- Oct 16, 2019
- 251

Caplog_Friday: trash compactor was really full today. I turned it on and left it running. Turns out it didn't crush everything. The turtle man who's in charge of the compactor thought I didn't turn it on because the trash was still there. He hunted me down and gave me the verbal beating of a lifetime. I tried explaining that turned it on, but he kept saying "how many times do I have to tell you to turn it on you lazy fuck, do I look like a baby sitter? Do you expect me to do everything for you?" I just ended up apologizing because I couldn't get a word in edgewise. I have never seen a green turtle turn so red. The yelling was so loud that other people had to turn around to see what was going on. I just love days like this. The rest of the day was pretty calm, but I was tired as fuck. I never get a good night's sleep on the weekdays. After work I run to catch the bus. There was at a red light that kept the bus from moving. I knock on the door hoping that the driver will let me in. He doesn't even look my way. I'm standing there knocking like a dumb ass and he doesn't even look at me. I can see people on the bus staring at me while I'm practically begging to get in. Finally I decide to take the L and walk to the nearest bus stop. Never been so embarrassed in my life.
I managed to get another bus and had one of the funniest encounters ever. this tall black guy got on and started singing "oh sunny day oh sunny day, no sign of rain no sign of rain, zippity doo daa zippity day". He announced that he would sing opera next and tried to, but just couldn't hit those high notes. He then talked to a little old white guy next to him and asked him what his job was. The old guy told him he serves beers at a strip club in the area. The black guy said "oh that's no good. I don't like being around naked women I can't touch". He kept asking the old guy if he would buy him beers and the old guy said "of course I would." The black guy turned around and told everyone in the bus "hey it's happy hour now guys, lets get beers. Someone call the fun police and bring em in here. You guys should smile more." This guy was awesome. He asked the bus driver if he had seen The Blues Brothers movie and I think the bus driver said yes. Sensing some hostility in bus he yelled out "okay guys I'm going to be quite now. I'm just a loud talkative guy and I don't want to be irritating, so I will be quite now". He sat down and was quite, for five seconds. He then starts talking about how his wife told him to leave the house and go to work because he talks too much. I truly believe that. I truly believe his wife found a job for him and has to make him leave the house just so that she doesn't have to hear him. He then starts complaining about the automated voice on the bus that reads out the names of the streets. He said he could do a better job and starts naming the streets we pass by. When his stop came up he left the bus and waved goodbye to everyone. That was genuinely the best experience I had that day. I don't know who that mysterious man was, but God Bless Him. Thank you for your service loud black guy, we need more men like you.
The only memorable thing after that happened on the next bus. A portly Asian gentleman was listening to some rap music and dancing along. I couldn't hear the music, but judging by his hand and elbow movements it was clearly rap. It was so hot in the bus that his gut was hanging out of his shirt trying to get fresh air.
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