Thoughts? Is antiacid really needed? I think Niestze guy is a psycho that enjoys this and has no regard for others so I'm inclined to believe this post.
range of 20-25g
Post from 8ch:
PN wants to amuse his audience. IMO, stick with 15-20g. It's near impossible to find the absolute best amount of SN for every person. SN is reversible with no permanent injuries if antidote be given soon. PN should finish his guesswork, man up, and test it on himself in a controlled environment like a clinic.
In a nutshell, SN method is like exercising hard, becoming lethargic, and losing consciousness. Playing with the dose changes the timing of each part.
The reason some people take antiemetic regimen is the fear of having metoclopramide EPS side effect, which is extremely rare with 30mg PO. I don't know who has suffered from Tagamet or Zantec side effects that PN suggests antacid regimen. Nevertheless, he shouldn't even suggest antacid for SN method in the first place. Nitschke has learned that PPIs must be avoided. He made up a new thing, antacid regimen, to continue selling PPeH.
No, that one is cherry-picked. It's somewhat true, but death usually occurs after 2–3 hours; for example, death occurred after 2 hours for one case, based on