On my way out. Yayyyyy
- Apr 21, 2023
- 709
- The Sn is fine. It'll be fine upto 3 years as long as it's sealed properly.
- 100mg is too less to kill you even with your weight being that low. 25g is the usual dose for anyone below 100kg but since your weight is so low 15g should be enough. There was a weight to an chart on this thread somewhere back but I can't find it.
- You only need 1 of them. Domperidone or meto. Since meto is giving you alergic reaction than don't take that. Domperidone is enough.
- I haven't read anywhere about taking amytriptilene so I cant recommend it at all.
- paracetamol is recommended. 1,000mg of it an hour before you take sn.
- Bupropion / Naltrexone either dont seem to be needed either.
This is what I have read and what I will be doing myself.
1 hour before Sn - 1,000 mg paracetamol
35-40 mins before - Domperidone.
0:00 - SN.
Thats It.
P.S. - you can read this for more info - https://sanctioned-suicide.net/thre...-method-comprehensive-guide-sn-method.121672/
Thank you. I meant 100g but my brain is in a flat spin. I was thinking the Amy will make me sleep and then there is no chance it'll not work. I am bulimic and cope with acid reflux during the night. It doesn't wake me up. But like the person said, it's not certain if one will cancel the other. I'll still take 25mg. It has to work.