

Feb 15, 2019
My experience was very similar to yours. Being NEET is awful for your mental health.

Anytime I start to fall back into my old NEET life after a long week end, I can feel my misery go up exponentially.
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Mar 17, 2020
I'm neet for 3 Years, I have tried to study again, but with the medication my brain is not working, I replaced the pills with natural plants so that my brain works again, but thoughts about ctb have returned stronger... I Don't Know Where the solution is, i was not made to Know How to live
Durante los últimos dos años, me convertí en NEET. Estaba harto del mundo y sabía que mis padres no me permitirían convertirme en una persona sin hogar.
Por lo tanto, pasé ese tiempo viviendo con el dinero de mis padres y algunos ahorros que tenía.

Tuve días maravillosos. Quiero decir, simplemente no hacer nada y no dejar mi apartamento se sintió increíble.

Sin embargo, recordé esos días en los que era un chico normal y me dolía. Duele mucho.

Por lo tanto, mis pensamientos suicidas empeoraron mucho y terminé tratando de ctb en agosto pasado.
Entonces, ¡no sabía que fallar era sinónimo de ir al infierno! Había perdido toda mi libertad y me vi obligado a ir a una sala de psiquiatría o vivir con mis padres durante algunos meses (al menos).

Pasó medio año y finalmente estaba libre, pero esta vez, decidí ser un 50% NEET. Trabajaría y estudiaría, pero no saldría con chicas ni tendría amigos. Además, trataría de vivir con la mayor normalidad posible.

¡Y bueno, aquí estoy! Tengo días fantásticos o terribles debido a mi trastorno bipolar, pero no quiero volver a la "zona NEET" nunca más. Mis padres están envejeciendo y me necesitarán. No puedo quitarles más dinero. Es vergonzoso.

Entonces, mis planes son bastante simples: ¡intentar vivir hasta que mis padres dejen este mundo y luego salir de esta simulación!

¿Alguien puede relacionarse? ¿Alguna experiencia NEET? ¿Has dejado de serlo o no pudiste?
I have also about staying alive only to take Care of my parents when they need me
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Dec 15, 2020
Being NEET is awful for your mental health.
Very true. It's easy to get into a vicious cycle where you're both too unwell to enjoy much and too unwell to do much about it.
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It is always darkest before the dawn
Mar 26, 2021
we dont need no thought control!
I was just chiming in to thank you for making me laugh here at the site where funny people end up too. I mean who throws out a perfectly good funny person? Only the diehard would.
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Mar 22, 2020
Very true. It's easy to get into a vicious cycle where you're both too unwell to enjoy much and too unwell to do much about it.

I felt SO like this when I was a 100% NEET.
Being a 50% NEET/shut-in is quite cool, though lol.


Dec 20, 2020
how did you get out of being a NEET? what did you go and do?
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Mar 3, 2021
I became a NEET after uni without realising it. Uni was a disaster because I had not dealt with the issues I had in adolescence and I was not resdy for uni. The issues got worse and worse. The worst thing is that I missed amazing opportunities, and the chance to be where I would've been happy. I wanted it but I didn't go there for complex reasons, but at the end of the day its because I wasn't man enough and didn't seize my chance for happiness and success. Every moment of everyday I look back at that time with the utmost sadness, because I couldve had such a beautiful life and by now I would've been at the top of the world, the envy of all.

My whole life till recently has been like grasping through the fog of delusion, ignorance, withdrawal, fear and the repression of trauma (which is very bad). Reality turned out to be completely topsy turvy, the complete opposite of the lies we are fed in childhood. I was given every opportunity for happiness and success and completely botched it. Modern life really is too complicated for our hunter gatherer brains.
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Nov 21, 2019
I think I became a NEET too, living with parents now. I still have university but I'm losing hope in making anything good and worthwhile out of it because of my mental state. Someone else should be in my place there.
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Mar 22, 2020
how did you get out of being a NEET? what did you go and do?

Well, things were getting worse and worse as every day went by. I felt such a loser when I compared myself to others.
I knew if I continued like that I would end up in a psych ward because I was just "draining" my parents' money and they're both retired. How could I be that mean to them?
NEETs tend not to make a living on their own so getting money was gonna be quite difficult.

Thus, I said to myself: "Okay, man. You can't ctb for now so, what about being a 50% NEET? You know, just work a few hours and try to spend more time outside."

And that's what I did.
I started teaching again, only for 4 hours a week, then 6, then 10, and now I'm working every day at least for 6 hours. (a few days ago I worked for 10 and I still can't believe I managed to do that).

I went from baby steps to giant strides and I think that's the key to stop being a NEET, at least at a 100%.

EDIT: I almost forgot about the fact that I was so depressed because of being a NEET that that was when I tried to ctb and ended up in a coma, 1 month in hospital and 5 months in prison (my parents' house). I don't want to go back to that hell never ever again.
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Mar 3, 2021
Well, things were getting worse and worse as every day went by. I felt such a loser when I compared myself to others.
I knew if I continued like that I would end up in a psych ward because I was just "draining" my parents' money and they're both retired. How could I be that mean to them?
NEETs tend not to make a living on their own so getting money was gonna be quite difficult.

Thus, I said to myself: "Okay, man. You can't ctb for now so, what about being a 50% NEET? You know, just work a few hours and try to spend more time outside."

And that's what I did.
I started teaching again, only for 4 hours a week, then 6, then 10, and now I'm working every day at least for 6 hours. (a few days ago I worked for 10 and I still can't believe I managed to do that).

I went from baby steps to giant strides and I think that's the key to stop being a NEET, at least at a 100%.
Did you already know English or did you learn it with the goal of translating and teaching?
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Mar 22, 2020
Did you already know English or did you learn it with the goal of translating and teaching?

I learnt English a long time ago. I started when I was 18 and let's say I studied for 10 years in a row. (courses, college, postgrades)
I wanted to be a professional translator too but never got that degree. Still, I've translated some stuff and now I'm studying japanese.

However, in spite of knowing English and being a teacher, my bipolar disorder and depression managed to kick my ass and I ended up becoming a NEET for two years and tried to ctb last year.
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Dec 20, 2020

thats great you managed to pull yourself out of hole like that. kudos to you. unfortunately i dont have any professional qualifications to fall back on and i resent working entry level jobs so im screwed haha
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Mar 3, 2021
I learnt English a long time ago. I started when I was 18 and let's say I studied for 10 years in a row. (courses, college, postgrades)
I wanted to be a professional translator too but never got that degree. Still, I've translated some stuff and now I'm studying japanese.

However, in spite of knowing English and being a teacher, my bipolar disorder and depression managed to kick my ass and I ended up becoming a NEET for two years and trying to ctb last year.
That's good that you had skills.

I always wanted to get a degree that would get me a job. Like a vocational degree. But for some fucking reason it didn't happen and I ended up with a completely useless degree with a shit grade. I fucked up in every possible way for myself.

I often wonder if I was cursed by one malicious relative who gave me a piece of paper with religious voodoo stuff written on it...
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Nov 27, 2019
I've been slipping in and out of being a NEET for years. Quitting, starting again, quitting again, etc. I'm trying to do uni part-time now, but I'm barely managing.
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Mar 22, 2020

thats great you managed to pull yourself out of hole like that. kudos to you. unfortunately i dont have any professional qualifications to fall back on and i resent working entry level jobs so im screwed haha

You might not have any professional qualifications but you're still on time to get them!
There's no need to have a degree. I have a friend who makes a lot of money and is a "graphic designer". (He only attended a 4-months Photoshop course haha)

You just gotta find something you like.


Oh I've fucked it up many times too. I'll just tell you what I just said to @popcorn , you're still on time to get a degree (if that's really what you want) or you could learn some stuff by attending/following/watching some (online) courses, even on YouTube!
I have another friend who started watching programming YouTube videos and is now earning more money than me by programming on Java haha.
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Dec 20, 2020
@WornOutLife id like to do something in medicine but i struggle to apply myself to anything, i always become disillusioned and quit then try something new. gets exhausting after a while
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Mar 3, 2021
You might not have any professional qualifications but you're still on time to get them!
There's no need to have a degree. I have a friend who makes a lot of money and is a "graphic designer". (He only attended a 4-months Photoshop course haha)

You just gotta find something you like.


Oh I've fucked it up many times too. I'll just tell you what I just said to @popcorn , you're still on time to get a degree (if that's really what you want) or you could learn some stuff with courses, even on YouTube!
I have another friend who started watching programming YouTube videos and is now earning more money than me programming on Java haha.
Yes that's true. Its never too late and people do start new things. Unfortunately I missed the deadline for many programmes this year as I was at my lowest point, and the problem is my CV is complete shit and i don't know how to salvage it. I would have to lie considerably. Its also extremely competitive where I live especially with the covid recession. But one needs to try.
You might not have any professional qualifications but you're still on time to get them!
There's no need to have a degree. I have a friend who makes a lot of money and is a "graphic designer". (He only attended a 4-months Photoshop course haha)

You just gotta find something you like.


Oh I've fucked it up many times too. I'll just tell you what I just said to @popcorn , you're still on time to get a degree (if that's really what you want) or you could learn some stuff by attending/following/watching some (online) courses, even on YouTube!
I have another friend who started watching programming YouTube videos and is now earning more money than me by programming on Java haha.
You might not have any professional qualifications but you're still on time to get them!
There's no need to have a degree. I have a friend who makes a lot of money and is a "graphic designer". (He only attended a 4-months Photoshop course haha)

You just gotta find something you like.


Oh I've fucked it up many times too. I'll just tell you what I just said to @popcorn , you're still on time to get a degree (if that's really what you want) or you could learn some stuff by attending/following/watching some (online) courses, even on YouTube!
I have another friend who started watching programming YouTube videos and is now earning more money than me by programming on Java haha.
Also because cost of living is so high where I live it would take years hi to be able to get qualified then have the freedom to move out and live in not a shithole. That's the shitty reality nowadays.
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Mar 17, 2020
Es bueno que tuvieras habilidades.

Siempre quise obtener un título que me consiguiera un trabajo. Como un título vocacional. Pero por alguna maldita razón no sucedió y terminé con un título completamente inútil con una calificación de mierda. La cagué de todas las formas posibles para mí.

A menudo me pregunto si fui maldecido por un pariente malicioso que me dio un trozo de papel con material religioso vudú escrito en él ...
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Mar 22, 2020
Also because cost of living is so high where I live it would take years hi to be able to get qualified then have the freedom to move out and live in not a shithole. That's the shitty reality nowadays.

The cost of living is certainly a problem.
I'm working much more than before but I can barely cover all my food and apartment expenses! Damn inflation!
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Dec 1, 2020
I will die as a neet never had a job in my life and if i work it will be to buy a rope or gun
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Oct 11, 2019
I've been NEET since I was 20.. had a few jobs which didn't last ong because I'm so mentally weak. I'm 36 this month, how pathetic is that.
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Mar 17, 2020
More Than 10 Years working, I Am neet for 3 years, I am 33 years old, in may 34, and nobody wants employ me.. They think I am old to face the public. All My experience is a shit for them
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Mar 22, 2020
More Than 10 Years working, I Am neet for 3 years, I am 33 years old, in may 34, and nobody wants employ me.. They think I am old to face the public. All My experience is a shit for them

I'm 33 too!
Companies really suck. Try to get some freelance job. They can go to hell.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I've been thinking that I'm too old to be a proper NEET, and I've decided that I'm a FEET. "Failed at education, employment, or training." Maybe I could be a D-FEET, "disabled and failed at education, employment, and training." I actually have a reasonably solid education and work history, it just kind of unspooled 10 years ago when my mental and physical health started to slide.

Actually, I'm mostly joking for the sake of making stupid acronyms. I don't actually berate myself for being where I am. Maybe I didn't always make the exact perfect decision at the exact perfect time, but who does? I've tried and tried and tried to make something out of this screwy life, and now I'm just sick of it. Not because I don't own a big house and have a perfect family with 1.8 children or whatever "average" is now. I'm sick of it because treatment-resistant depression has stolen my ability to feel pleasure in anything. Even if I did have a picture-perfect life, I would still want to ctb because I am incapable of enjoying anything at all. It does suck to have no money and to be dependent on my family at age 48, I'm not going to lie. But I could win a million dollars tomorrow and I would still hate life, because somehow my body no makey the happy hormones. (Probably more complicated than that medically, but the end effect is the same.)

If I were to ctb today, it would be with sadness that my life has come to this, but it would be without major regrets. I gave it the old college try, you know?

I feel bad for those of you who feel worthless because you haven't achieved what someone, sounds mostly like capitalism, told you that you "should" have achieved by now. There are folks saying, "I had every advantage in life, apart from my severe mental illness and childhood trauma." Dude ... those are things that have wrecked some of the world's most brilliant people. Vincent Van Gogh ctb. Virginia Woolf ctb. Sylvia Plath ctb. Ernest Hemingway ctb. Those are just some names off the top of my head.

I'm not trying to talk you out of your hard-earned despair. It's not for me to say when you've had enough and are "allowed" to quit. I'm just saying that you shouldn't hate yourself just for not ticking off all the little "success" boxes that your mom or your high school guidance counselor or some vague idea of "everybody" told you that you should have done by now.

I can't say I'm not disappointed by my life, but I'm not mad at myself over it. I figure that I did about as well as possible, considering the hand I was dealt. I imagine that's true for most of you as well.
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Mar 17, 2020
I've been thinking that I'm too old to be a proper NEET, and I've decided that I'm a FEET. "Failed at education, employment, or training." Maybe I could be a D-FEET, "disabled and failed at education, employment, and training." I actually have a reasonably solid education and work history, it just kind of unspooled 10 years ago when my mental and physical health started to slide.

Actually, I'm mostly joking for the sake of making stupid acronyms. I don't actually berate myself for being where I am. Maybe I didn't always make the exact perfect decision at the exact perfect time, but who does? I've tried and tried and tried to make something out of this screwy life, and now I'm just sick of it. Not because I don't own a big house and have a perfect family with 1.8 children or whatever "average" is now. I'm sick of it because treatment-resistant depression has stolen my ability to feel pleasure in anything. Even if I did have a picture-perfect life, I would still want to ctb because I am incapable of enjoying anything at all. It does suck to have no money and to be dependent on my family at age 48, I'm not going to lie. But I could win a million dollars tomorrow and I would still hate life, because somehow my body no makey the happy hormones. (Probably more complicated than that medically, but the end effect is the same.)

Si tuviera que ctb hoy, sería con tristeza que mi vida haya llegado a esto, pero sin mayores arrepentimientos. Lo intenté en la vieja universidad, ¿sabes?

Me siento mal por aquellos de ustedes que se sienten inútiles porque no han logrado lo que alguien, suena principalmente como capitalismo, les dijo que "deberían" haber logrado a estas alturas. Hay personas que dicen: "Tuve todas las ventajas en la vida, aparte de mi enfermedad mental grave y el trauma infantil". Amigo ... esas son cosas que han arruinado a algunas de las personas más brillantes del mundo. Vincent Van Gogh ctb. Virginia Woolf ctb. Sylvia Plath ctb. Ernest Hemingway ctb. Esos son solo algunos nombres que se me vienen a la cabeza.

No estoy tratando de convencerte para que salgas de tu desesperación ganada con tanto esfuerzo. No me corresponde a mí decir cuándo ha tenido suficiente y se le "permite" dejar de fumar. Solo digo que no debes odiarte a ti mismo solo por no marcar todas las casillas de "éxito" que tu madre o tu consejero escolar de la escuela secundaria o alguna idea vaga de "todos" te dijeron que ya debías haber hecho. .

No puedo decir que no estoy decepcionado con mi vida, pero no estoy enojado conmigo mismo por eso. Me imagino que lo hice lo mejor posible, considerando la mano que me repartieron. Me imagino que eso también es cierto para la mayoría de ustedes.
The best i have read here
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Mar 22, 2020
I feel bad for those of you who feel worthless because you haven't achieved what someone, sounds mostly like capitalism, told you that you "should" have achieved by now.

I totally agree.
The system tells you that you'll be a loser if you neither have a degree nor work 9-5 at least 5 days a week.

I really hate it, that's why I became my own boss. I'm not rich but no one tells me what to do.
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Nov 27, 2019
I have to drop out of uni for this year to go to the psych ward for treatment. Back to being a NEET again :nomouth:
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les malheurs de lizzie
Mar 27, 2020
I've been a NEET for a few months because I was burnt out. Will ctb.
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Mar 22, 2020
I've been a NEET for a few months because I was burnt out. Will ctb.

Sorry to hear this.
It seems becoming a NEET is like the previous step to ctb.
I tried to ctb when I was a extreme NEET. I didn't even want to take out my trash!
I can't believe I'm still here!
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I died long before i met you.
Apr 16, 2021
this is my third year being one, after high school i didn't get anything, nor did i try to go to college thinking it was going to kill me, but i failed even that, i hope i can really get ctb in the next few days and end it all this, finally free.

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