CAS #7647-01-0 is definitely hydrochloric acid. Whoever sold you that has a very sick mind.
I'm glad I found that out. It's one of the first sources that comes up in an internet search (in the US) and is sold through the largest grocery chain in the world, which starts with a W.
Is it possibly an error on the packaging, because everything else on the bottle says Food Grade / FCC Molecular Formula: NaNO2. This seller would have no way of knowing what I intend to use it for, so why would the seller sell me hydrochloric acid?
Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not going to mess with it... I'm just trying to figure out if I should warn people.
I just contacted the seller about the discrepancy on the bottle and I'm waiting to hear back. I noticed on their direct website that it shows the CAS #7647-01-0 on the Sodium Nitrite bottle as well.
I was still planning on doing a blood test on them, which i realize isn't a full proof way to test the SN, but I figured perhaps it would give me an approximation.