Don't say it...don't say it...breathe...breathe...
[ TLDR: he and the insiders of his organization are probably scum buckets and are maniacally obsessed, potentially dangerous people but what can we do about it, especially since we're at the point where all we want to do is find peace by getting ourselves to die in a quick and painless manner. So I'm still glad it's doing what it's doing because otherwise I wouldn't be able to control the ending of what has been a horrible life. Fair and square? Absolutely not but better than nothing. Now, there's still that same old question of whether things would have happened to provide the same service in an infinitely more ethical and less nefarious manner if other people / orgs had the same resources/voice and hadn't been demoted in favor of PN/EI...but who cares at this point: we lost the game of life and/or we're physically destroyed and just need to take that final nap and find peace. This world was never a good place anyway. As for the healthy, life-embracing winners...they may want to revisit that question for future generations. But I'm done. ]
Okay. I won't say it. But I've thought a lot about it because it's just sad and kind of tears me in different directions because I too want to promote a culture that manages death differently (even if most - but ironically not the real movers and shakers - have justifiably lost religion). I want to see a generalized accepted culture that even goes beyond that by embracing if not celebrating suicide. It's just that I know PN, Movers, Shakers & Co are doing it in with a different spirit for different reasons that I would normally never support.
So I will just say that I suspected early on and then quickly realized exactly who and what he is that makes all the difference (as usual...) but unfortunately (and again, as is usually the case...) he is now the only guy with a voice and a well-oiled operation. He and his 'people' (EI and others...i guess) have sort of taken the whole 'right to die' thing over from comment. He's the face of all of it all over the world as accident imo. And while I think I know exactly who and what he is and who and what he and his organization's intelligentia are working for and toward what kind of imho mentally ill goal (*shudders*), I'm still just glad this sad planet eventually defecated him into existence so that there is at least a way out...even if it too, had to be corrupted by the same old crowd, just like every other fucking good faith attempt by humanity to improve the world. Well hey, at least this time the corruption of what little good faith humanity still has takes the form of helping to gtf out of that very same horrible world. So, much as I don't have a high opinion of him (and I know, there are nuances, there's individuals and there's collective pressures, it's more complicated etc...but not that complicated when you actually look into it...) I'm still glad EI is doing what it's doing...regardless of whatever else it's also doing...and why...
I guess I rambled a bit...that's what happens when you want to say things but know you won't be allowed to. Anyway.
Why did he open a new assisted death clinic in Switzerland and why is it called Pegasos? It's just a question. I'm just curious. Anyway. I don't even care at this point. I mean, it's not even relevant to me since I'm literally writing on a suicide forum. I hope to be able to verify purity and potency of what I need and to then acquire accompanying elements to enable it to happen. I do believe it is more reasonable, if you're not a risk-taker, to include an appropriate painkiller to many of the methods, including N. I'll be happy to stand corrected on that by anyone with scientific expertise but it just seems safer.
PN should be more responsible and make things more accessible to economically disadvantaged people though and I'm actually surprised about that bequest thing even being tolerated legally...but then again, based on what and who I believe he is, it's not so surprising. Hopefully he'll stop doing that stuff but in the meantime I hope suffering people can get what they need in a society that won't or perhaps at this late stage can't really help them any other way. Hey, you can't stop progress. May we all find peace.