only accessible to a very few people.
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Nov 19, 2020
The adherence to that very question. You're not owed an explaination.

I'll tell you what the problem is, it has nothing to do with race, gender, country of origin etc., those are just buckets used to give people an easy target to lock onto. The real problem is the world is still run by the most basic of natural laws, survival of the fittest. The majority of people are weak and therefore are subjugated in some way by the strong. That pisses people off so they lash out at a particular group or idea. The strong will not give up their position without a fight to the death so keeping everyone occupied with petty differences is ideal. Not to mention the violence of the state far exceeds your own so you're screwed if you try to gun your way to the top. It's a sad life and it's unfair, always has been unfair and always will be unfair. Frankly, if I had the means, I'd nuke the whole damn planet because people are nothing more than disgusting maggots who shit on one another. Not to say there isn't any goodness, but not enough to justify continued existence.
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
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Oct 4, 2020
Do you think US a fucked up country? I can agree. The country has several problems with its domestic policy.

But also US is a fuckin disease that spreads neoliberal ideology around the world. And it still interferes politically and militarily in several countries in the world.

But hold my caipirinha... Have you seen Brazil?



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Jul 14, 2020
Given how harsh and cruel life can be, how the whole thing is a meaningless struggle for the vast majority, it makes me wonder why humans keep multiplying at geometrical rates.
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Given how harsh and cruel life can be, how the whole thing is a meaningless struggle for the vast majority, it makes me wonder why humans keep mulitiplying at geometrical rates.
Plot twist.
They don't wanna shut down SS because they need more people to die.
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Aug 21, 2019
I'm not asking you to go into details, but what aspect of the US is this related to? Something to do with a specific institution or practice?

It's from a common practice here, yes.

Given how harsh and cruel life can be, how the whole thing is a meaningless struggle for the vast majority, it makes me wonder why humans keep multiplying at geometrical rates.

Because sex feels good and people have an urge to reproduce. Religion also plays a major role. I'm not an anti-natalist but I do think that there are a lot of people in this world that should not breed.
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Apr 2, 2020
and God help you if you're anything but a white male.

Why do white men commit more suicides than any other demographic group if they are having such an easy time in America?
It's incredibly rude to slam someone's country btw. I hope not everyone is so rude.

Here you go ungrateful person who's country gets billions of dollars in aid from the USA:

What you call a "fucked up country" financially supports your country!

I did not want to say it first, but yeah. Also fighting all the wars for the benefit of her country.
I didn't say it was great for white males. Just better than it is for anyone female or any shade of brown. Life sucks for everyone. Also, you called me out then said don't get started on politics?
If that is true, why women and people of color do not kill themselves in record numbers like white men do? Oh, I know, they are white and male, therefore enjoying both white and male privilege, even if they are homeless and dumpster diving while addicted to oxycodone.
White males are part of the history of america. America was founded by a large proportion of white males.
Can you elaborate on how 'white males' are such a 'problem'?
There would be no America without white men.
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Aug 21, 2019
Again, I didn't say they have it great. I said woman and people of color in general have it harder. Shit is still shit even if it's slightly less stinky.

but why such a huge difference in suicide rates? Also white men are the only group in the US that pay more taxes than they receive.
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Apr 2, 2020
United Kingdom gives aid to India too. Must India not insult the UK now.

India was a UK colony. Totally different situation.
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Nov 11, 2020
To generalize it is wrong. One white male can be living the best life. Another white male can be homeless addict with mental issues. Race and gender doesn't discriminate when it comes to issues.
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Jan 20, 2020
but why such a huge difference in suicide rates? Also white men are the only group in the US that pay more taxes than they receive.
Saying they suicide more doesn't mean they have a worse life. There are lot of factors that contribute to successful suicide. Making more money makes people pay more taxes until they hit that sweet spot where people make so much money that people get out of paying taxes.
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Apr 2, 2020
Saying they suicide more doesn't mean they have a worse life. There are lot of factors that contribute to successful suicide. Making more money makes people pay more taxes until they hit that sweet spot where you make so much money that people get out of paying taxes.

Yeah, happy people with good lives usually commit suicide. Makes sense. Who hits that sweet spot, though? The majority of white men or a tiny minority?
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Jan 20, 2020
Yeah, happy people with good lives usually commit suicide. Makes sense. Who hits that sweet spot, though? The majority of white men or a tiny minority?
A portion of the population being more successful doesn't mean the other portions of the population are more happy or try less. It just means that one portion is more successful.
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